
Crutiara: Where New Demon Lords are Born

Nazuno, a demon student and a victim of abuse, wants to become the demon lord candidate to change the demon realm into a pleasing place. But her fear of failure holds her back from becoming one. "Demons are failed creatures that needs to be fixed." She'll soon meet Ritake who will help her achieve her goal. Later on, she'll know the greatest revelation of Ritake.

Ariathros · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Aroma of Food and Coffee

This lunch time, I accepted Majiro's request to walk around with him. I would have lost my way back to my classroom if I had not trusted Majiro with my freedom.

We first stood in front of the building where the classrooms are located. In preparation for his active introduction, Majiro opened his arms wide.

"Welcome to the sophomore school building. This is where sophomore classes are held. There are a lot of sophomores at Crutiara, and a building is adequate for them."

The school building is a huge two-story building with a huge area. Its exterior has pillar designs, and its roofs are triangular and pyramidal.

The first floor's ceiling is impossible to reach for a six footer. No wonder why classrooms are also wide.

Do they have a different design for the buildings from other years?" I asked.

"No. Do you see the buildings there?" He points his fingers toward three buildings with the same layout. "The numbers pasted on the building represent the years of students."

"So that roman numeral two symbol on the logo, that pertains to the second year?"

"Yes, you're right, but it doesn't restrict who enters. Meaning, you can enter the freshmen or the seniors' building."

"I see." Does this school also practice freshman hunting? Luckily I wasn't a freshman when I started here.

"Shall we go to the next spot?"

I nod. Majiro leads me to the building Nazuno and I entered earlier. Because I am a newcomer to the university, I didn't notice its design earlier. Its design resembles the adventurer's guild building in Yruiburg.

"This is the administrator's building. It has three floors and contains the Principal's Office, Faculty Offices, Registrars, the Director's Office, and more. This is the most problematic building here."

"Most problematic?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"You should drink coffee before entering. Only brave souls can enter it unscathed. I've already been scolded there so many times that I've lost count."

"No." I shake my head. "You're the problematic one here."

He leads me to the two largest buildings at the university. They're facing each other, but there's a long distance between them.

"Do you see this building, Ritake? This is the Magic Arena. This is where duels are held. Duels are an established practice in Demon universities so be prepared."

"Why is it an IMPORTANT practice? Is it required? Or will I lose something like rank?"

"You're partly correct. Your power level is based on the current match. These statistics will gather and create data about your strengths and weaknesses."

I narrowed my eyes. "That's scary."

"Isn't it? That's why it's exciting!"

"Really, you're a weird person."

"The gathered matches are ranked based on win rates. If you're familiar with the ranking system, then I won't explain more to you. It's your homework after all."

What a bastard. He thought he was my adviser. "Then… Nazuno has a high win rate?"

"We'll talk about people later. Places first." He then moves on to the next building as if he were a news reporter. "This is the stadium. This is where…"

"Sports festivals and such, right? Is there anything more special than that?"

"In addition to its aesthetic design, I guess none. I hate physical tests."

I noticed a huge building with a dome roof not far from the stadium. "Majiro, what about the building there?" I asked, pointing towards the building.

"Oh, that? It's the clinic. You think it's a temple?"

Shouldn't a clinic be smaller than that? Else it's called a hospital."

Crutiara encounters injured persons on a daily basis. Due to healing magic, students can quickly recover within a day. But it tires out the staff more than anyone else."

True. Healing magic costs twice the mana of an advanced spell. It can treat mild wounds. "But how about severe injuries? They can't be treated with just a simple heal, right?"

"They're not JUST simple heal! They're advanced healing mages prioritizing medical studies. If a severe injury happens, they perform surgery before using magic."

"Surgery? Won't they have the tools to do it? It's a costly feature if I'm asked."

"Surely, that is costly. But those don't need tools. They need people. There's a rare lineage that can stop liquid flow including blood, and there are some who can simulate body functions."

I want to see surgery done by magic. "Should I test you?"

"Test what?"

"I could borrow a sharp object to cut your arm. Medics can put it back by the way." I intended that as a joke.

But instead of being scared, he looked down at me with his chin up. "Why don't you try it yourself?"

I thought he would take it seriously, but it was just a prank to counter mine. When he saw my eyebrows, he laughed loudly. Now, I can conclude that I don't have to worry about him.

A half hour after lunch, we walked to the glassy building as wide as a ship. We saw students eating their meals at tables as we entered the building. They all have the same plates.

We stopped at the last of the lines leading to the counter. As the line moves forward, we unconsciously follow. "Hey, Majiro, is this a restaurant or something?"

"You're right, but we call this the cafeteria."

The aroma of food and coffee blends together. "The smell is pretty pleasant. I can feel the caffeine reacting in my body."

"Here on the first floor, it's a diner. The second floor is where they serve coffee and special beverages. The food and drinks here are only available at Crutiara."

"Can we take our food out?"

"We're taking ours out."

We've ordered our designated meal from the menu given to us. I didn't expect them to cook their meals quickly. After that, I followed Majiro outside while carrying my plate.

We walked to a place with meandering paths and pink mature trees. The road is tiled while beyond it is well-cut grass we can smell. There are wooden benches here and there.

We sat around a table and ate our meals. "Bon apetit!"

"Where are we, Majiro?"

"Ah, here?"

"Where do you think?"

He bites his food first and wiggles his satisfied body. "Delicious! We're in the Central Park of the university. See that statue there?"

I looked in the direction he pointed. The figure appeared quite familiar to me. It's a statue of a woman with a robe and a codex in her hand. "Humaea?"

"Try to eat your food before it cools down. It's tasty when hot. Don't cry of regret later."

After handling the spoon, I took a bite. "It's quite tasty! It tastes like magic." Literally magic. But it is not as tasty as Risano's natural cooking.

"See!? When you eat it, you'll be transported into the magical world of heaven," Majiro exclaimed as he took continuous bites.

"I want to continue the discussion from earlier. Can I ask more about Nazuno Haimika?"

He drinks water and clears his throat. "Do you like her?"

"No. I'm curious why she's on top."

"Oh, top 3? Are you jealous? Of course, she's Miss Chiho Haimika's daughter. She took the same fighting style as her mother."

"Chiho Haimika…" That's the name of the person where I should go to as per Sensei's letter. Wait…

I quickly checked my pockets and bag. After knowing that I'd lost Sensei's letter, my face turned upside down.

"Hey, what's got into you?"

"N… Nothing. Never mind me." It's impossible that I lost it while running on my way to school. My bag is locked. "By the way, where can I see Chiho Haimika?"

"Manners dude."

I bow down. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, just don't tell that to your designated person. You can find her behind the library office in the administrator's building. Can I ask your reason for visiting there?"

"Miss Chiho is my grandfather's relative." I faked the grandfather thing because I couldn't expose Sensei's identity.

"We once had her as an instructor in our first year."

I widen my eyes as I quickly turn to Majiro. "Really!? What is she like?"

"It's too long for the ruckus she made in our class. To summarize it all, she deeply loves her daughter. Her public display of affection for Nazuno is much more powerful than a general couple."

"I can smell trouble. What does she teach?"

"The Mental Acuity of Magic and the Body Systems. It teaches how mental thoughts affect magic creation and mana regeneration."

I am also taught this topic, but by others. I also receive instruction from Sensei. The two seem to be completely related to each other.

"That's also the reason why she's such a talented individual. Her talent has been passed down to Nazuno. Even with less use of physical means, Nazuno's tricks can turn the tables."


"Rather than calling her a fighter, you should call her a tactician."

Can a tactic be applied in a one-on-one duel? "But what about her abilities? Her magic capabilities? She should have a weakness, right?"

"That's the reason why she's in the Top 3.

"No one can detect her weakness."

Yruiburg is the city where Crutiara is located. All of the seven cities has only one demon university built.

The Mental Acuity of Magic correlates the psychology of the demon brain in relation to magic. Mental stability is especially a factor in forming spells and such where magic is applied.

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