
Chapter Twelve: Right from Wrong

Matthew P.O.V.

A sharp pain struck at the back of my head and I was out cold. I open my eyes in a room filled with darkness, not knowing what to do, how to react or where I am.

My arms and legs tied down to a cold and hard surface, my mouth gagged. It took me a moment to realize that I was not I a dark place, but blindfolded.

I struggled to get free. Fear slowly taking over my senses - drenched with a thin layer of cold sweat. I thought of inhaling deeply to regain my composure but coughed and wheezed as the poison filled air around me filled my lungs.

I didn't know why it only affected me now then realized I wasn't alone. I heard a faint chuckle followed by the shuffling cloth of his arms as he holds out something which I presume is the cause of the air.

"Thought you could escape - now could you." His voice raspy and dry as he lays down the object on a nearby table (I think) and removes the gag from my mouth.

"Why do you do this! We had a deal"

"But I never said that I agreed."

"YES YOU DID!" I screamed, hatred boiling deep within. A sharp pain shot through the back of my head and left eye.

"No, I only said that the rules were fair."

"You're a coward."

"Better a victorious coward than a brave loser."

"You will never get anything from me, I know nothing, so why keep me prisoner?"

He sighs and tisks, probably shaking his head - the bastard. I can't believe that I was such a fool, I mean… how much desperation did it take to blind myself from the obvious? Why did I even believe him when I barely know him; let alone trust.

Thinking back, he was very suspicious when he talked with Father Joshua. Now I know they were obviously talking about me (and the others).

I start feeling nauseous which is happily accompanied by a killer headache! –note the sarcasm- and realize that the poison is starting to take effect.

"Don't worry; I'll make good use of you. And maybe take along one of your little friends as well."

"I'm sorry but you won't be taking him anywhere."

A voice interrupts commanding yet gentle at the same time, not even sure if it is a man's or woman's… both?

The father gasps and leaps to his feet, his breathing and heart rate faster and heavier.

"Why—how did you get in here?!" he exclaims. Frightened by the sudden appearance of the… person.

"I don't think you're the one who should be asking the questions. You know how I feel about acting behind my back."

"I- I'm sorry your grace. I-I did not think-"

The father suddenly quiet as if commanded to shut up.

"Now what were you trying to pull off Herbert?"

An uncomfortable silence runs through the air for a moment then cut off by the… 'Grace'.

"It doesn't matter. What's done is done, you will be punished for your actions later."

"But- but you do not understand! That boy! Is not what he seems, he-"

"Enough of your insolence Herbert. Do you not know of respect?!" 'Grace' commands shutting him off. I hear a few footsteps shuffling towards me and a lump gets stuck in my throat. I don't know why but I'm much more afraid of the person who is saving me*?* than the one who took me prisoner.

This person just gives off a cold and murderous vibe.

"I'm terribly sorry about the actions of this man. Instead of hurting you I would prefer to have you on my side." He/she… it says

"I don't see why I should trust you, any of you."

"And I understand why, but you see. You don't have a choice and following us may even be beneficial in more than one way."

I looked at him/her straight eyes. He or she was speaking of the truth but I can't help but still fear something is wrong. I saw something deep into his/her eyes that I just can't place. I know that I may just be digging my own grave but I need to know, no matter how and who I use.

I clenched my shaking hands into fists. Feeling pathetic at how weak they are, cold and numb almost paralyzed with fear. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"What do you mean beneficial to me?" My voice straight and commanding -I even shocked myself at how smooth it came out- completely hiding the cowardice I felt.

"Well, I know that you are searching for answers about yourself. If you agree to follow us without question, the knowledge of the world will be at the palm of your hands." he or she answered taking a few steps towards me. Stopping just three feet in front of me and leaning forward just enough so that our foreheads were only centimeters apart. "And that isn't even the best part." He/she added as a smart remark smirking at the end.

"W-will any harm come upon R-rege and the others?" I questioned, stuttering at almost every word, no longer pretending to be strong. I only thought about them, their safety is the only thing I could keep and protect, after what I had done to my own home… my only family.

"I promise, no harm shall come to the innocent."

There was a long pause of silence, the longest moment in my life that even if it was only for a few seconds, I felt as if it had been an eternity.

Was I ready for this? I mean, I know that my life had never been normal bust if I say yes there really is no turning back. Would I still be able to have friends? Is this the right decision to make? If I don't take it what would happen? If I do… what then? All these questions swirling around with speed faster than light. Hurting my head and making me choke on air.

"Well?" 'grace' asked smiling brightly.

"May I- may I think about it for a moment." I stated dryly, not even a question.

At that moment 'grace's smile disappeared and grew dim. Only now I had a better look at what he/she looked like, short painfully white-blond hair that was half slicked back and other almost covering the left eye, round glasses that framed his/her eyes which felt lifeless and distant even if they were supposed to be a radiant light-blue.

"Very well, I will give you a week's time to say your farewells to your friends. I believe that should be enough." He/she waved his/her hand to gesture Herbert to remove the shackles and bindings on me.

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