15 Cat

I never had a cat. I wanted one but never got one. And that is exactly why I was happy when one day a stray cat wandered into my house.

It was a black cat. Slanted golden eyes. It could blend in the dark with its black fur.

My family once came to visit me. They saw the cat and went on rambling about how Black cats are inauspicious. How they will bring death and are forebearers of bad luck.

I never heard their warnings. Cats are cats. And this one was beautiful. It did seem a bit different from normal cats. But it was always good to me.

I used to buy cat food specially for him. I made sure he was well fed lest he would run to hunt mouse. Sometimes he would bring a mouse, sometimes a snake. I realized I will have to feed him well or he will run around bringing every creature nearby.

But recently, he is feeling a lot more hungry.

When cat food wasn't enough, I fed him fish.

When that didn't fill him after a few days, I brought him meat. But he soon developed more hunger.

I decided not to feed him anymore. I didn't have the capacity , financially and mentally as well. If I ignore him for a few days he will go away. Or if I am lucky, he will stop being so hungry. And it's been two weeks that I have been ignoring him and finally he has stopped showing up today. I felt sad but there was nothing I could do.

But now I have finally realized that there is nothing I could do to stop this pain on my neck.

The chomping sounds ,the bones crunching, I can't stop them anymore. The cat needed food and it didn't really matter who.

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