
Cultivation: I Have Unlimited Epiphanies in the Cultivation World

Thrust into a world torn from the pages of the novels he once read, Jun Xiayou, an insignificant outer disciple, finds himself plunged into a reality far more complex and deceptive than he ever imagined. In the immortal world, where war and power should reign supreme, an unnerving peace unexpectedly holds sway. But beneath this tranquil veneer, could this pursuit of peace be genuine, or merely a facade? As a cultivator endowed with unremarkable talent and mediocre strength, Jun Xiayou faces a seemingly hopeless predicament – that is until a fateful notification changes everything: [Ding! Unlimited Epiphany System activated] [Comprehension abilities increased by 10,000x] [Cultivation talent enhanced by 100x] Endowed with analytical prowess that transcends the bounds of logic, Jun must navigate his path with utmost caution. Could his quest unearth a reality far more profound and distorted than what every cultivator in this world has been systematically blinded to? And in this pursuit of forbidden knowledge, will he expose the intricate web of power and control orchestrated by the hidden rulers from the shadows determined to keep the veil of deception firmly in place? Will Jun's newfound abilities be a key to liberation, or will they draw him deeper into the labyrinth of conspiracy that controls this world of immortals? (pls note this is my first ever novel so writing could be bad at the start so be gentle sen-)

Lolster45 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
70 Chs

Chapter 2: Becoming Self Guided Practioner...

Hearing the sudden knock on his front door, Jun chose not to answer it. He has read enough novels to know that this was the moment where either a certain young master's lackey was here to make his life hell or just an arrogant outer disciple. 

Knock knock knock…..

Seconds passed, and the tense atmosphere increased with every passing second of silence.

Knock knock knock…

Frankly, Jun was stunned, shouldn't they have kicked open his door off its hinges and yelled "Jun Xiayou!! Come out now and face your death!!".

Seconds later after the knocking stopped Jun noticed something was slid under his door. Hearing them leave, he got up and approached the piece of paper on the floor, picked it up Jun read...


To: Outer Disciple Jun Xiayou

Subject: A Glorious Advancement

Dear Outer Disciple,

We are overjoyed to share a groundbreaking development in your esteemed journey with the Azure Sword Sect! Recognizing your singular dedication and remarkable 'contributions,' we are delighted to elevate you to the role of Self Guided Practitioner.

This prestigious new designation grants you the exclusive freedom to extend your pursuits beyond the protective embrace of our sect. We encourage you to seize this extraordinary opportunity to spread your wings in the boundless expanse of the outside world.

Please proceed to transition to your new status with the promptness and respect befitting a Self Guided Practitioner, preferably by the end of this very night. Your swift and dignified cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Wishing you boundless success on your new path,

Azure Sword Sect



In disbelief, he couldn't help but blurt out "Am I seeing this correctly?".

Di- did he just get kicked out of the sect??? Who the hell did he offend?? He has to leave by tonight??

"Is this some kind of sick joke?? Wtf is this card!!!" cursed Jun.

Searching through his most recent memories, he couldn't find a single event that could warrant this behavior from the sect.

Calming down a bit, he realized it wasn't all bad "If it were before I got the system maybe I would start balling up on the floor in desperation having a panic attack but now… do I even need the sect?" thought Jun. 

With the system in hand, he needed no teacher but the problem was where to acquire cultivation techniques and attack methods, and most importantly his backer.

He could try to create a cultivation technique himself with the Epiphany phase on but that…

Actually, that didn't sound so bad. If he can Taylor make a cultivation technique that suited him and him only, his cultivation speed could soar and his power in the same realm could be unmatched.

While he's at it, he could create a weapon that is suitable for him but at the moment, he needs to first pack his bags and go. He knows that if he is not out by tonight he will be banned from his life subscription.

Jun didn't need to pack much, all he had were just a few pairs of clothes and his trusty sword given to him by the sect. 

Opening the door to finally take in the scenery, he was left breathless, people could be seen in the air going at incredible speeds on flying swords, ferocious beasts that could tear a normal person apart in a fraction of a second tamed like a horse, towering trees that could block out the sky, beautiful towers intricately carved with the finest materials, enormously large open areas for activities. The memories from his predecessor could do no justice to just how beautiful this scenery is.

The air is fresh and crispy, more so than in his previous life. All in all, this looked like a scene out of your dreams. 

"Dammit!! They are seriously kicking me out of here!!" screamed Jun internally.

Walking around, he felt like he was in a dreamland. They weren't kidding when they said the women in the cultivation world are gorgeous. Words could not describe how beautiful they are.

Some had golden blonde hair, others a rich black, and some even had exotic colors like pink or bloodred. Their figures were out of this world, hourglass-shaped with glowing vibrant skin and beautiful dresses that added a charm like no other.

As he was preparing to head to the exit of the sect according to his memories, there was a huge commotion in the sky. Suddenly the ground started to shake, looking down at the ground, little pieces of rock started bouncing up and down on the ground from the sheer momentum.

Looking up, Jun was stunned at the sight of 2 huge monsters pulling a giant flying sword. Each monster gave him a terrifying feeling of suppression. He was certain that each of those creatures was at least in the True Core Formation realm since not even the Sect Master gave out such deep pressure.

Instantly it appeared over the sect's main hall where the patriarch resides.

He wanted to get out of this sect pronto, maybe the sect was going to be wiped out at any second but as much as he wanted to move he could not, his body would not listen to him. The pressure and fear that paralyzed him was too much and similar scenes were happening everywhere in the sect.

As quickly as the pressure appeared, it vanished, leaving many disciples trembling and panting from the pressure

"Wh… who are those people?" said one outer disciple breathless from the pressure.

"Hey, did you see the emblem on the sword? Could it be the young mistress is back?" piped up a younger disciple, his voice tinged with excitement and a hint of reverence.

An older disciple, leaning against a tree for support, nodded thoughtfully. "Definitely the Double Blade Holy Land's emblem. No doubt about it."

Another, taller youth, his eyes alight with possibilities, joined the conversation. "Man, if she's made it into the Holy Land, we're talking major league here. Our sect's status is going to skyrocket!"

The group's mood shifted from shock to excitement. A more boisterous disciple slapped his thigh, grinning. "Ha! We'll be strutting around like kings! This calls for a celebration. How about the brothel, guys? First round's on me!"

The suggestion was met with a chorus of laughter and cheeky remarks. The group, now animated with a newfound sense of pride and anticipation, began to disperse, their steps lighter and more energetic as they talked about their evening plans.

Jun ignored their conversation, walking towards the exit knowing that this had nothing to do with him anymore. Ignoring the weird looks he was getting for going in the opposite direction of the crowd, he continued faster and faster.

His frustration boiled over as he shouted a string of curses at a passing cultivator, who only responded with confusion. "Is 'fuck' some kind of exotic fruit?" the cultivator wondered aloud.

Shaking his head, he quickened his pace. He didn't realize but he was quite angry from being kicked out, the emotions that came with it were now only just hitting him. He passed under the sect's towering gate, not once looking back. As he stepped out, no one noticed an outer disciple leaving the sect under all the commotion.


Meanwhile, back at the Azure Sword Sect, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. The grand carriage descended gracefully, its majestic beasts drawing awe from the crowd. The first to emerge was a figure of unmatched elegance - Lin Xuelei, the sect's most renowned and talented beauty, and the patriarch's eldest daughter. Her presence alone captivated everyone, her aura and looks unintentionally stealing the spotlight.

Behind her, another figure stepped out, her beauty equally rivaling hers. The crowd buzzed with curiosity as they made their way toward the main building, leaving a trail of whispers and speculation in their wake.

Being a considerable distance away, Jun remained unaware of the unfolding events. His focus was solely on the path ahead, each step taking him further into the unknown.

Once they had entered the main building, everyone nearby started to speculate who that mysterious woman could be and whether Xuelei had been accepted or rejected, but some people guessed she had since why else would the Double Blade Holy land personally come here?


Miles away from the Azure Sword sect we find Jun walking through a forest located on a mountain, his new realm made the journey almost effortless. The mountain's creatures, none surpassing the 7th level of Body Tempering, posed no threat to him.

Jun couldn't help but marvel at the system's display, which now showcased a list of mastered skills but felt something was off. The 10,000x epiphany phase, perpetually active, had turned learning into child's play for him. A mere glance at someone practicing a technique was enough to master it himself.

His interface now read:


Name: Jun Xiayou 

Age: 15

Cultivation: Peak Body Tempering

Talent: Low-Grade affinity (3 seconds)


 Azure Soul Cultivation Technique (Mastered, yellow-middle), 

 Blue Wave Slash Technique (Mastered, yellow-high),

 Speed Slash (Mastered, yellow-top)

Weapon: Midnight Shadow Sword (low level yellow)

Description: Homeless bum...



Two days into his journey, night enveloped him. Jun had traveled thousands of miles away from the sect towards the nearest dynasty but still had more ground to cover.

Soon it was nighttime...

Jun mused aloud as he dried himself off in a cave he found, "All those cultivation novels never mentioned how intense the weather can get. I can barely see outside this cave!"

Looking outside of his cave, thunder and lighting roared with such power that it kind of scared him a bit.

In this world, the weather was multiple times stronger than in his previous world, this was no joke. If a normal mortal were still outside, they would probably be swept away by just the sheer amount of rain pouring down.

These few days he has been hunting down many animals for food and upgrading the yellow-level Azure Soul Cultivation technique to the next level in his spare time.

He was only 1 day away from the nearest dynasty but had to take a detour to find shelter. 

Now it was a Black Rank Top Cultivation technique which would definitely shock counteless cultivators since generally speaking if you want to be qualified to upgrade or even make your own technique you have to have a deep understanding of cultivation which people generally only have once they achieve the Spiritual Pillar Realm.

Yet such a feat was accomplished by a cultivator in the Body Tempering realm. 

Looking at the calm cave and the storm outside he thought "Hopefully this rain stops people from finding this cave". He hasn't had enough time to cultivate since he was either learning to hunt for food, traveling, or killing monsters that got near him.

He also heard that once a cultivator reaches the QI condensation realm they can stop eating and consume only the energy between heaven and earth to replenish their energy. Such a concept greatly excited him since it would save him so much time and energy.

Jun let out a sigh "I could finally stop hunting and focus more on cultivating"

Looking at the technique that he improved, black-level techniques are qualified to let someone cultivate to the peak of the Foundation Establishment. 

Looking at his panel just to confirm where he was at, he noticed something had been added.


Name: Jun Xiayou

Age: 15

Cultivation: Peak Body Tempering

Talent: Low-Grade affinity (3 seconds)

Energy Control: 2%


Azure Soul Cultivation Technique(Mastered/yellow-middle), 

Blue Wave Movement Technique(Mastered/yellow-high)

Speed Slash(Mastered/yellow-top)

Weapon: Midnight Shadow Sword(low level yellow)

Description: Former Outer disciple of Azure Sword Sect


Looking at this new category left him puzzled, he had never even seen this option in any of the cultivation novels he had read. Intrigued by it, he asked the system.

"System, what is this energy control in my panel?"

[Energy control is exactly what it states it is. It's how much control the Host has over his energy and efficiency in using it. Generally speaking, those who have better control over their energy can use the same attack as someone else with less consumption and more power behind it.]

As if having an epiphany he exclaimed "Damn!! Is this how those geniuses who claim to be invincible in the same realm and leapfrog realms do it?? Simply their control over their energy is better??" 

[Back to the Host! While Yes, Energy control plays a role in allowing someone to be invisible in the same realm and leapfrog as you say, other factors come into play like physique, equipment, attributes, etc..]

"Dafudge are attributes??" Jun questioned, yet another concept he had never seen before in these novels, this world is getting more and more complicated.

[Host will be able to unlock attributes once he reaches the QI condensation realm]

"Seriously!!, why is this not ever mentioned in the memories I received" thought Jun. Even if his predecessor was a low-level outer disciple, he still has seen some inner disciple fights and they never once showed any cool lighting or fire attacks, just pure energy attacks or martial arts attacks.

"Could there be something more to this here? Well, for now, let's focus on breaking through"

Having not taken off the epiphany phase, his 100x talent plus his mastered Azure Soul technique sucked almost all of the spiritual energy from his surroundings at an incredible speed unknown in his realm. he began guiding the energy in his body in the most efficient and fastest way to break down the barrier holding him back which was simultaneously improving his technique to the next level. Insight after insight flooded his mind which was being integrated into his method.

Quickly the barrier holding him back from the QI realm broke down like glass. His body like a person stranded in a desert drinking water for the first time in 2 days started feeling a strong energy, every cell in his body felt a warm sensation like no other and was quickly devouring this stronger energy. 

"I.. I… I can't hold it in anymore" Quickly as the rush of energy appeared, the feeling of bliss dissipated.

"Gosh… this feels better than master- cough cough I mean… I mean It only took 1 minute and I already broke through? this 100x times talent sure is working miracles" 

Just as Jun was about to resume his cultivation, a dragging sound from outside the cave jolted him to full alertness. Rushing to stand up, heart pounding, he tightly gripped his sword, ready to face whatever threat loomed in the rain-shrouded darkness.

With sweat forming on his brow, Jun's mind raced with possibilities. Although the forest is typically home to Body Tempering realm creatures, the occasional intrusion of more formidable beings is not unheard of, or even worse, a cultivator is nearby. With little real combat experience with humans, his nerves were taut with anticipation.

Seconds passed… only the sound of his heavy breathing accompanied by the rain could be heard.

Then, suddenly a bloodied hand, smeared with mud and leaves, pierced through the rain's veil. In a flash of instinct and adrenaline, he sprang towards the shadowy figure. His movement was swift and decisive. The sword, a blur in his hands, cut through the downpour, aimed at the unknown threat.

A sharp, pained cry cut through the storm – a woman's voice. As the figure came into clearer view, he stopped. Looking down he noticed a human but to be specific, a woman. She was covered by the harsh elements and a deep wound on her shoulder, clearly inflicted by his blade.

What shocked him the most was that her body seemed to be twisted in a way that shouldn't be possible.

For a moment, Jun stood frozen, sword still in hand, shock etched on his face as he realized what he had just done. The sight of the injured woman, defenseless and wounded, struck a chord of horror within him that he didn't know he had. His actions, though instinctive, had harmed a defenseless injured woman.

But the realities of his dangerous surroundings quickly snapped him back to caution. He knew all too well the perils that lurked in these parts. Gently lowering his weapon, yet still ready for any sudden threat. Guilt mingled with apprehension in his eyes.

"Dammit, I should have waited a bit to see what it was?" he muttered under his breath, a mix of shock and self-reproach coloring his tone. Raindrops pelted down relentlessly, soaking his hair and clothes. For a moment, he remained motionless, his hand trembling as he held the sword. Water streamed down the blade, its surface mirroring the complex situation he was in. The weight of his impulsive action bore heavily on him, as tangible as the downpour drenching his skin.

With a deep breath to steady his nerves, he cautiously approached the woman. To make sure she was down, he gently stabbed her with the tip of his sword, ensuring she was truly unconscious and not faking it. Satisfied but still wary, he sheathed his sword and reached out to her with shaking hands.

He knelt beside her, careful to keep his senses alert to any other potential dangers lurking in the stormy night. His mind raced with conflicting thoughts – how to save the woman before him while guarding himself against her. The rain continued to pour down washing away the trail of blood left behind by the women.