This Is A very Interesting story of a Young Girl Who Lost Her Family. lubnah had to go through her ups and downs all alone, After losing her family she got into an accident and lost her memory! crazy right ? The question is will lubnah make it or not ? if your sure to not wanna miss this just dive in and check it out to see how it ends up.
As usual i'm sitting on a plastic chair admiring the nature, feeling the cool breeze that has been calming my smooth skin, it feels so gentle and satisfying, so great that my nose was craving for more and more of the sand scented breeze indicating rain is about to fall any moment from now on. I looked at the dark rumbling clouds hoping for it to relief itself and pour out all the water it has been holding right now. with that i diverted my gaze to the healthy green grassess and flowers, they looked so clean and bright due to the wet season.
everthing was just so natural and i like it so much.
I was so lost in thought that i didn't notice my ophanage mom(mrs falmah) standing right by me with my friend (humee)
Did i just metioned the word ophanage? well yes! i recently ended up here after i was taken to the hospital due to an accident i had, but sadly i couldn't remember anything or anyone, why? " i'm sorry to say but you have a memory loss"
The doctor altered with all his faicial features of his face looking down. that explains why i can't remember anything like who am i? where i'm going, or any family member of mine, i only found a clue regarding my name because i was wearing an elegant siver costomised neckless, decorated with some white and translucent stones "lubnah omar" written neatly in a cursive sitting brightly and boldly, this is how i had a hint "aaaaahh my name must be lubnah" i was always in sorrow since the day i regined conscioussness after my accident, who am i? where's my family? were the quesions that kept on hunting me! i'm so desparate to know who i am that i could do anything at any moment.
"Lubee why are you crying " was what brought me back from my reverie.
I slowly dragged my hands that felt as heavy as a rock closer to my face, touching my silk like smooth skin, my cold fingers came in contact with the liquid substances lying calmly over my cheeks.
"was I really crying " my thoughts betraying me unexpectedly came out loud!
I suddenly lifted my head turning to the other angle with my gaze looking so lost and confused it landed on mrs. Falmah
humee quickly came forward standing in front of me she slowly took a hold of my arm urging me to get up.
I did exactly what she meant for me to do! as soon as i landed on my feet
Mrs. Falmah's hand flew over to my shoulders, she gently turned me to her direction while she bent over down a little bit facing and looking directly at my dark beautiful orbs.
"come on lubnah it's can cry if you want to!! it's a way of cleansing your heart from too much problems, that way you won't get depressed cos u lifted your sorrows just now, trust me that'll make you feel so much better okay!
she ended flashing me a bright smile which made me return such a nice gesture back.
"thank you Mrs falmah" I uttered short and clear.
"it's okay my dear, we came to get you I think it might rain any moment from now on"
she added roaming her eyes around the dark angry sky!
I nodded slowly looking down while I swooped humee's hand in mine, together we lead the way as she trailed behind us.
It was around 7:30pm we just concluded our magrib prayer ( A prayer performed at dawn after sun set)
and we were heading to the dining hall with the rest of the girls.
As soon as we entered the dining hall, we all grabed a plate and made a single cue.... it went on slowly and quietly to the point I was next.
so i got my meal with humee taking hers right behind me in order.
We machted together so as to find a comfortable area to sit and enjoy our meal.
"let's sit over there" humee said pointing at an empty table that was close to the walls a bit quiet and dark, seeing the sight made me nod my head in agreement
because I'm this person who doesn't like a noisy environment!! in short I'm an introverted person.
I sat opposite humee and set my plate in front of me ready to devour my meal
The plate in front of me contains jollof rice coated with small pieces of beef and sliced cabbages/onions as side dish.
"Ughm ughm" humee dramatically cleares her throat
"sooo can you now explain what happened earlier ? she demanded staring at me like a ghost while circly moving her hand urging me to explain!
I looked up at her with a (you discuss) me expression written on all over my face
"hey what's with that look ? You know that's not gonna let you of the hook today, you gotta tell me what's wrong"
she snaped at me while banging her fist on the table it surely created a strong sound causing attention which I despise.
Looking around i mentally rolled my eyes and looked her straight in the eyes.
"humeeeeee what do you mean ? what happened ?
Reasing my shoulders up with my hands spread out, giving her an impression of i don't really know what she meant.
She strongly and angrily stated the word "OH MY GOD" lubee don't get me started with you"
she ended Squeezing her eyes in frustration
"Just tell me, why ? were you crying out there in the garden "ALONE"
she made sure to stress the word (alone) with a sirous face
"Arghhh!!! Humee I'm sirous I was just sitting down enjoying my view I didn't even know how I ended up with tears you know"
I stated while throughing a fit!!!
"ohh is that so, I think i get what u mean" she spatted sarcastically eyeing her friend.
Lubnah didn't spare her another glance she just dug on to her meal ignoring her.
lubnahhh !!! Humee yelled "do you sirously expect me to take that as an excuse ?
she asked raising a brow
"humee calm down, just what on earth did you expect me to say after i sirously told u what happened earlier huhn ?
Dropping her spoon on the table she looked up to face humee
Mrs falmah noticed the two having a hard conversation, so she decided to caught them off guard
Walking slowly and majestically towards the girls
"girls what's happening over here" she demanded elegantly while keeping a Stan look
"ohh Mrs falmah it's nothing to worry about we were just about to head back to our room and wait for isha prayer" humee managed to speak.
"are you sure" she said turning her hard gaze to lubnah
"Y Yes ma'am" lubnah said stammering due to the stinging gaze on her
"Alright then" Mrs falmah said while a smile took over her face, she disappeared after giving them one last look.
"feww" humee said wiping her fake sweat
"humee we better get back to our room before Mrs falmah comes back"
Lubee said while picking up her plate she stood up made her way to the serving table.
In an empty basket she kept the dirty plate and made her way to the door, within a minute humee joined her and the girls disappeared from the dining hall.
I opened the door to our room it's a two people per room building.
The room contains our bunk bed opposite the bed your gonna find our lockers to store all the belongings you've got, a silling fan hanging up above our heads, while a small rug spread over in the middle serving as our carpet.
The upper bunk is mine while the one underneath is obviously humee's.
I quickly sat down at the edge of humee's bed sorrows taking over me! even a blind person could tell something is wrong.
Humee came in while shutting the door behind her, she landed her misty eyes on me worriedly
"Are you Alright" she asked frozen on the spot she stood.
I patted a space beside me with my hand gesturing her to sit, without wasting time she came closer and sat beside me quickly turning her gaze and attention to me indirectly telling me to go ahead and speak.
"Humee" I spoke in a small and shaky voice
"Yes my dear what's wrong"
"l....i......i" uttered stammering
"I'm gonna break outta here" I ended afraid of humee's reaction.
With disbelieve humee blinked her dark shining orbs once.......twice.......trice........ and then her eyes widened in shook so did her mouth.
"WHATTTTT!!!! are you crazy! lubnah ?
how can you say that, you can't be sirous right now.
I mean your kidding right?
She exclaimed her gaze holding deeper meanings with hope all over her eyes.
"Hmmm" letting out a sigh I cracked my voice.
"Ughm ughm, humee you know it's been a month since I came here" I finally spoke
"And none of my family was once reported looking for me! so I have to go out there in other to find myself, staying in here is just killing me, please understand me"
she turned to face humee who's eyes were a blood shot her world was crashing right there tears streaming calmly down her cheeks.
"Noh lubnah" she said in between sobs
"You can't do this to me why would you leave me ? you have nowhere to go your only going to suffer please don't,
"I know your just seventeen years old although you lost your memory and can't remember buh your definitely seventeen or eighteen are you really going to risk your life right now? She said while crying"
"Humee I told you this because I trust you, you know me for the past month and you know when I set my mind on doing something I do it no matter what it takes,
so I didn't want to leave you in the dark and end up disappearing without you knowing, that's why i had to tell you"
Long tears started taking a stroll down my cheeks, I felt my heart hardening and turning into stone.
it hurts it really does, leaving the only person I care about since my memory loss hurts a lot, but I got no choice, I've suffocated enough!
Humee looked up at me
"when are you leaving?
"tomorrow morning by 4:00am insha Allah.
"But that is to early and it's to soon"
"Yah that's what I want, to escape without the securities finding out.
"humee I want you to stay strong don't miss me too much and don't worry I'll soon be back for you insha Allah.
And that's how the girls cried them selves to sleep hugging each other not wanting to let go of one another.
they had this relationship that some best friends don't even think of while they were only friends for just one month.
Let's just say they were meant to be friends.
Early in the morning humee woke up to find her self sleeping all alone in her bed without lubnah.
At that moment humee new lubnah is far gone by now
That's when she realized that she's all alone again, a really hard pain hits her so bad that she had to shed tears while crying her heart out.
It hurts her to see her only friend in so many years is now gone, she could vividly remember the first day lubnah was brought to the orphanage.
Flash back........
In the boring home I sat alone under the tree waiting for the dinner bell, just about few minutes it rang... "killilingggg........killilingggg......killilinggg.
I stood up and made my way.
In the dining hall everyone was settled digging into their meal chattering with friends as always,
so many different friends group in here buh I'm all alone in my space, having a bite of my meal.... the bell was rang again turning to the direction of the bell Mrs falmah stood shaking the bell for attention.
"Alright girls I need your attention here" Mrs falmah demanded .
As soon as she spoke the dining hall went silent not even a sound of a clarking spoon was heard.
Beside her stood the beautiful black beauty.............................
"Wow she's pretty I thought to myself OMG ! She's beauti....... Mrs falmah interrupted my thoughts
"You have a new sister girls as from today she's gonna join the family, introduce your self " Mrs falmah ended
"Hello everyone I'm lubnah omar" she uttered with her sweet like honey voice
"Hello you are welcome" in chores everyone answered.
Mrs falmah added saying "and please she's got a bit of a situation she recently lost her memory due to an accident so I would like you guys to refrain from asking her questions okay !!
"Yes ma'am.
I looked straight into the pretty girl shining gaze fortunately our gaze met and I threw her a warm smile in which made her smile back at me!
And that's how lubnah & humaira's story started.
End of flash back.
Humee couldn't follow her friend cause she probably doesn't have any where to go.
She lost her parents since she was young atleats lubnah has hope, buh humee doesn't so the best for her is to stay.