

A month passed since the incident with orcs and only two important things happened, the first was a few days after the incident our group advanced to E Rank And because of our incessant hunting for orcs and goblins, not counting some groups of adventurers F Rank we saved.

The second thing that happened was that our group gained some fame in the guild with this we just received a call from the guild of the adventurers in Jan a town situated near a low rank dungeon.

To go to the city of Jan, we accepted a request to escort a caravan merchant with another group of rank F, this trip would last two weeks and had already been 5 days without anything happening.

Now almost half way Remi gives us a warning.

"There's something approaching, it's quite a lot in number."

At this moment Hella orders that the car stop and make a defense formation.

The cars form a circle I ask Remi where the enemies would come from, so she shows me the direction. I take the front next to me comes an adventurer from the F Rank group they had 5 people in that group, two warriors, a magician, a healer and an archer.

This warrior should have been my age and used an ax and a shield, he was tall but still smaller than me, by his expression his group did not have much experience when it came to battles against many enemies.

Coming in our direction were wolves, at least 50 wolves were coming towards us, hunger stamped, their eyes full of anger, they were not malnourished but could see that they had not eat for some time.

Vush. I hear an arrow being fired, a hollow sound echoes, the arrow hits the center of the wolf's skull but the other wolves do not feel anything and continue their race towards us, at this moment a fire ball explodes in the middle of the wolves causing some burning in more than two.

At this moment I enter my battle pose, the first wolf reaches me, he jumps up on me, one step to the side and a well-placed lunge on his neck and he is dead.

At this moment the real battle begins, I see an unlimited number of wolves running up to me, they are slow and their teeth can not cross my armor, I step forward a threat and an invitation, my dance partner seems to accept.

Their swords have a slight shine because of the infusion of mana, use [charge] coming quickly in front of the wolves, I can not use many skills, as this can prevent me from using [protection] in case anyone needs it.

My shield hits the head of a wolf soon after my sword falls on his head dividing his skull, at that moment a wolf leaps up at me, I put the shield in front of me and I play it back.

Puchi. A sound that probably divided the wolf in two can be heard, I keep attacking by diverting and sending wolves that jump on my shield to Hella to divide them, arrows fly hitting the targets, small stone projectiles hit the wolves by making holes in them, other wolves are found with knives in their heads I their pierced eyes already dead on the ground.

They could be 50 or more wolves, but hunger made them angry and anger made them less cunning. If we wrestled with 50 crafty wolves it would be a problem as they would try to attack the weakest first, making us have to stay focused and make it harder to get through it with minimal damage now.

"Are any of you injured?" - Hella asks.

"Not back here" Says Remi

"All right here." Ana says, going to collect her daggers.

"Ready for the next boss." I say.

"Someone hurt there" She looks at the caravan

"All are well" Says the leader of the caravan

"Just minor injuries here." says the leader of the other group.

Soon we got together and collected the bodies of the wolves, the caravan also helped since they bought the skins and used the meat to eat for the rest of the trip.

It was already night, our group is eating while we were talking about silly things when someone comes to my side.

"Hey, my friend," says the man who wore shield and ax.


"I 'm Jorge."

"Ronan." I stand and reach for him.

"Your coordination is very good, how long have you been fighting together?" He says as he greets me.

"Just over a month."

"Uou! Our group has been fighting for 3 months now and we have not been able to climb to E Rank yet."

"You only need to work better together and develop some strategies, so you can hunt much faster."

"Hahahaha, thanks for saying I'm going to tell them this, but where are you guys going after you finish this escort?"

"Let's stay in Jan anyway.

"Oh! So are you also going to the competition?"

"What competition?" at that moment Hella gets up and comes to us.

"You do not know?"

"No. We're going to Jan because of a request from the guild there."

"So are you. Hey folks" Jorge calls his group "We are traveling with the crimson blades."

At that moment the other 4 of his group get up and come and greet us.

"So what is this competition?" - continues Hella

"You will enter the dungeon with a supervisor, all groups are E Rank, about 100, those who go further into the dungeon will earn rewards, also serve as promotion to D Rank"

"Thank you for the information, but why crimson blades?" - Hella asks

"Just look at yourself as you struggle. "Whoever speaks this time is the warrior with the two-handed sword.

"I like the name, it really suits us." Mike says.

"Hehehe! This bloody name suits us."Remi says in his playful tone.

"Look, boss, you look like you inspired a nice name for our group." I say.

Hella could not speak and the name of our group was decided that day.

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