
Wondering Wanderer

"Oh, you probably wouldn't know. Let's see...I'll start from the stories told around here. Every now and then, our world is visited by special individuals that we call Wanderer's. They travel from different places and usually bring some sort of change with them. We've had a wanderer that became a Tyrant, one that became known as the Saint. The spectrum is wide, we don't have documentations of all the people but I think you get the idea," Graves said while giving a serious look to Feng.

"So... I'm considered a Wanderer? Is there a way to...wander back?" Feng asked.

"I'm not sure, you'll have to go to the church and find the Saint to know more, but that would be hard since she's the leader of the whole church, I can't imagine it being easy to meet-up..." Graves spoke lightly.

As Feng was processing the new information, he saw Cornelia walking out with 2 plates that was still steaming.

"Here you go! House specialty!" Cornelia said while putting down the plates on the table and putting down the silverware.

"Thank you so much!" Feng responded as he looked at his dish. A piece of meat that looked like a steak with vegetables on the side.

"Thanks hun, you know how to get the appetite going!" Graves laughed as he grabbed a fork and a knife and started cutting into his food.

"So, you don't seem to be from around these parts. Where are ya from kiddo?" Cornelia asked while pulling a chair out for herself.

"He's a Wanderer it seems, just arrived from the sounds of it," Graves said while stuffing food into his mouth.

"Yeah...I'm not really sure what that means, but I'm from a place called Earth. I lived in a small town called Woodchip... Not really sure how I ended up here," Feng slowly said as he started cutting his food too.

"Well, you should go ask Sarin if she might have any hints for you, she's dealt with a few Wanderer's in her time as an adventurer," Cornelia responded while looking around the inn.

"Oh yeah! Sarin would have some information for you, she might even know if there's a way to get you home!" Graves chimed in.

"Who's Sarin?" Feng asked curiously.

"She's our town's healer technically, but she also helps with the town safety and defense during times of emergency, I think she actually left town today to go to the capital to pick up some supplies," Cornelia said uncertain.

"Is this Sarin person about average height, pony tail and has 2 kids?" Feng asked thinking back to his encounter with the scary lady he had run into before coming to town.

"Oh you've met her already?" Cornelia asked surprised.

"No, I ran into her before coming to the town, she was ready to attack me when I was outside looking at the Land Dragon's," Feng laughed slightly nervous.

Graves and Cornelia looked at each other and smiled.

"She's a little intense, see a few months ago we had a few people who told us they were travelers come into the town. They kidnapped a few of the townspeople and tried to sneak out, but Sarin caught them with her husband. The kidnapper's ended up injuring her husband and hes been laying in bed since. So she's a little on edge with new people," Graves said while putting the last piece of meat in his mouth.

"Don't think too bad of her, she's really nice to all the villagers, she's just worried something like that can happen again..." Cornelia added while nodding her head.

"Room is all ready for our special guest! Last one on the left when you go upstairs" Suddenly Milea said while walking towards the table they were eating at.

"Thank's Milea, Feng, get some rest tonight. You seem to have had a long day since you woke up in the forest. We'll talk more tomorrow!" Graves suggested while getting up and grabbing his dishes.

"Ah, that would be wonderful. Thank you so much for your hospitality. I really appreciate it," Feng said while smiling.

Graves walked back towards the kitchen with his dishes while Milea went back over to the front door readying to receive the next customer that walked through.

"If you need anything we have someone running the counter throughout the night too. You can ask whoever is there to come grab us. Hopefully Sarin will be back tomorrow and maybe you'll get some answers!" Cornelia smilingly said as she got up too. "Don't worry about the dishes, we'll grab them after you go upstairs, take your time," She said as she walked away towards the counter.

Feng nodded and continued eating his food. He went over all the new information in his head as he ate. 'So I'm in another world... wonder if I can get home... what do I do if I can't...?'

As Feng finished his food he put his utensil's down and got up while looking around. 'This place might not be all bad... I hope the family isn't freaking out too much..."

Feng reached into his pocket and read the note from Renee again

'Have fun and good luck on your adventure, take the sword and go. I think you'll like it' -Renee

'Did she send me here? Why?' Feng pondered as he headed towards the stairs.

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