
The young man

Watson cautiously went towards the door, there was another impatient ring, he slowly opened the door.

"Good evening sir, here's your Mexican Green Wave and Barbeque Mexicano pizza." A young man in black outfit, with "Authentic Joey's" tag holded two large boxes of pizza.

"What the???!!!"

Orlando's rich laugh could be heard from the couch.

Watson angrily stomped back to his place in the couch, "You are so imbecile, Orlando... "

Lucas rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. "Honestly, for a minute I was worried."

Trying to stop his aching stomach from laughing, Orlando tried to control his laughter, "Who would have thought, that two most gruesome, strong and brave men would be scared like this. I will definitely tell this to Romano and Deandre... "

"I dare you to do that... " Watson glared at his friend.

"Ahem...." the delivery boy cleared his throat to gain attention.

"You have cough, young boy?" Lucas raised his eyebrows at the visibly pale boy.

The boy gulped feeling embarrassed, and looking at Orlando with pleading eyes.

"Don't trouble the guy with your looks Lucas.. "

Orlando made his way towards the boy and took the pizza boxes. He handed him a 100 dollar note and was about to close the door, when he heard another cough.

"Umm.. Ahh.. " the boy was uncomfortable receiving such a large sum of money, when the actual bill was just 45 $.

"Boy there... you got cough?! Wait, I'll give you a pill so that cough of yours stop.. " Lucas voice bloomed and made the young man shiver slightly.

He closely looked at their attire, they seemed to be rich men in highly custom made business suit. He wandered why they ordered pizza from such a small shop in the town, when they could eat from 5stars or their competitor pizza store "Pizza Maniac"

"Noo... Sir... I mean... " he coughed again, getting embarrassed by passing seconds.

"What do you mean? " Lucas sharp voice startled him again.

"I don't have change... " he showed him the 100 dollar note.

Lucas rolled his eyes, "Keep that change and get going... "

"No, it's just too much for a tip Sir. I don't have the change now, but I'll get it tomorrow morning."

This raised eyebrows from all of the men, this young kid, hardly Seventeen years old was not keeping the money.

Orlando looked conflicted, "It's for your job. You can use that money for your household chores."

The young man frowned, "I'm not poor if you are thinking. I can make ends meet, I will give you the change by tomorrow morning. Goodnight sir." with that the young man left, leaving the men speechless.

Orlando closed the door, and looked again at the pizza, "That boy made me guilty... "

"What was that... another person in his place would have kept it without even thinking... " Watson whispered, the young boy was really something else.

"Let's see if he comes tomorrow... for such a young boy, he sure got an attitude." Lucas snorted and took the barbecue mexicano pizza from Orlando.

"That's not attitude, it's called ethics. I really liked him... " Orlando made himself comfortable in the couch and motioned Watson to get coke from the fridge.

"The young lad seems quite interesting to me. If he actually shows up and gives the change, I might hire him... " Watson placed the coke cans and took a large slice of Mexican Green wave pizza.

"Hire him? He is hardly seventeen years old kid...!! " Lucas said in disbelief, "He has his college life ahead, what work could he possibly do for you?"

"We'll see... for now let us joy enjoy eating our pizza." Watson grabbed another pizza from Lucas box.

"I'll fish out information about him tomorrow, if he shows up." Orlando said, skipping his coke.

"How I missed this taste from Authentic Joey... Old days... " Lucas moaned.

"Our favorite food spot.. " Watson chimed in.

"And of our girls too... "Orlando raised his half eaten pizza in his hands, "To old memories... "

"To old memories." Both the boys commented and enjoyed their meal.


"Dammit, why aren't they answering our calls??" Romano gritted his teeth.

"Maybe they are still investigating in the high school. Don't worry, they'll inform us sooner." Deandre assured his best friend.

"Aren't you worried about Susan?" he questions, making Deandre's body stiffen.

"I am, but I want to stay optimistic regardless of the situation. Susan would want me that way... "

Deandre closed his eyes and saw the beautiful red head woman he fell in love with in front of him, her fingers were caressing his smooth jawline.

His mind has been occupied with her thoughts of lately, and he absolutely denies to believe anything pessimist. He is silently praying the Almighty to listen him and give him a way to find his Susan back.

There was suddenly a ping sound from their phone.

"They have sent us the recordings... " Romano said looking up from his phone.

"Let's listen to it... "


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