

first I looked for the perfect location, then we took out some special fruit a few sweets and a bottle of wine, I relaxed enough, and then I took out all the purchased books, I arrange them in several sections

plants, beasts, items, magic and minerals

at this point, my plan is very simple, a quick read and then read them more carefully by means of a list for their importance, oh yes, also in my mind, all this looked fantastic, it was a great idea

But then I come in, daddy actually, and he whips your ass and closes the door in your face with "Oops, I didn't see you."

All the books that I brought is a compilation of that specific subject, of everything that exists in this world, except those of Magic

example: plants took Ⅰ more than 2200 species of plants collected in more than 200 leaves

Each sheet has an approximate of 10 different plants placed alphabetically and to finish this volume, it only has the first five letters of the alphabet, then the volume Ⅱ continues with another five letters

now with the beasts and minerals it is the same, where I wanted to cry was with the general articles that book contains 5000 articles all are compiled in 200 sheets

I'm talking about 25 items per sheet, my urge to cry was too much

to get rid of the bitter taste in my mouth, I give a quick read to the Meditation book to distract me completely you will have to do them all yes or yes

The meditation book is the same as the book that the old man gave me, only this is a little more detailed but his meditation technique remains the same, this one did not change

The steps to accumulate mana and be able to be a student were the following

extraction, absorption, channeling, storage and transformation

the book had a name for this, called "the five steps to greatness"

with the second book it is "the transformation of mana to the natural element" when you make your mana an element of your preference derived in five steps and these are

transformation, accumulation, compress, stability and application

it also had a name called "the five steps to power"

now the next book, the fireball spell was totally different

a constant application of your mana flow, gathering the element (in this case the fire element) in a matter of seconds, and then launching this accumulation of mana, it was extremely difficult because your concentration must be total

not to mention your condensation, stability and direction

What do you have to give to this fireball to be able to launch it without problems

I sighed before closing the book

The most tragic thing about this is that I don't even dominate the extraction. but I'm already thinking about fireballs, the book tells you, that to master the extraction you have to memorize meditation

I feel like I want to fly but I'm just crawling, I don't know how you have to walk

I review paragraph by paragraph and repeat it, over and over the meditation

all my reading sucks, I get stuck with the words, I don't go even in the middle and I forget the beginning, this is all a complete disaster

seeing that my results are too poor I tried to try different alternatives, the paragraph division was my first option

Then he followed him, repeating words until exhaustion, for more than three hours I was doing the same thing in the same place without moving and my ass is asking for help, my buttocks were hurting like hell everything burns me, just sitting

(sigh) I close the books and leave the tent, to stretch my legs and walk around the tents.

I see that Naty and her daughter are getting ready "where do they go out?" I ask them curiously

Upon hearing my question, the one who answered me is Verónica "we are going to the center of the camp to find out if our family and friends managed to eat something in the afternoon"

Without saying anything, I turn around, go back to my tent and take out several golden papers, these were several 100 gold bills,

then I go out and approach Naty and give them to her "take, buy meat and bread for dinner for your family and friends" Naty's face changed from surprise to happiness in a matter of seconds then she said "thank you, thank you, Uuu, thank you , Uuu "

*(sniff sniff) *

Suddenly Naty started crying and she hugged me, let her vent, when she could control herself, she bent her face and went out to wash, while Veronica had her red eyes and wipes her nose a couple of times because of her snot they came out, she was wearing her new brown dress

In these types of places it is better to wear dark colors, because of the dirt, dirt and dust, so you can wear these clothes for several days without the dirt showing so much, it is much better to wear light colored dresses they will only get dirty Too much faster

I walked up to this poor girl and offered her my arms

She understands immediately runs, hugs me and starts to cry while I tell her "everything will be fine, everything will be fine" while I pass my hand over her head, she only sinks her head deeper into my chest and her crying only increases

When Naty came back, when she saw us she let out a sigh and said to her daughter "baby you have to wash your face well you don't want them to think badly of you right, remember we have to see who is the one who wins on those lists today "that made me more curious

so I ask her "why?" while she tries to get Veronica to let me go, Naty tells me "there are many people who depend on those meals for tomorrow, thank heaven today they had the opportunity to rest and eat but tomorrow nobody knows"

That generated a doubt for me and I asked him "what happens with the other days, they will not always receive free food, they all have to search and survive themselves" Naty nods and tells me "that's how Neo is, but can you imagine they take you out of your village , with nothing in your hands, you have to walk for days, tired, hungry and cold, who the hell wants to look for a damn meal "

"You're right, I think that today the queen will also be able to win on those lists" Naty finally took Veronica out of my arms and took her to wash her face

Naty tells me "let's hope so" while she walks with Verónica, when they were leaving, Mrs. Patricia, her husband and Tony accompanied them

for my part I return to my store to try to continue learning, the damn meditation, repeating and repeating those words until forming the paragraphs

when I was getting desperate again reading, inside my head something was heard that made me remember how stupid I am

* Ding * 🔔

[your "memory" skill has increased to level 2]

the sound and the message make me stop reading, I let out a sigh and after that I let out a cry "great I can use that" then you hear a beetle that tells him (Bizzz-biii-Bizzzss)

and I ask him "why do you think I'm stupid huh?


So many things to be aware of, plus this whole situation is making me desperate

* pow * 👊💥

after venting a bit my frustrations with the armrest of the throne, I shout to the magician of the court "Malzahar what happened with the murderers"

the magician runs ahead and bows and says "we are still looking for them, my queen is still nowhere to be seen, besides the two captured henchmen woke up hanged in their cells"

* POMM * 👊💥

I hit the armrest of the throne again with my fist, but this time it was much stronger, Malzahar just sighs and tells me "there are several possibilities including this one, that they did it themselves, the other that they helped each other and the last one that someone else did it, my lady's point is the reason, why or why they did it, because they had to risk being discovered "

I roll my eyes before saying "if you can't investigate that, I'll ask someone else to do it" Malzahar comes forward and says "no my queen I'll go right now"

I can only see the magician who runs out of the room, before looking and saying to the other people sitting in our meeting "well that continues"

One of my servants tells me "the president of the guild wants to raise the stakes" that makes me twist my mouth, that damn old man wants to take advantage of our situation, I snort expressing my annoyance and I ask him "now that he is asking for that old fart"

the servant clears his throat making the others pay more attention to him and tells us "an exterminator" the whole room gets out of control and they begin to complain, yell, grumble and pull their hair at the requests of that old fart

the first one that stands out is our finance secretary "damn old man, son of his ...." followed by the captain of the guard who shouts "he's an idiot, he is what he is" until our general gave his opinion, which is very rare to do it "another one who wants to take advantage of the situation my queen"

I go back to see the person in charge of the lists and I ask him "Jasiel, what do you think?" He does not answer instead he just laughs at the matter "heh-heh-heh" when he finishes laughing he tells me "Majesty, it's time to steal the rice, the chicken and all you can from those mercenaries, believe me your majesty "

Maybe it was because of the confidence he shows me or because he rarely laughed in our meetings, that I decide to take the risk and tell this messenger "tell that old fart, that he has to offer something worthwhile, that an Exterminator They are not peanuts to buy on the street or as easy to get as the whores of his guild "the messengers just nod and run out of the room

I just hope I do not regret this, with another sigh I return to my senses and ask them "what is the next point?" They all return to see their lists

the general gets up from his seat and tells us "in the previous days the night assaults by the zombies were increasing, but last night that low rate on the ground, there were only 1/10 attacks of the previous times, having one night very calm "

then the general makes his proposals "to redouble the vigilance of the patrols and have backup teams for possible contingencies, in addition to alerting the magicians for possible attacks from the Specters"

This makes me very viable and I tell them "for tomorrow the trips will begin to take the citizens we will use the exterminators to remove most of the villagers, remove everyone as quickly as possible"

Then several more points followed, including food and camp security, before ending our meeting, the messenger returns and hands me a sheet where several of his proposals for the old fart are written down.

There are four proposals that seem harmless to the eye, but after reading them more carefully you realize that they are not and you have to think carefully about what you have to do

1 ° .- security

2 ° .- eviction

3 ° .- training

4. ° .- employment

Each of the proposals has its pros and cons. I look at the messenger and say "tell that old man that we will do the second, they will take care of the eviction of the citizens if they lose" the messenger nods and leaves the room

"Your majesty those bastards just want to lighten their spending on meals with that proposal" by listening to what the general tells me

I know they are right and I only answer them "I also think so, but it will depend on them how quickly they evict the citizens who keep arriving" in just a few minutes the messenger returned saying that that old fart, I accept it stinks

I just hope I'm not wrong

When the meeting ended, the captain of the guards was ready to take me to my rooms, when a series of shouts that came from outside made us all smile

listening to their chants I was able to breathe a sigh of relief, one less problem to worry about



according to the system, I can use the skill points to improve the skills that I already have or I can unlock something else

Skills to improve

[Stallion Level 4] [Accuracy Level 5] [Libido Level 5] [Stealth Level 5] [Muscles Level 5] [Memory Level 2] [Critical Hit] [Pest Control Level 5]

[Vines and greenery control level 5] [control level 5]

to unlock (this section will be accessible for each increased level)

Physical skills

[Bones] [Skin] [Dexterity] [Blood] [Hearing] [Sight] [Digestion]

intellectual skills

[Reasoning] [Calculations] [Thoughts] [Meditation] [Capacity]

My idea is to alternately improve both physically and intellectually, I guess you can't have everything in this life, (sigh) then I choose my three options, I let out another sigh and put it on


then I select them

[Meditation] this ability helps your mind to relax more easily and attracts double the mana to your body obtaining greater benefits for a minimum of effort

[Capacity] this ability helps you to contain twice the mana that your body can support

[Skin] with this ability your skin is more resistant to the attacks caused by the fists you also receive an aesthetic improvement you will have a much silkier and shinier skin

After reading these skills I continue to learn meditation and for the first time I feel an energy that is reaching my body

this energy, it is as if your body received a drink of ice water on a hot summer afternoon, it is too refreshing and comfortable

you feel how this energy surrounds and refreshes your whole body, then it enters each pore of my skin forming small hair-sized threads, which slides through your entire body forming a network as if it had another system apart from the nervous and blood

but this is much smaller

tiny threads run through my body, from the tips of my fingers, through these until reaching the palm of my hand, in that place they have the first meeting

and then continue to my wrist, where they have their second point

it goes down my forearm, until it reaches the elbow where the third point arises

but this is not over, these small threads continue their way up to the shoulder forming, the fourth point

the same threads arise in my feet, these travel to the center of my foot to form the first point, then heel to form the second point, the knee the third, for the fourth it is at the hip and continues to rise

with the other foot it is the same and with the other hand they follow the abdomen etc. etc.

the sensation of mana running through my body, this sensation is so magical, it makes me ignore everything that is around me falling into a kind of trance that borders on the hypnotic

until I forget about time

a series of screams make me wake up from such a pleasant dream, I just open my eyes for a moment, before closing them again entering meditation

with great effort I bring these threads to my chest, to be exact in the middle of my lungs where we have the diaphragm, in this place the threads begin to accumulate

the different wires are connected one by one

but this is not over yet, these threads go up to my head where they begin to connect with my brain, and then feel a mega explosion in my brain that leaves me unconscious

but my mind is still active, because I know exactly what surrounds me, although I cannot see it, I would bet my life guessing, the disadvantage is that it is only one meter around my body

at each point where these threads meet, small oval turquoise gems are formed no larger than a millimeter, but I can feel them this is crazy


When I wake up from that crazy dream, I realize that my body feels sticky, as if it is very hot, but when I check my skin it looks normal it is only the annoyance of being dirty and sticky

when leaving my store, people have not returned to bathe, the water turns dirty a white color this causes several doubts in my mind

what is that sign?

what's going on ?

it is bad ?

I feel like it's dead skin and I don't care about it, I also feel an emptiness in my stomach, being too hungry, having to prepare some sandwiches to eat

only this simple sandwich made me prepare 10-lb of meat with several loaves of bread to fill myself up, while I enjoy my sandwich I feel several glances on my back

When I felt uncomfortable, I returned to see and from the tent where my family is staying, there were several eyes looking from small cracks

but when he sees that he returns to look at them they hide again and after a moment. They are back where they are, this happens every time I'm eating

I devoured that meat like a fat man in a buffet, it seemed that they had tied me up for weeks, while I was eating desperately, Mrs. Patricia and her family arrived, followed by Naty with Verónica

who look very happy and immediately tell me "Sir, the queen won again, at first the list seemed very closed, but then 100 mercenaries arrived who looked very exhausted, they contributed many deaths of Zombies and when everything was lost, a single contribution exceeded hit the mercenaries "

Veronica's laugh is heard "hee-hee-hee" then Naty tells her "baby, don't laugh about that, you saw how those bastards got mad" later Patricia tells me "that's true, all the mercenaries were like crazy goats screaming and challenging everyone who made fun of them, until the soldiers calmed them down, but things didn't end there "

Patricia approaches and steals the meat that she was cooking, she smiles at me "they told us that tomorrow the trips to the capital will begin that we are pending"

then she stops counting and goes back to steal another piece of meat

Naty copies what Patricia does and steals another piece of meat, now Tony joins with Verónica taking another piece each, even Patricia's husband takes a couple of loaves of bread

having to cook and get more bread to my family, with Ari they leave their store looking like zombies when they walk but before I make fun my mother tells me "honey we are hungry prepare some meat for us"

without options I had to continue preparing food for everyone, the atmosphere was great everyone was living together and they exchanged comments, my family and Naty made very good chemistry with each other making some simple jokes and subtle comments about their reasons for walking like this

on the other hand, Mrs. Patricia was in charge of taking Verónica in front of the other girls so that she could integrate, on the other hand, Tony and his father were very excited when talking about the mercenaries

They told me that the guild was making several very generous proposals with the people who registered their hunt in their offices, mainly that of Zombies.

The mercenaries were making several very tempting promises, including preferential treatment to acquire a residence or some houses and even the purchase of land in a city 300 km from the capital.

This was very tempting because we did not have a place to live. Tony tells me with a smile "imagine friend, a place of your own to live, just signing some contracts" followed by his father "if Neo imagines getting to live in a city made entirely by mercenaries and for mercenaries "the truth is, the idea is too tempting to let go of that great opportunity while I was deciding whether to risk being a mercenary

I wanted to ask my mother and sisters if it would be okay to go to that city, but they just got up and told us "we are a little tired we will go to sleep" they turned around and walked to their tent but not before taking with them to Mariel with Ari

The two of them gave me several glances before following my sisters who are pulling them by the hand, I did not understand anything of what was happening, if they were chatting happily, suddenly they get up and leave

though his walk was still a funny thing

the five women with their legs a little spread as if they were pink in the ass, that killed the atmosphere, because Mrs. Patricia also got up and went grumbling to her tent

Tony and his father were there for a moment before saying goodbye "well Neo, see you tomorrow we will go to rest" I put several wooden sticks on the fire and raised my hand "OK let them rest"

looking forward I realize that these two women have nowhere to sleep because they only pulled a sheet and settled by the fire "Naty takes Veronica to my tent there is plenty of room inside, the two can fit very well there "

Naty just nodded and took Veronica, for my part I just stayed outside for a while to give them some privacy as they get ready to sleep

wait for them to get in before tossing the vine seeds to the ground and pulling the beetles out by part of my hands when touching the ground

this was because I threatened them several times to take the sweets off the menu, if they eat my clothes

The vines made a perimeter around the tents not extreme, they would only be alert in case someone approaches with bad intentions although my concern was not much, for the safety of the camp

I was outside for more than three hours remembering the paragraphs of the meditation and going through the book a few times until it seemed convenient to enter the store

When entering everything was normal the light that enters through the window illuminates enough to distinguish my resting place, the door of the tent is in front, in one corner is where I would sleep peacefully, at the other end of the tent, Naty and her sleep daughter

the girl was on the side of the wall then there was Naty a space that separates us and the place where I will sleep

about a meter apart

I go to bed with my clothes and then I wrap myself, without setbacks of any kind, I say this because what I will describe next was a real madness

this happened that night, in the course of dawn and dawn

this started like this ... ...