

the story of a cure gone wrong

Saint_Rebellious · Politique et sciences sociales
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so there i was trying to archive my dream anyway I can, it seems no one cares or is it they're all just greedy, don't they know I'm trying to save lives, or is it that they don't trust me it's just that I can not use it now until the ministry of health approves, I which I could contact the W.H.O maybe they will listen, I've never really been trusted by anyone but my family i was always looked down on by everyone else just because I have a sickle cell but no matter what happens around me I marx will always do what's right

marx:(talking to himself l/soliloquizing) so I've been to random govt agency,banks,co workers , friends etc they just don't give a damn and traveling abroad isn't a choice right now cause even if I manage to make the money govt are all the same screw them all I think I may not have a choice (quickly feel a tap and turns his head

dad:hey what you thinking about today's your big day or are you thinking of a speech cause it seems govt is even interested they even have guard's patrolling discreetly outside

marx:(that's just to monitor me so I don't use it on myself)

dad: hahaha I love feeling popular.

mom: you aren't the popular one here it's Marx and also I mostly cause I'm his mom

dad: that isn't fair I'm his dad too

whole family: (laughs) hahaha

marx:(crap I almost forgot we're throwing a party to celebrate me thinking about my meeting with the Minister got me thinking anyway time to spill the beans)I have something to tell you guys never mind it's nothing (after seeing everyone smile and not wanting to ruin the mood)

Marx:party's finally over time to rest.

dad:hey marx we noticed you were trying to say something so what did you wanted to say?

marx: it's nothing to worry about get some rest.

mom: don't give me that crap I know when something is bothering you so what is it?

marx: you see.... (after he explained everything ) so what should I do

mom: isn't obvious

dad: your life comes first

marx: yeah I guess I'll go inform the company (marx tech company that he  is currently working in)

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I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ you