
The flying truck

'Well… that was not expected. I died rather easily to a truck. Then again, what human can survive a truck that wants you to die? I should introduce myself, should I? My name is Callahan, Cal for shorts. Yeah I know, pretty weird name for a girl. I was a Cyberpunk addict. I was playing Cyberpunk: 2077 before when the anime, Edgerunner, came out. It was filled with hella lots of bugs but for me, it was still fun. When the anime did come, I killed Adam Smasher around 50 times with 50 different weapons. I spent so much time on it that I went through the game and ended it with all the endings with both genders. Yeah, I know right, I spent too much time on this. Anyways, on my main acc, I was done with all gigs and side quests as a female. I had everything in that acc, including a shit load of eddies. My life was good until a flying fucking truck came through my windows and then killed me with a splash. I guess that's my life'

"AHHH!" A person suddenly swinged up from her bed, "What the hell is this? I thought I died"

She looked around as she stood up. Looking outside the window at a billboard, she gasped "I know those fucking ads." She wandered around and conclude.

"I'm in V's first apartment. Wait…I'm a hot woman?" She walked to a mirror and looked at herself. "She looks just like my main acc."

V's eyes glowed red mixed with blue. "Haha, fuck. I still have all of my money" A display was shown to V. $999,999,999 eddies.

"Inventory." Another display showed up and it was just like the game's menu. A date was shown at the top of the screen. 2076/2/14. "This is just great. I can't believe this. It's like god put me in the perfect place at the perfect time."

V then puts on a jacket then leaves, 'What should I do now? I could go to the Edgerunners and join them, but I prefer to work alone though… I would still love to meet some of them. First, I need to test everything out including my sandevistan. The one I used back in the game was the QianT Sandevistan Mk.4. It was busted with 3 legendary Heatsink mods to bring the CD (cooldown) to 3 seconds and with another perk of reducing cyberware CDs down to a lowly 2 seconds. However, I'm not sure how it works here.'

'I was using the Monowire cuz of Lucy and it was actually pretty good.' V pulled out her phone and then called a ride in. Going to a remote area where no one can spot her doing some crazy shit.

A few moments later V was in a desert where no one can see her... hopefully. Pulling out a wire on her forearm, she swings it around and it cut everything in its way. Then the Sandevistan. Then all the weapons. Then all the------

A few days later…

'Now my question. What should I do now? Should become Johnny 2.0 and go bomb the Arasaka tower? Should I go help David and his crew? Should I pick up the Silverhand engram and put it into a body that I probably can build? Meh, let's go visit David first.' After finding out that there was a highway accident with the Animal gang gunfight, V decided to pay a visit to the Arasaka Academy.

"Stop right there! (You have violated the law!)" A guard said, "Your not a student from here."

V stopped and then disappeared. "What! "The guard examined "I should get my cyberware checked"

She was walking down the hall, whistling and peeking in every single direction to try and find David. Some of the teachers and students were passing by with blushing faces. V or more specifically Cal, did not know how to react to this as she has never experienced this before as a female because she rarely went outside.

After turning a corner, some more Arasaka guards are waiting for her.

"Oh my, all this for me?" V pulled down the monowire and as soon as the guards saw that, they scratched the idea of trying to talk to her and pulled the trigger. Not even 1 second later 10 bodies dropped to the ground. V continues to walk while trying to find David. Of course, the security was panicking.

While all this was happening David conflicted with Katsuo Tanaka. David just used his Sandevistan to punch the fuck out of Katsuo. V just walked past David's class. Then she walked back and saw David without his shirt. She kicked the door down, FBI style, then declare "David Martinez, your coming with me."

As soon as V said that, the alarms went off with someone on the speaker, "Attention the school has been infiltrated, I repeat the school has been infiltrated! This is not a drill! The infiltrator is a woman in her 20s with blue hair and white and gold clothes."

David looked at her "Sorry choom but I'm not coming with you." He suddenly appeared behind her in a chokehold. "But Arasaka probably has already put a bounty on your head and I bet it's worth a lot. Sorry but I need this money."

"My my. Your pretty good with a Sandevistan" V acknowledged, "However you underestimate me"

She grabbed David's arm that was around her neck, then used her leg to sweep David's leg and brought his whole body into the air.

"Ehe?" David murmured as he is flying through the air. His body hit the ground with an impact that you would not want to feel. "OOF"

David struggled to breathe while V is just sanding there. She bent down and patted his head, "There there kid. I got an offer for ya. I will give you a good job that makes good money. Nod if you agree."

Although David struggled for a bit, he still nodded. V smirked the picked him up after he caught his breath. "Time to go kid."

She walked out and saw dozens of NCPD cars and officers waiting for her. Two wires came out then everything was over in a split second, everything was cut in half like a hot knife on melted butter…

David and V were in a Rayfield Caliburn. David was stiff, not moving, and barely breathing. V on the other hand, relaxed while driving the car. No NCPD car was chasing them and they were off scot-free.

"So where are we going?" asked David.

V did not reply, instead, she said "We're here kid."

"Now your first job from me is to help me build an operating base here. I'll provide the eddies for you to work with. Now out." V open the door and boot-kicked David out of the car. Her eyes glowed blue and money was transferred. "50 million eddies to start with. You can use it to get some chrome, food, or some iron. (Iron=guns)"

"Wha-" David was so surprised at this moment.

"Have fun kid." V drove off and left David in the desert with nothing but 50 million eddies.

"What in the fuck did I get myself into?"

After a few hours of walking, David hired some people to build the base. Then he went to get cyberwares. After that, he went to the train to ride home for the day. Unknowing to him, V was also on that train, waiting for a certain special female character to show up.


So I have played the game already and watched the anime and I love it. Wanted to make this for a while now. I am very new to story writing and if you want to suggest something or correct something I did wrong, comment in the paragraph. The updated schedule will be fucked cuz why not.

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