

Entering the Grand Master's office, the scene of the black-haired man sitting at the desk burying his face in a pile of papers was so familiar that the three of them didn't seem surprised at all, what they were more interested in was what will come next.

A dangerous mission or a chant?

"Sir Grand Master"

"Sir Rokudaime"


Tadashi, Kuroba and Salt were of the rank of Master A, and the captains of Assassin and Assassin bowed their heads in a proper manner, respectively. It is not unusual for Salt to call his father Rokudaime instead of father, because this is not at home, this is the Grand Master's office. The rule must always be followed and must not be violated, even if her father indulges her, she still plays by the rules.

Taking his eyes off the papers, the black-haired man raised his blue eyes and scanned the three people in front of him. His hand rested on the wooden table, his voice exuded the seriousness of a talented leader:

"15th S-rank quest for Tadashi team. Transport an item in Nahema to Reality safely"'


Tadashi let out a little surprised voice. Nahema is a kingdom located in a world parallel to Reality - Utherworld. It is no longer strange, because Reality and Utherworld have now opened the portal to trade goods between the two worlds. It's just that Tadashi doesn't want to think about Nahema, because whenever he thinks about Nahema, it will be related to her.

The source of the chaos, thanks to her grace, many people have to sacrifice their lives. Now that she was enjoying the luxurious life of a powerful queen, she didn't deserve it.

The current Queen of Nahema - Sanada Ciliegia.

There are two things in this world that make Tadashi regret the most.

One was failing to stop Haruka, Kuroba, and Salt from killing each other.

Second, he did not have the courage to personally kill Sanada Ciliegia. Holding a knife in his hand, he hesitated to stab her.

And because of that, his two most precious comrades had to die, the reason they died was because he made concessions to a woman with a hard heart.

"Yes, it's Nahema, is there a problem?"

Minato retorted when he saw Tadashi's gloomy expression. He knows that Tadashi still has a clear record of the past, Gekkou and Makoto's deaths have become Tadashi's psychological ghosts, as long as Ciliegia Sanada is alive, Tadashi will still torment himself for his mistakes.

Tadashi said nothing, eyes covered in cold mist. Salt learns a bit about his tragic past related to his aunt Sanada, whose aunt Sanada is the queen of Nahema. The mission this time will have to go to Nahema, Tadashi doesn't want to go is natural. Salt then spoke up:

"Mr. Rokudaime, Tadashi team has disbanded, please transfer this mission to another team"

"If we disband, we'll reunite." Minato calmly replied, then turned his gaze to Kuroba and then to Tadashi, saying, "Do you have any other questions?

Minato's intentions were clear, if Tadashi's team didn't accept this mission, it wouldn't be the turn of another team to accept it. And if the Tadashi team decides to refuse, don't even dream of leaving this room peacefully.

After being silent for a while, Kuroba also began to speak:

"Sir, it's just transporting one item, is there a need for three people?"

"Of course because it's a dangerous item that's why I put my hopes on you three, even going to Nahema this time it's even more dangerous so I can't let Tadashi or Salt" Then Minato looked at Kuroba, eyebrows furrowed. : "Or you can go alone"

If the warm son of the Yamamoto clan gets into trouble, Minato will have plenty of time to explain the cause, course, and consequences of this incident.

"Are you looking down on my abilities?"

Kuroba's hands clenched into fists. Since Salt was disabled until now, everyone in Reality considers him a dirty player, harming friends to achieve a high position. No matter how talented he is, he will never be recognized, what they give him is a look of disdain, look at him and say:

It was far behind Ichi, inferior to Salt and unworthy.

As always, he could not overcome the overwhelming shadow left by Ichi and Salt.

"I don't look down on your abilities, but you're subjective in everything. Remember, in Nahema it's not Reality, it only takes a small chance to let your guard down and it's like a joke, your ability is now Now it's only a B-ranked knight of Nahema."

Every word of Minato's words was very serious as a warning, also indirectly assessing Kuroba's strength. With his experience in fighting and dealing with Utherworld's armies, Minato knew that this Kuroba boy would be strangled in Nahema because of his aggressive nature.

Knight Nahema is trained in a brutal way that is not inferior to the challenge of awakening the Red Eyes for the Yamamoto clan. The difference here is that the Nahema knights are real bloodthirsty beasts, whose enthusiasm and kindness are second to none, once you're in a rush, don't ask why the sea water is salty. A fledgling Yamamoto clan like Kuroba would have to practice for a few more lifetimes to be able to solo with Nahema's A-rank knight, let alone Adonai's C-rank knight Ha Arezt, who was even stronger than A-ranked knight Nahema.

Kuroba was dumbfounded for a moment. He had never set foot in the parallel world called Utherworld once, only hearing briefly that there were three powerful nations there, each with a massive military force more than enough to crush Reality.

At the top is Adonai Ha Arezt, holding the highest power of the three countries. With the military system that must be called overpowering on every grain of rice, wherever the grass stops growing, only one C-rank knight of Adonai Ha Arezt is more than enough to kill the A-ranked knight Nahema. Followed by the two kingdoms Nahema and Uggcael are not mentioned too much, but at a glance, they must be said to be powerful.

About 9 years ago, in the time when Kuroba was just a kid with a milky mouth and a hiding place before the smoke-filled war, from Utherworld and Reality both determined to end the apocalypse, the Four Gods of the human world had turned against the Demon King's invasion and won an absolute victory. However, when the war ended, the Four Gods disappeared and no one knew exactly what their faces and backgrounds were. There are many theories about the Four Gods, one of which has been identified.

The God who brings the Light of Origin, immortal and eternal.

The identity of the remaining three is still a big question mark for humanity.

Kuroba is also very curious to know who the Four Gods are, how are they? What's different from a human being so praised?

Perhaps the trip to Nahema will be very rewarding.

"Yes, Tadashi team accepts the mission." Tadashi nodded in compliance, even though he didn't want to accept it at all.

If you deliberately oppose the decision of the Grand Master Sixth, without being cursed, you can only accept ridiculous tasks like walking the dog with a cheap salary.

Why bother with Grand Master Sixth.

"Okay, hurry back to prepare and leave" Minato ordered with a wave of his hand like he was chasing the troubles out of his beloved room.

Having confirmed the mission, the three of them left the Grand Master's office with different thoughts, such as anxiety, but also nervous anticipation.

As soon as the door closed, the blonde girl stepped out from behind the curtain and put her hand on Minato's shoulder, asking:

"You don't make it difficult for Kaka, okay Minato?"

Minato took her hand and placed it on his shoulder, retorting with a face as calm as winter water:

"Hm? What's so difficult? It's just normal shipping right?"

That's right, it's just transporting stuff, an ordinary item that's dangerous enough to destroy a city.

That's why he sent these three children to transport, although they often quarrel, but when fighting, they work very well together, team spirit is always raised to the highest level.

Rena rubbed her fingers over his, sighing sadly.

"I'm not sure what Tadashi will do when he meets Sanada again. Although he is very calm, has a cool head, and is always clear in his mind, he will definitely take revenge with Sanada for revenge. If that happens. So, how do you plan to solve it?

Minato pulled her hand so that she sat on his lap, his arm slipped around her waist to hug her tightly, he smiled wryly:

"Then I have to ask you to solve it, my wife."

If you have a wife who is a Grand Duke, you should take advantage of the opportunity, shouldn't you?

Realizing her arm couldn't move properly, Rena took a deep breath and said:

"I'm not a toy to entertain you, stop abusing that damn string"

Yes, it's a delicate platinum thread like a thread that's hard to distinguish with the naked eye, but its stiffness and strength are at a preeminent level that can't be cut easily. And that thread wrapped around Rena's wrist, preventing her from taking action. And the user of this platinum thread is none other than Minato. He squeezed her waist, still deliberately joking:

"How should I punish you now?"

Instantly a thread of angelica wrapped around Rena's ankle. Now her arms and legs could not move, in short, she was in a passive position.

Obviously still angry about "last place" earlier. What kind of person is that hostile?

This angelic thread was made just to counter her, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get out. Every time he got angry about something with her, he used this damned rope. Not only when angry, but also when the blood of the vile goat is used.

"Stop, I don't like this game at all"

He kissed the crook of her neck and whispered:

"Then you'll like it."

"Um" Rena nodded in agreement that she enjoyed it, but frankly admitted that she couldn't. "But not now and not here"

Now that they are both parents and have two 14-year-old children, if they want to have a cat-and-mouse relationship, they have to go home and talk, not in this office.

His arms wrapped around her waist, slowly lifted her to lie on the sofa, couldn't help but laugh:

"When or where, it doesn't matter"

"I'll go on patrol for the next round tomorrow" Newly returned and already planning to go on the next trip, the time she spent with her family can only be counted on her fingers: "And I don't want to do it, don't force it. can i?"

If Rena didn't want to, Minato didn't want to pressure her either. She herself has to bear a lot of things, is so busy with patrol work that she only comes home 3 or 4 times a year. You too, being a Grand Master with a messy job, you have to work very hard to get home on time for dinner. Salt often waits for him to come home to eat, or there are days when she goes to gather with Tadashi, he decides to stay at the Grand Master's office to eat lunch boxes.

The angelica on Rena's wrist and ankle disappeared in an instant, her limbs moved lightly after being controlled for a short time.

"Okay," Minato replied seriously, brushing a lock of blonde hair from her forehead and kissing it for a brief second. "How long are you going to go this time?"

The longest trip is half a year, the shortest is three months. She herself did not know how long she would have to go. After a while of silence, Rena sat up and hugged Minato's neck, resting her head on his chest:

"Just one day"

"Huh?" Minato blinked in surprise. "Just one day?"

"Um. Just one day." She repeated the sentence again to confirm.

This will be the last patrol this year, according to Rena's best calculations, it only lasts a day at most. The opponent on this patrol of hers is not as strong as the ones she has met before, but it must be eliminated soon, once he is alive, she cannot ignore it.

Subject Gxxx31, living on planet C-1668, has the ability to manipulate the universe's dark matter, but he's just a mere mortal with mid-range combat skills, she thought he couldn't become. threat to the universe and spare him. Even so, he went against Rena's thoughts when he smashed several asteroids last night, disturbing her vacation, it's unforgivable. Having received a mission signal from the council, she just wanted to fly to C-1668 and punch the damn guy with his mouth.

Fight fast and win fast, ending the annoying nightmare called Gxxx31 with a single blow.


Salt returned home and folded some neat clothes in his backpack. Her mood right now is neither happy nor sad, just looking at how she should behave appropriately. Because if it's just you and Tadashi-sensei going on a mission, it's easy, there's no need to worry. Now that she had Kuroba with her on this mission, she didn't know how she should react.

It is possible that the past story has passed, all of Kuroba's sins have been forgiven and forgiven. But now she could hardly open her heart to accept him again.


Salt's blue eyes widened, and she smiled involuntarily as she saw the crumpled photo and the nearly worn edge falling from the side compartment of her backpack and settled on the cold brick floor. Crouching down to pick it up, Salt looked at the photo for a long time and then put it back in the side pocket of his backpack.

Haruka, where are you?

It's been two years since Salt has not seen her brother since waking up from a seemingly endless sleep at the hospital. He must have always blamed himself for that day and was determined to go practice without waiting for Salt to wake up to say goodbye. She didn't blame him, wasn't mad at him, she just wanted him back.

Haruka, how long are you going to go?

After folding the clothes and placing them neatly in the backpack, Salt began to select a few weapons to bring with him for self-defense. Right now she could only use her left hand to hold a melee weapon, probably wouldn't need a sword, so she brought some daggers and darts. Choosing a weapon and putting it in a small bag, Salt suddenly noticed a rather oddly shaped weapon placed in the corner of a rustless iron shelf.

Maybe it's papa's?

She had never noticed it before, but when she took the item in her hand and looked closely, it resembled a silver-edged sharp double-edged sword made of Utherworld metal named Gibor, with an inlaid handle. glittering gold.

The callus on the handle looks like something engraved on it.


She muttered, her eyes narrowing to see what the callus was engraved with. It seems that this double-edged sword weapon is called Elohim, she has no knowledge of it, how it works, or its origin. It seems that Elohim is something that my father used before, but now that he is a Grand Master Sixth, Elohim is not too necessary.

Salt put Elohim in her pocket, she might need it at some point later.

As promised, when the sun was about to set, two black heads and a yellow head appeared at the edge of the border between Reality and Utherworld. This place on the weekend is not so busy trading and exchanging goods as on weekdays, but only a few people pass by, but mainly the Guard of Reality and the Knight of Utherworld guarding the border.

The afternoon sun dyed the sky a reddish orange. The three people on their shoulders each had their own backpacks and began to move carefully to make their way through the afterlife as safely as possible. From the moment they met at the starting point until now, apart from greeting each other properly, they still haven't talked to each other.

Before stepping through the gate with a stone pillar reaching to the horizon, from the base of the pillar is a red electric line that foolishly touches, only water will be on the counting board, Kuroba said while looking at Salt:

"Paru, are you sure you can do this quest?"

"What do you mean?"

Salt asked even though she didn't look at Kuroba, she tied her shoelaces securely so that it wouldn't come off when moving quickly.

Obviously trying to ignore me.

Kuroba patiently smiled.

"Your right hand...it can't be used right? Are you sure you can fight? Otherwise you can go home"

As soon as Kuroba finished speaking, he immediately received a sharp glare from Tadashi.

Can't you say a kinder word?

Kuroba's style of asking questions with salt sprinkled with salt could not make Salt want to look at him even once, not even a frown. Tadashi coughed a few times to answer on behalf of Salt:

"She's left-handed"

Salt was grateful that Tadashi spoke for him. He always helps her when she is in trouble and frees her up. That's right, she's left-handed, it's just that she didn't show it before. Now that her right hand is disabled, it is not too important for a left-handed person like her. It's easy to understand why Tadashi knew that Salt was left-handed, he was the one who taught her spells and swordsmanship... well average swordsmanship, high level swordsmanship was taught by Rena herself. During solo training, Salt always uses his left hand to hold his sword. She only holds the sword in her right hand when someone is around. He had once looked into the future and predicted that his pupil would be very good at dual swords, but the future he prayed for had already been extinguished.

Kuroba didn't say anything more. Even if he provoked Salt, he would only receive her ignoring in return.

The three of them walked through the portal connecting Utherworld and Reality at the same time. The cold mist hit their noses leaving a faint odor, the wind blowing past their heads making their hair almost stand on end. When they opened their eyes, the reflection in their pupils was so majestic that they had never imagined it.

A group, no, a legion of knights armed with silver glittering platinum armor weighing tens of kilograms, more than two hundred people lined up neatly by the roadside, in between those two rows of knights was a red carpet. luxury velvet.

If it's afternoon in Reality, it's evening in Utherworld. But it was the magnificent reception of more than two hundred knights that made the scene brighter like the sun shining in the dark of night.

The knight wearing dark blue armor that was different from the silver armored knights stepped forward. It seems that this man is the commander of the knights, bowing his head and saying in a loud voice like a tiger:

"Lord Tadashi, Mr. Yamamoto, we have been ordered by the Queen to come here to welcome you." Immediately, he walked over to Salt, knelt on one knee, and respectfully said: "Lady Salt Carsein Hepburn, welcome. returnee"

Salt reached out her hand to help the knight commander up, she smiled.

"Yes, long time no see, Uncle Annin"

Annin - the name of the knight commander, hid her face behind a heavy helmet, but could not hide her joy when she saw the little girl she had raised in the past.

Now she's half a head taller than me.

In Reality, she is Akazaka Salt, the former Assassin captain, the daughter of Grand Master Sixth.

In Utherworld, she is Salt Carsein Hepburn, daughter of the Grand Duke. No matter who she is, whatever her identity is, she is still her, is Salt, is a person who will never change. Tadashi shrugged and asked:

"Where's that item?"

Annin took two steps back and replied:

"There is no need to hurry. The Queen has opened a banquet at the palace to welcome the three of you. I hope you can stay to accept the Queen's hospitality."

I thought Tadashi and Kuroba would be happy to hear the word Banquet, but after all, there was only an expressionless expressionless expression on his face. Salt did not find it strange at all, Tadashi did not have to say, he did not want to face the Queen and would use all means to avoid her perfectly. As for Kuroba, he's a quiet person who hates crowded places, so at the party he would hide out on the balcony to get some fresh air.

Exactly what I thought!

Half of the time of the party passed after Queen Sanada Ciliegia's lengthy speeches with bullshit content, Kuroba couldn't help but look bored and quickly went out into the royal garden to breathe in the fresh air. better than being in a boring party room with music pounding like hammers in your ears.

The power that conquered Nahema now is no longer the Nahema it used to be. Nahema is now like a stale noodle in the afternoon. The Queen is just like an ape who enjoys pleasure, day and night immersed in lavish lavish parties. She did not propose a policy to improve the people's life, just sat on the throne and pointed at the wrong thing. Without the Grand Duke once a month to make a plan to improve the situation, Nahema would fall without stopping even to Uggcael. It must have been hard for the chief knight Annin to handle the situation when the Grand Duke had not returned.

Salt's beloved teacher Tadashi sat huddled in a corner sipping fine wine and hiding himself so as not to draw attention.

Salt walked over to Tadashi and sat down across from him, she started to take the apple and took a bite. Not too sweet nor sour, the gentle sweetness spreads on the tongue and the apple flavor makes people's spirits much better. Tadashi continues to drink from glass to glass, she really cares about his health now.

"Drink a little, we still have a mission, teacher."

Tadashi's face was a little red because of the alcohol infiltrating his body, his voice became hoarse:

"It's okay, I don't get drunk easily, don't worry"

See who's talking?

At the year-end party last year, it was Tadashi who solicited a drinking match with the Assassin brothers and lost badly, leaving with a look of high heaven. Of course, Salt had to carry his drunken teacher back home because they were both going home, let alone if Salt wouldn't take Tadashi home, no one would accept the burden for her, willing to let him sit in a corner. some sleep until sober. On the way back, he used his god-given voice to make her ears almost bleed, not only that, but he ran around to scare the kids.

Men when drunk are scary!

"Drink it, baby Sa, it's delicious"

Tadashi mumbled, dreamily holding a glass of wine, unable to steady himself in front of Salt. She hesitated a bit as to whether or not she should accept it, her drinking capacity wasn't bad, it was just that she was afraid she would do something weird when she was drunk. But then she also took it and definitely drank it all in one go.

The red liquid infiltrated her mouth and then slid down her throat, the spicy taste that also made her head spin.

Damn, what the hell kind of wine is that?

Salt rubbed his forehead, pursed his lips reproachfully:

"You fooled me, it's not delicious at all"

Tadashi laughed with satisfaction.

"Because you are so stupid, I believe it even if you say it. But if you are a person who can taste it, then this wine is a poison."

He complimented, still holding the bottle of wine, pouring and drinking. Salt took a deep breath, holding the apple on the fruit plate and squeezing it as if she wanted to crush it, she retorted:

"First, I'm not stupid. Second, I'm not a drunkard like you. Third, stop drinking before I shove this apple in your face."

"What if I still drink?" Tadashi tilted the glass of wine in his hand, an expression blatantly testing Salt's patience.

"So." Salt stood up, shoved the wine glass in Tadashi's hand before catching it again before it fell to the tiled floor and placed it on the safe table. He was a bit confused for a moment, when he woke up a little bit, he felt his face hurt terribly, the whole world seemed to go dark in an instant. Salt pressed the apple directly to his face, she smiled and said: "I have been doing it already, are you satisfied?"

"I'm not sure"

Tadashi cried out in pain. The alien language that Tadashi speaks can be understood as "I'm satisfied"

Salt collected the apple and placed it on the table, resting his hands on his hips and glaring at Tadashi: "It's worth it."

No longer too unfamiliar with Salt's talkative personality, Tadashi rubbed his nearly broken nose, groaning out loud:

"If you are so violent, you will lose your husband."

"Go ahead and I'll let you in for free jaw surgery." Salt cracked his hand, ready to grab his chin and crush it to shreds. He shook his head, smiling wryly.


"Salt, you mustn't treat your teacher like that"

A stern female voice reminded from behind Salt. Tadashi's annoyed frown also made Salt guess who the person behind her was. She turned her head to look back, her brown hair was neatly combed into a bun, tied with a pure gold crown at the top to symbolize the king.

Queen of Nahema - Ciliegia Sanada.

Salt was a little surprised, but then regained his composure.

Sanada's face in middle age no longer retains the youthful youthfulness of his twenties, mainly due to practicing black magic, so he aged so quickly, looking like an old woman of 50 years old, although Queen she is only 34 years old.

"Hello, Aunt Ciliegia." Salt politely greeted his niece. She did not need to kneel before the Queen, because the head of the Nahema kingdom was her mother, Grand Duke, the daughter of the Grand Duke, who did not have to bow to anyone but the emperor Adonai Ha Arezt. Queen Sanada is only second.

Called Queen Nahema but the people do not have much sympathy for Sanada, her sins caused in the past are stains that cannot be washed away. The people temporarily accepted Sanada because the Grand Duke could not directly govern the kingdom. The Grand Duke handed over Nahema to Sanada, who had to sacrifice his life to protect the Nine Worlds. Sanada was given the position of Queen as it is today, but it is not enough to take it on her own.

The people once held demonstrations to depose Sanada and nominate the Grand Duke to succeed. Fortunately for her, the Grand Duke was busy with the Nine Realms, so he refused to take the throne. Otherwise, she would not have been able to sit on the throne until now.

Sanada approached Tadashi with a soft voice:


Tadashi turned his face away, looking very annoyed, growling: "Who gave you permission to call my name?"

The years that pass without seeing anyone will change, but the hatred in Tadashi will never subside unless the person who killed his comrades is killed.

Sanada's breathing was uneven, blinking:

"Tadashi, we need to talk privately"

The way to emphasize the word "Private" is to indirectly chase Salt away. She understood and smiled faintly: "I'm sorry to go first." Then she quickly ran away, disappearing in the crowd.

You dare leave me here with this damn woman?

Tadashi also stood up to chase, but Sanada's hand grabbed his shirt hem: "Kakashi, don't go" she stammered, her hand shaking slightly: "Let's talk for a bit, okay?"

"Don't call me by my first name" Tadashi emphasized each word, the sentence as decisive as a needle piercing Sanada's body. To keep Tadashi at all costs, she must use the ultimate move:

"Then don't try to get that item. You won't be able to complete the quest when you return empty-handed?"

Damn, taking out the mission to threaten Tadashi, Sanada's deviousness has never been worn away even though 8 years have passed. The mission must be completed, in order to complete it, you must get the other item. Means that...

"Okay, I'll talk to you out there, not here." Then he walked away, continued even though his face darkened: "5 minutes"

It takes a lot of patience for Sanada to stay calm despite being ignored by Tadashi like a stranger.

Chapitre suivant