
Cultivation God -My Harem

[Mature Content +18] «Support book with your power stone» Given a second chance by been transmigrated into a different universe; one which his every dream could be accomplished there, with a system. Nate adventures and struggles in every way possible to get strong and protect those he cared for in this new world. Driven by the desire for more power, he puts himself in every life and death battle just to improve himself.... toughening his will and challenging destiny. «Quest received» [Defeat the enemy] [Difficulty: hard] [Reward: lv 10 magic abilities, level up +2] A young man who was slaying his enemies, causing massacre on the battleground heard the sound. Lifting his head, he stared at the distant figure. “What the......”, opening the mouth wide, he stared at the creature moving in his direction.“I’m doomed...” he said, but not losing his will. Standing on the battlefield, Nates black cloak was covered in blood with cuts all over,his blue eyes expressing helplessness and exhaustion with his long black hair fluttering through the wind waves adding to his handsome charming features, he was like a devil from the abyss. ~~~~~~ >Will his adventure to become the strongest duo cultivator in the new universe be accomplished, with the soo many challenges he faces??..... or will there be someone or something to stop him from doing so??? Join the the adventure......

BAKumi · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

20: We are Prepared for War

*Asura City*

In a glamorous and dimly lit hall, two men dressed in royal robes stood beside each other. The atmosphere peaceful but tense.

"I will see to it that this our negotiation is kept a secret.." One said, standing up from his seat with a smile on his face.

"Since I don't have anything to do here anymore, I will be leaving." The man beside him uttered. His features were delicate as if he was a woman, but what distinct him from the other man was his fangs elongating and his red eyes.

"Leo, you're still soo mean. Couldn't you even say it more appealing?" The man questioned, his expression still.

The man beside him was Leo Muscat, the king of the Saturn Kingdom and also the strongest of the four Kings existing.

"What did you want me to say then? Am leaving would you escort me...?" He taunted.

The meeting between the two had been arranged by King Froc of Skyfall kingdom.

Laying all his cards had granted him a successful agreement with the Saturn kingdom. The agreements was that, they would aid them in fighting the humanoids in their upcoming clash with them.

Saturn kingdom was the strongest of all the kingdoms. Their strength had held them in place as they were not conflicted with any other kingdom; staying mutual with all the kingdoms.

"Am leaving, take care. I know you're not feeling well nowadays....maybe that's why that son of a bitch Agile knows you are not well." Signaling for his men to come in, he continued," He just wants to try his luck." He giggled "but he don't know what he will be in for, hehe." Saying these words, he walked away. Together with his men, he didn't linger and went straight out of the grand hall.

"Huh! This man is always a lunatic...but thank God he agreed to my offer."

"Your Majesty! We should leave here now before more assassins are sent." A guard came forth and whispered into his hears.

Before the start of the meeting, Many humanoids with altered appearance attacked them unknowingly. Some of their soldiers were now dead and they were men down.

"How man men have we lost?" King Froc questioned.

The Man's gaze shifted down, "We lost four men, Your Majesty." He replied sadly.

"What a pain in the neck. Those beast are gonna get what they deserve." He whispered, then said to him, "Okay, prepare the carriage... and also send news to Marquess Dolph; the negotiation was successful."

There were a total of 10 guards with the eight being late stage Beginner Mages and the last two, first stage intermediate mages. Now with four Beginner stage mages dead, they were a man down.

The guard returned some minutes later and reported to him saying,"Your Majesty, everything is set."

"Okay let go." He got up from his seat and strolled our with the guards behind him. They had changed from their armory into something common.

With that, they made their way, leaving Asura City for Skyfall Kingdom.


"Wow, that was intense. I can't believe we just took down all of these humanoids." Aripul said jokingly, smiling as he cleaned the blood on his sword.

The battle that had just occurred had taken a toll on all of them. Bodies of humanoids were all scattered on the ground, blood painting the once lush plants. But it wasn't just the humanoids who suffered a loss as they had also suffered some consequences.

"Yeah, it was quite a battle. I hope everyone is okay?." Looking at all the soldiers in the group, Caldwell the leader of the team asked.

"They are really up to their name. Tough skins and pretty overpowered, but we have managed to overpower them in the end." Grayson, the youngest of the group said.

"It's always heartbreaking to take someone's life, even if they are our enemies.....hehe, look at how we've dismantled that young mans house." Aripul stated, looking all around, the building had cuts and blood of the humanoids all over.

"Indeed, but we knew what we signed up for when we joined the military. However, it doesn't make it any easier." They laughed it all. After their epic clash between the humanoids, some of their men were injured and were now taking time recuperating. The once ten man squad, was now left with 7 peoples, with 3 even injured.

A search team had been deployed to search for Nate's body, and if found they should immediately report. Some of the remaining soldiers who were restoring their strength were now energized.

"We should also remember to support each other emotionally during times like these. It can be tough to process everything." Agal said, his eyes locked on the people who had lost their life in this encounter.

"Absolutely, we're a team and we need to lean on one another for support. Just take a look at how we fought today. It was amazing with the new 'Eagles wing' formation." One added, nodding in agreement to Agal's statement.

The 'Eagles Wing' was an attacking and defending combat formation which needs a team of five. The formation allows an all out attack and defense, which helps out in causing a massacre of their enemy. The more you kill, the stronger the formation.

"Sir, We searched around the 100 miles radius but we didn't see any body belonging to the description you gave, but..... we found a different thing." The leader of the search team reported. After they left the place, they went around the lush forest, searching for Nate but found a different thing which they took back with them.

"What's it, let me have it?" Caldwell extended his forward, signaling for him to hand it over.

Without talking, he handed a piece of paper which was sealed to him.

Caldwell without further ado, took the paper and unsealed it.

"What's In here" opening the paper, the scent of a dark magic polluted the atmosphere.

"Huh!!" All those close to him covered their nose as the scent of dark magic, grew increasingly strong.

"This must be from a powerful dark mage." Agal, the only person not affected much voiced his thoughts.

After a while, the scents strength subsided and Commander Caldwell started to unfold it, reading it.

"What!!" He exclaimed, reading what's on the paper. The scream made the other soldiers alert, getting closer to him.

"Sir, what's written in there???" Aripul questioned Curiously.

"It's a letter from Agile." With the mention of the name, every man presents mode took a swing; of course they knew Agile, the one making their life tough nowadays.

"It's a letter asking them if they had....had successfully launched a secret invasion on the castle." He added.

"What's in the castle that makes them want to take over it first?" Looking unperturbed, Grayson asked.

"I don't know!" Caldwell replied."We're moving, the boy wasn't found. He may not be around here anywhere,so let's move out and search some open areas in the Town Square." Saying, he folded the paper and put it inside his storage ring.


Standing in a pile of rubbles, the young man looked really exhausted. His once lively face was now having a hint of pale, and the once beautiful clothes he wore was now dirtied and had cuts in it. After the intense fight with the humanoid, he had stood there reflecting on the battle with him.

"I have to go. I can't stay here any longer." He started moving towards the west, but taking a few steps forward, he stoped.

"That thing came from here....What if I encounter more??" Standing facing the west, he muttered. The humanoids were a race known for their liking to stay in groups. And having encountered one here meant that more will be there very soon.

"The marquees castle?, I should go there." Thinking about where to go, he had a suggestion to go to the marquess Dolph's castle.

Making up his mind, he took a turn in his direction, running towards the Marquess castle.

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