
Cyber Crime

Azer is a cyborg living his life as criminal. One day, he sets on a journey to become "Cyber Emperor", so to fulfill that dream he makes companions as well as enemies around the universe during his journey. The journey to become the greatest criminal in this cyber world has started. The world shall know what a true emperor is.

Mephisto_0712 · Romance
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3 Chs

My Name Is Adam

Azer looked at Calvin and spoke with a smile, "Its fine!"

Calvin nodded with a smile and looked at ceiling.

After a few minutes of silence, Calvin asked, "You want to become a Cyber Emperor, right?"

"You forgot again?" Azer spoke as he also looked at ceiling.

"No, I didn't." Calvin shook his head.

"Then, why are you asking?" Azer asked with a raised eyebrow.

They were still looking at the ceiling.

"Well, do you know how to become Cyber Emperor?" Calvin asked with a bit of hesitation in his tone.

"Nope!" Azer replied instantly, shocking Calvin.

"So fast!" Calvin looked at Azar with his eyes wide open.

Azer chuckled at his reaction for a few seconds before he spoke again, "I know my limits. I know I do not know how to become Cyber Emperor right now and that is my limit."

Calvin continued staring at Azer.

"But this limit is what motivates me." Azer spoke as he looked at Calvin with a faint smile.

"About what?" Calvin asked as he got closer to Azer.

"Woah, dude! I am not interested in men!" Azer spoke as he backed off a bit.

Calvin just sighed at his antics. Calvin knew Azer was teasing him, so he didn't move more or say anything.

Seeing that Calvin was staring at him, waiting for an answer, Azer answered, "It motivates me to overcome my weaknesses and break that limit itself."

"Oh!" Calvin exclaimed.

"To be honest, I know there will be many limits, many obstacles and many enemies stopping me from reaching my dream. Many will tell me that I am only seeing a dream, I am just a kid and blah blah. But I know if I have even one friend on my side or even if I am alone, I will be able to move forward and achieve my dream." Azer spoke as he laid on the bed again.

Calvin looked at Azer for a few seconds before laying on the bed beside him.

"Haahh, why are you so stubborn?" Calvin asked with a sigh.

"Maybe I was born this way and got this from my parents or..." Azer answered.

"Or?" Calvin glanced at Azer and then, looked back at ceiling.

"Or I became like this because of interacting with a certain someone." Azer took a glance at Calvin and spoke.

"Hey! What do you mean by that?" Calvin spoke with an annoyed expression.

"Pfft...HAHAHAHAHAHA~" Azer started laughing.

But his laughs were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking the door violently.


"Hey, get out!" The one, who knocked the door violent making the door tremble, spoke.

"You should run!" Azer spoke as he stood up and pulled Calvin off of the bed.

"You messed with gangsters again?" Calvin asked with a frown.

"Just go!" Azer pushed Calvin opposite to the direction of door.

"Destroy it!"


The sound of assault rifled reached their ears.

"Hey!" Calvin escaped from the door on other side but not before saying, "Come with me!"

"Nah, I will fight!"

Calvin sighed and spoke, "Just be safe!"

Azer gave a thumbs up with a smile.

He turned around and picked up his black hat.

The door after being shot continuously by assault rifle was sent flying by a kick.

Seeing the door flying towards him, Azer just tilted his body to the side, thus dodging the door that after hitting the ground got destroyed.

Ten men came inside the room pointing their guns at Azer. All of the guns were assault rifles made with advanced technology.

"You are Azer, right?" One of the man asked as he pointed his gun at Azer.

"Well, yes I am, you intruders but tell me who are you?" Azer asked as he approached them calmly.

"We are not allowed to reveal that." The same man spoke with an indifferent expression.

"Oh! I see!"

Azer cracked his neck and walked calmly toward the men. A smile on his face. A heavy murderous aura appeared in the room.

They sudden felt their bodies grow cold. Men looked at each other.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Hearing step approaching them, the men looked stiffly back at Azer, who despite being just a 12 year old child, emitted such a heavy murderous aura. They couldn't believe that a 12 year old kid could emit such a pressure.

Their legs wobbled due to pressure. Sweat appeared on their faces. Their clothes became sticky due to sweat.

Azer took a step, making men lose grip of their weapons due to fear. The guns fell down from their hands.

Azer walked towards them calmly. He arrived in front of the man who spoke and smiled.

"Good night!" He spoke and spun a bit before kicking the man on the head. The man flew to the side making other men in the way fall on the ground.

Azer punched another man that was on side and then, kicked another man in the face.

After that, Azer kicked another one, punched another and kicked another. The men who fell on the ground tried to stood up but before they could Azer kicked them again.

Azer's eyes fell on one man's neck and saw that some wires came out of the neck. He saw them and then, something clicked in his mind, "Androids!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

"Initiating self-destruction!"

All ten androids were now about to self-destruct and this made Azer raised his eyebrow. He shrugged his shoulders and went out of the room.

When he was out of the room, he walked a bit and exited the alley.

When he was out of the alley, he stretched his arms and yawned. His hood cal was now on covering his head.











People on the streets saw that a building fell as ten explosions occured on its first floor.

People saw that a boy who was near the explosion was leisurely standing. Before the rubble of the building could spread, Azer spread his left hand in the direction of building and a large red barrier surrounded the people. The barrier was only a one side facing the now fallen building.

He was wearing a black hood with white shirt and black shorts and long black socks with black joggers.

People looked at the boy and moved backward.

They saw a red eye shining like a precious ruby. They knew it was pretty but also dangerous. Some things are good left untouched.

Azer looked at the sky and narrowed his eyes. It was still daytime, so Azer could see clearly that a man was falling from the sky coming towards him.

Azer didn't run. He crouched on the ground and looked at the sky.

People started moving back further as they knew something was coming.

Azer jumped into the sky, destroying the ground under him, making a wide crater.


Azer jumped high into the sky.

When Azer and the man were only few inches away from each other, they punched.

Their fists met each other in the air, producing sound waves.

Azer's red eyes looked into the blue eyes of the man.




All the glasses in ten meters range were destroyed.

It was clear who was winning in this physical battle as Azer was pushed back toward the ground.

Due to the momentum falling from the sky as well as gravitational force in favour of the man, Azer was pushed back to the ground.


An explosion sound was heard as Azer fell into the crater he made when he jumped into the sky, making the crater large and deeper.

Azer spat blood from his mouth. He knew his injures weren't much but they still hurt.

Azer laid on the ground, looking at the man who was slowly coming towards him.

The man had long blonde hair with blue eyes. He also had a black plate attached on his left side of face. His left hand was also covered in metal.

Azer at first glance knew he was a cyborg. Azer tried to get up but he spat out blood instead.

The man landed with his legs on either side of his abdomen.

The man sat on his abdomen and was about to punch him but Azer spoke first, "Fuck, you are heavy!"

A vein popped on the man's forehead. Not only women but man also hate being called fat and Azer had called the man fat indirectly.

This man who considered himself the peak of fitness thought he was slapped on the face indirectly. The anger of the man rose a few levels up.

Azer had spoke a bit loudly, so the crowd heard it, making many people laugh loudly, some let out low chuckles while few held their laughter with very difficulty.




In the crowd, a man with face mask was standing. He shook his head and thought, 'Azer, at least don't act childishly now.'

According to the man and the people Azer had met, this boy called Azer was really weird. One time he would act like a child while another time he would be more mature than many other adults out there.

Even though, he was also polite but when it comes to making someone angry or irritating them, he is second to none.

The man looked at him and shouted, "MY NAME IS ADAM!"

The man, called Adam, was already very angry . He wanted this foolish boy to remember the name of him, who will give him the sweet taste of death. So, he would be afraid of him even after death.

Azer moved his head to the side and clicked his tongue.

"Tch! Tch! Hey! If you want to introduce yourself, do it politely, not shouting like a bitch in heat. I am not deaf, you know!" Azer spoke as he glanced at Adam. There was weird seriousness in his tone.

"What?" Adam was shocked as his mouth hung open.

"Anyway, my name is Azer. A displeasure to meet a bitch like you." Azer spoke with a small smile completely ignoring the red face of Adam, which was due to intense anger.

People outside the crater were now laughing loudly. People earlier that were still chuckling in low voice and those who were suppressing their laughter couldn't control it and laughed without a care in the world.




"YOU SON OF BITCH!" Adam cursed with rage and started punching Azer in the face.





All the crowd was now dead silent. Everyone had their own thoughts but one man in the crowd was shivering with fear. There was cold sweat on his back. He gulped dreadfully.

'That fool really did it now!'

Adam kept punching Azer but after punching for a dozen of times, Adam felt his instincts rang.

He wanted to punch Azer again but his wouldn't move.

Cold sweat appeared on his face. A chill ran down his spine. He looked at his trembling hands and thought, 'Why am I trembling as if I am facing a devil?'

His whole body was trembling with fear.

Adam felt the reaper's scythe on his neck. It felt as if he moved a bit, the reaper would move its scythe, sending him to the Satan.

He didn't want to see Satan right now. He had such a great future ahead of him. He would get rewarded by his master for fulfilling his task and then...then he would be promoted and in this way, the happiest day of his lived will begin.

Adam felt moist on his face. He touched his face with his trembling hands and came to know that it was tears. He was crying due to intense fear.

He never felt this much fear from anything ever before.

Adam looked down at Azer and saw his red ruby eyes looking at him.

Those eyes matched that of a devil. His whole face was painted red due to his own blood. This sight scared Adam even more. Even though, he knew...he knew that the blood was Azer's own but it didn't lessen his fear.

He wanted to move his body but he couldn't. He was too scared. His body got stiff like a stone.

Suddenly, Adam felt intense pain on his chin. Next moment, he saw that he was in air looking at the blue sky.