
3,000 Years Ago

3,000 years ago. Before the Holy War:

You were flying to a secret hideout were you and Meliodas meet every day, you hoped he was there. But while you were flying you didn't notice someone following you.

As you were landing you saw your secret lover Meliodas he sparing with trees, he instantly wiped out the whole forest, by the time you landed he noticed you.

"Hey (N/n) I was thinking you weren't gonna make it here," Meliodas said. You laughed "Well it takes time to come here without getting noticed. My sister Elizabeth always had to distract my mom." You said as you both sat down talking, cuddling, and eating.

"So it's true then I suppose." The Supreme Deity said, startling you and Meliodas. She was ready to attack Meliodas when you decided to take the hit for him, sacrificing yourself for him.

The Demon King and The Supreme Deity had placed a curse on Meliodas and yourself that you will be reincarnated whenever you die whether from an attack, disease, or finding out your memories you will always be reincarnated. Forgetting your memories you and Meliodas be cursed lovers until the curse gets broken.

"No (Y/n) why... why would you do that for me?" Meliodas said while crying. "It's because I care for you dummy." You said coughing as blood coming from your mouth. "I- I love you Meliodas." You said touching his hand which was resting on your cheek. Then finally closed your eyes as you passed.

Meliodas laid you down and turned to his father with hatred in his eyes he went to attack him, but the Demon King attacked first, which led Meliodas to pass out. When he woke up he was in the human world and began his new life his new Cursed Life with you in it.
