
Waking up.

Coming out of my state of unconsciousness for what seems like the hundredth time, I noticed that I'm tied up in a field of strawberries and thorns. After admiring the beauty of the fields I was trapped in, I realized my situation. "Hello!?!? Anybody there?!?!" Although my screams were loud, it seems that they fell on deaf ears as nobody was nearby.

Sighing at my situation, I decided to check out my system and its functions.










As I scrolled through the options of my system, I decided to check my status.



NAME: Brandon Guille

HP: 100

STR: 5

DEX: 3

END: 7

CH: 1

INT: 10


Chuckling at my charisma (0 rizz), obviously stemming from my past life, I started to wonder what I looked like in this world, my body was obviously different, and I actually had hair. Putting these thoughts aside, I decided to check my quests tab.



Main Objective: Get out of this situation! You don't want to kick the bucket too early, you just got here!

Rewards: 100 EXP, 1 random rare cyberware


Soon after mentally exiting my status, I noticed a small tab at the bottom. It was a starter pack! 'Of course, a system staple, why wouldn't I have a starter pack??' Mentally opening my starter pack, sort of like an alpha pack from Rainbow Six Siege. I saw two green cards, and one blue! Feeling excited, slowly both of the green cards turned over.

[ + 2 Consumables: Maxdoc MK.1]

I whistled as I read the description of the consumables I had just got.

[Inhaler item that instantly restores 40% HP, usable once every 45 seconds.]

After I had finished processing the information of my first two items, I flipped over the last card.

[ +1 Cyberware: Reinforced Tendons] |EQUIP|

Almost yelling in excitement at getting my first and arguably one of the most useful pieces of Cyberware, I also checked its description.

|+ 20 DEX| [Reinforced Tendons reinforce the tendons in the legs to increase agility, and even allow you to jump in the air twice]

Without even a second after processing what I had just got, I hit equip, subsequently feeling an uncomfortable, but not unbearable feelings in my legs.

After the weird feelings in my leg subsided, I looked down to check on them, noticing the increase of muscle definition, and the metal peeking out of my knees. Basically, I looked awesome! 'Holy moly, that's so cool!'

After finishing examining my legs, I decided to check out the dungeon tab.



[Level One Dungeon: Stops time in the outside world, and teleports you into a pocket dimension, you are only allowed to leave when you finish the dungeon.]

[LEVEL 15+]

[LEVEL 50+]

[LEVEL 75+]


Seeing the level one dungeon, I was tempted to instantly select it and check it out, I mean, how hard could it be? Reading that it would stop time here, leaving no trace of me leaving, I decided this was my first chance to get stronger, and I wouldn't waste this opportunity. This was the first decision that would make me different from I was in my past life.

Gulping all of my worries down and resolving myself, I entered the dungeon. As my world faded to black, I wondered what challenge I would have to face.

Soon after my vision started to return as I noticed I was in a long narrow hospital with flashing red lights. Then, my system panel appeared in front of me.




Main Objective: Make it to the end of the hospital corridors while being chased by numerous entities! If you look back, they get faster!

Rewards: 1x Consumable pack, 1x random epic Cyberware. + 500 EXP


"Eh?" soon after processing this information, I heard blood curdling screams coming from behind me. After hearing that, I couldn't help but turn back only to see multiple demonic smiles, and lanky demonic limbs bolting at me at full speed!

'WHAT THE FUCK?' Feeling adrenaline boost my body, I turned back around, and full sprinted away from the creatures chasing me. As I ran, I could hear the heavy footsteps behind me.

Struggling not to look back, I noticed as the doors to my sides started to open and things that ranged from hospital beds to dressers and cupboards began to fling out from them, trying to trip me up and stop me. Narrowly dodging these items, I noticed that the corridor seemed to never end!

I refused to give up running as my life was on the line, but anxiety filled my body knowing these corridors could never end. I was sure that my endurance would never outlast these monsters as I kept dodging and ducking the obstacles that came into my way.

Over 15 minutes later, I finally saw the exit, but it seemed that the monsters noticed it to, and started to scream as I heard their pace quickening! Using my boosted tendons, I pushed a final burst of strength as a monster appeared in front of me!

Using quick thinking I leaped up to the ceiling and pushed my legs against it. Using my last bit of strength, I used gravity to my advantage to push off against the ceiling, past the monster, and burst through the exit!

Once again, my vision turned to black, but as I regained my vision, a system panel appeared in front of me.






Sighing in exhaustion, I soon fell back asleep in my restraints, prepared to face whatever comes next.

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