
Job hunting? Nah, I prefer monster hunting

Kei quickly got up from his seat and grabbed the nearby coat, it was finally time to go out and get a job. The apartment was located in Tokyo, near a commercial zone, so looking for a part-time job, shouldn't be too hard Kei thought.

As Kei walked through the bustling streets of Tokyo, he could not help but smile. After spending millions of years in total darkness, this was like paradise. The noise of the cars and people talking on their phones were symphonies to his ears, the smoke and pollution were like breaths of fresh air, and the graffiti on the walls of buildings were like a Picasso painting.

'This... this is beautiful', thought Kei, 'From now on, I will live the best life possible, free of any worry or fear of death'

As Kei walked into the commercial prefecture, he breathed in before finally solidifying his resolve.

"Sorry, you're too young."

"Are... you sure you can lift this?"

"Kid, you should be in school..."

"No offense, but you look like you would collapse before you could even deliver a single pizza"

Kei was now sitting in the park, drinking a bottle of coke. Kei was only a 16 year old, who had a week left before the second term of school started. Not only that, but his unhealthy body made him a turn off for working as a waiter or a delivery man.

To put it lightly, Kei was very much screwed.

As Kei was musing about his situation in life, he suddenly heard the sound of sobbing. Quickly turning his head, he became curious at the noise.

'Perhaps, its a young woman in distress just like me', thought Kei. As he moved to the sobbing sound, he made it to a clearing.

Instead of seeing a sobbing woman, he saw a young man bawling his eyes out. He had blonde hair, and blue eyes making the young man look very handsome. However, he had dark bags under his eyes indicating stress and despair.

Although, Kei was surprised at the sobbing man, it was the thing behind him that truly surprised him. There was grotesque black monster behind him, it possessed six limbs and multiple eyes on its forehead. The monster quickly looked up from the man, and stared at Kei.

When Kei looked at the monster's eyes, he felt something malicious... something he did not want to see in his entire life. It was something that he had developed during his torture in the void. Death, the eye seemed to showing him nothing but death.

The monster bared its fangs at Kei, who was too scared to move. The sobbing man Tok notice of Kei and looked at him with eyes that seemed to show pity and despair.

"Ple-please, run. I don't wa-want to s-see any more death", the man warned, but Kei was too afraid to move. Suddenly the monster charged at Kei, with an impossible speed.

As Kei stared at his own death come closer and closer, he started to tear up. He didn't want to die, he barely experienced the joys of life. He wanted to live in this world, become rich, and make money. Most of all, he absolutely despised returning to that void, where he had to spend millions of years in complete isolation. It was torture, he never wanted to die and return to that hellhole.

'Do you want power', came a mysterious voice. Kei realized that it wasn't a mysterious voice, it came from his own thoughts.

'Do you wish for power', that thought came again. As Kei was analyzing it, time slowed down to almost a halt. He stared at the monster run at him, in slow motion. No, he did not want to die, to this ugly beast. In fact he did not want to die at all, he wanted to live for as long as possible and to learn everything the world has to offer.

"Yes, I wish for power. I wish for the power to kill this vile beast', Kei thought. Suddenly, his arm began to rapidly shift and distort. Turning into a grayish color with a metallic luster, he was now looking at what seemed to be a cannon. His arm had just been transformed into a cannon.

Time immediately went back to normal, and the monster ran to him at full speed. Kei pointed the arm cannon at the charging monster, before willing something to come out of the cannon.


The cannon blew out a spherical object. The immense recoil from the fire, knocked back Kei. Meanwhile, the cannonball tore a hole right through the monster before destroying a couple of trees that were in the way.

The monster simply fell limp on the ground, dead, before it dissipated into black smoke. Kei's arms immediately transformed back into a normal arm.

After witnessing events, the sobbing man quickly scampered to Kei before crying tears of joy.

"Th-thank you, thank you so much".


In a small restaurant, Kei was busy wolfing down some ramen while the handsome man simply stared at him with a look of surprise, and gratefulness.

"You sure, you don't want some of it. This shit, slaps.", asked Kei, offering the man the half-eaten bowl.

"No, I would never eat from my benefactor", replied the handsome man. They were getting stares from some of the customers. They were watching a fat teenager being fed by a literal model, a strange sight indeed.

After a couple of minutes of slurping some delicious noodles, Kei finally spoke to the man.

"So can you explain to me what the hell that was all about", asked Kei.

After thinking for a second the man finally opened his mouth to speak.

Keiji Fujimaru was a graduate from the Aoyama Gakuin University in Shibuya. Life had come easy for Keiji. Ever since he was a kid, everyone loved him due to his good looks.

From elementary school, to middle school, to high school, and even to college his good looks had followed him as he kept aging. In fact, in college he was always the female body's first love, breaking the hearts of many male students who could only watch as their crushes flirted with him.

"Alright, alright", Kei interrupted, surprising Keiji. "I don't need to learn your life story, can you just tell me how you met that monster?", Kei asked, though a hint of jealousy could be seen in his eyes.

"Oh... sorry sir. Basically after I graduated college, I got a job as a salaryman. Unfortunately, it was too dull so I decided to quit..."

"20 words or less", Kei interrupted, a small tick mark could be seen on his forehead.

"Ah.. sorry, I'm just so nervous. I found this weird occult book on the ground one day, so I decided to take it home. There was some weird spell to some demon or something, so I decided to do it as a joke"...


"Wait!", yelled Kei.

"Alright sir, I know you helped me and I appreciate that, but you can't just keep on inter...", Keiji immediately stopped complaining, when Kei held a finger at his mouth.

"Dude, look around", spoke Kei.

Immediately, Keiji looked around the restaurant. There was nobody here; what was once a a busy restaurant, was now completely empty.

Kei got up and walked out, with Keiji running behind him, nervously. Looking around, the entire street was completely empty. There were no noise, not from cars or even birds, it was a ghost town.

"Wh-wh-what ha-happened", asked Keiji, scared to death at this phenomenon.

Suddenly, a dark figure materialized right in front of them. At first, it lacked any form, it was merely a black blob. As the minutes passed, the black blob slowly shifted and changed shape. It was now humanoid, with a long dark robe. It wore yellow gauntlets, shoulder pads, and a high hat. On its face was a skull mask, giving it an ominous appearance.

"Were you the ones who killed my pet", asked the monster in a voice that was laced with killing intent. If the monster he had faced earlier represented death, this monster in front of him would represent the void itself.

Without even a moments hesitation, Kei transformed his arm back into a cannon before firing with full force at the monster.