
Curses And Prayers

My vision shattered as if it was a glass that had a something thrown at it. Fell apart leaving shards on the floor in front of me, leaving my eyes with sole emptiness.

The shards of my vision regathered and got put into place by themselves, as if time was reversed but my vision was distorted.

I knew everything was different instantly. It was obvious. A reality that was never seen by me before, a reality that I could not find in my own.

I felt as if something special was taken from me, as if I forever had my fate altered. I didn't feel in control, I saw everything fall apart, and I knew I won't get anything back. What happened, how did this happen, why did this happen.

Never ended questioning myself, I simply cursed God. I fell to my knees and started to beg him not to take my world, my reality away, but God didn't answer. I questioned if God even existed at this point. What did I do to you for it to be all taken away?

Though if God didn't exist, what could explain this. Who have I even been praying to?

Slowly I looked around, and took my time to inspect everything closely that could be found around me.

Everything looked like as if it was getting torn apart, I couldn't move properly but I tried to understand my surroundings. A sky that's painted bloody red. A forest that hasn't been touched for decades assumably, it looked dry but alive. No human has touched it. Well... if humans even exist here. I have yet to discover what exists here and what not.

I see simply a normal forest with unique trees that I have not seen before. It feels familiar yet it doesn't. I can't find the right words, everything in my head is getting mixed up. I'm confused. The trees look metallic but have the texture of oak. The wood has a color between red and brown.

The color that's the closest is Maroon. Sounds of a river flowing enters my ears, but even that doesn't sound right. The water flowing sounds like as if it was a lullaby played on a violin and bells.

I stand up as much as I can and try to move my legs. First my right leg. It feels way too heavy, no I didn't feel tired, but as if the air itself was heavier. Then my left, and my right again, and left, and right and left, and go on until I reached the river.

The water didn't have any similar properties to water except than it being liquid. It wasn't getting absorbed by the ground, explaining why the forest looks so dry, but the trees maybe absorb it, and that's how they stay alive. The water had lingering particles in the air.

It was blue, glowing like the sky, the blue sky in my own accursed world, but it didn't reflect the bloody red sky. It looked pure compared to the sky that looked corrupted.

Everything felt disgustingly beautiful. Somewhat medieval but modern. Corrupted and Pure. Nothing was in it's right place. Nothing at all. I want to run from this charming, captivating beauty.

I questioned what my purpose is here, what am I right now. Am I even a human? Have I been a human? Why haven't I ever questioned what I was? Why have I never told myself what I was? Though I am sure I am still just as human as the people from my reality.