
Chapter 80

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Tang Yu drew a tarot card from the deck, with Misty's spiritual voice gently ringing in his ears, guiding his consciousness energy to gradually focus.

"Think carefully about the events that have recently occurred to you and your journey into the future."

"Slowly, you'll experience a sensation of lightness and a faint intoxication."

"Like stepping onto a small boat and arriving in an ocean of the night, as if you're visiting this world for the first time."

"The first card you draw will symbolize your current situation and state of mind, as well as the small boat you're riding."

"You stand on the boat, gazing at the boundless sea, trying to understand where you are. Once you've chosen the card, please place it in the center of the cross; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

"Very good."

"Now, continue to follow your feelings. Row the boat into the sea of memories, recalling the unforgettable moments."

"Each precious memory is like a star, shining upon the night sea."

"Amidst the splendor of the stars, you try to pluck one, and thus, you draw the second tarot card and place it on the left of the cross."

"Well done, you've successfully found your past."

"Now, open your heart, lift your head to gaze at the starry sky, and feel the presence of this world."

"In your mind, what shape does the starry sky form? Is it a constellation of stars shaping an elephant, or perhaps an airship?"

"This depends on your perspective. Don't answer me; answer yourself, and draw the third card, placing it at the top of the cross."

"You've done very well. Please continue to heed the touch of your heart."

"You slowly realize that the starry sky is so close yet so distant. You reach out to touch the sea of stars, only to find that each star, like a dancing spirit, gleams brightly at your feet."

"You have an epiphany; the stars in the sea are also shining. You squat down, staring at the azure sea reflecting the sky full of stars, and dip your hand into the cool water, scooping up one star, then draw the fourth card, placing it at the bottom of the cross."

"A good man will always find his way home, and the ship looks to return to the harbor."

"The boat will drift with the ripples. Do not resist, let it take you in a new direction, where you are neither fearful nor afraid."

"Courage and wisdom, kindness and friendship, happiness and joy, will all transform into love, surrounding you. Go forth, brave young man, embark on this new voyage of life, and draw the fifth card, placing it on the right of the cross."

"Now, Tang Yu, open your spiritual eyes and explore the secrets of your own abode."

Almost fully immersed in Misty's soothing voice, Tang Yu gradually entered a wonderful experience of the ocean and the boat.

Then, he completed this significant divination.

Tang Yu let out a slight sigh of relief, looking at the five tarot cards arranged in the cross formation on the table, already eager to proceed.

Misty still maintained a mysterious smile, her fingertips lightly resting on the tarot card at the left of the cross.

"Let's start with this one; it symbolizes your past."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, personally flipping over the first card of the 'past.'

Seeing the card, Misty paused for a moment, a trace of puzzlement in her gaze.

"This is the upright Emperor card."

"The supreme Emperor of a nation wears a crown, dons a red robe, holds a gem and a scepter, seated upon the throne of iron."

The Emperor?

A hint of surprise flashed in Tang Yu's eyes.

Was this a spiritual divination or a cyber algorithm?

Even without Misty's interpretation, Tang Yu already understood the meaning of the card.

His past self wasn't so different from an emperor. The King of the City, a top-notch hacker with god-tier cyberware and fully stacked attributes, possessing endless connections and wealth.

A true emperor indeed.

After a moment of contemplation, Misty said, "I cannot provide a definite answer regarding your past, for the answer lies within your heart."

"What I'm trying to say is that an emperor stands atop worldly power, symbolizing the utmost force."

"The path of power has reached its peak, often foreshadowing upheaval and destruction..."

Tang Yu almost subconsciously associated this with the Fifth Corporate War they had instigated, a war force that annihilated everything.

Tang Yu then flipped over the Tarot card in the upper position of the cross spread, which represents the sky and control, dominating external factors.

It was a reversed Wheel of Fortune.

Tang Yu inevitably took a deep breath – this reversed Wheel of Fortune, a metaphor for the secrets of his rebirth.

Tumbling down the story, the timeline, everything; the wheel of fate turned back to its initial position.

Misty quietly observed Tang Yu's changing expressions, her serene and profound eyes seemingly possessing the power to gaze directly into one's heart.

"This card suggests that the god of fate has taken notice of you, giving you a chance to change things that you never could before."

"But you will face greater challenges and setbacks than before. The god of fate does not bestow favors lightly, for his other name is the Trickster God."

Tang Yu nodded slightly and turned over the Tarot card at the lower position of the cross.

It was an upright Magician.

Misty gently explained, "The lower position represents inner peace, and the Magician is a very proactive and dynamic card. Numbered one, it represents the creation of wonders from nothingness, a concept of dreams transforming into reality."

Tang Yu muttered, "Sounds good, this card is a good omen, right?"

Misty patiently said, "Divination is neither good nor bad; it's merely a spiritual guide. Everyone is different, and there's no hierarchy."

"The Magician's duty is pivotal, symbolizing the core key; many people and events will undergo new changes under the fantastical magic of the Magician."

Tang Yu: "..."

'Misty, you must be the true prophet.'

Tang Yu turned over the Tarot card in the central position of the cross, symbolizing his current situation.

The Fool in the upright position?

"The Fool is the first card in the Tarot deck, fearlessly moving forward, oblivious to the cliff underfoot. The staff in his hand symbolizes power, and the dog by his side represents primal instinct."

"The Fool is not devoid of wisdom; it suggests that his journey will be a new adventure of breaking free from the past, not influenced by previous experiences."

"All that lies ahead is unknown, the future is filled with infinite possibilities, and hidden dangers, but the Fool always enjoys the journey."

Tang Yu gazed at The Fool card, silent for a long time.

Misty's spiritual divination almost perfectly pinpointed his state of mind.

Becoming a Fool, unaffected by past experiences, unafraid of the unknown future.

Perhaps, since the moment of his rebirth, the burden of thoughts and emotions he carried had been too heavy.


He felt as though something hard in his chest was melting, as if the gloom was being dissolved by sunlight, the gloom chased away by a gentle breeze.

"Thank you, Misty, I feel much better."

Misty maintained her gentle smile, "That's good. I can sense that your spiritual energy has become clearer and purer. I'm glad I could help."

Tang Yu steadied his mind and reached out to turn over the final chapter of the Tarot card in the right position of the cross.

Symbolizing the future.

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