
School life

At school my best friend is Mia. She's a pretty normal sponge cake( they are most common ) and she's lesbian. My teachers are all boring except my PE teacher Adam Jones. Mr Jones praises me for my speed even though I'm so small and he even teaches me basic swordsmanship which is what he thinks is best for my body type.

There are three different types of Knights. Traditional weaponists, Shooters and Barehands. I think you can work out which is which. I want to be a T weaponist. My sword skills are basic but if I pass the test I will be trained by professionals. I really hope I'll pass!

Back to school, I have average grades and have a few close friends and an enemy. His name is Dick and he wants to be a Knight barehand. We argue about who is better at fighting and I'm sure I am. I hope so anyway...