

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

The Truth

After Akira and Miko alongside Sync fought the dragon, the adventure guild quickly sent a rescue party to retrieve Akira, Miko and Sync from the dungeons.

The entire raid party was almost killed but Akira, Miko survived, Sync was in critical condition and Akira was unscathed.

As they made It to the surface instead of being sent to the hospital, Akira and Miko were sent home to their bedrooms but Sync was sent to the hospital.

Within a few hours of resting, Akira woke up. He saw lady Luna sitting besides him.

"Lady Luna?" Akira said a little unconscious.

"How are you feeling?" Luna asked.

"W-what happened to everyone?" Akira said, completely dodging the question.

"Don't worry, Miko is fine. Except for that strange boy, he was in critical condition on arrival." Luna explained.

"So who killed It?" Akira asked.

Luna had a shocked expression "Does he really not remember?" Luna thought.

Luna decided It was best to not answer, as It would confuse Akira again like last time.

"Don't worry about that, all that matters is that you're back and alive with Miko." Luna said comforting Akira.

"Get some sleep, you can move around tomorrow." Luna said as she began to walk out of Akira's room.

"W-wait! But I want to know what happened to the dragon!" Akira shouted at Luna.

"If you really want to know...then accept that you killed it." Luna said as she left with a final message.

"No way...I killed another strong monster again?" Akira thought to himself.

"I wonder how Miko is holding up, She looked terrified when she witnessed someone die in front of her" Akira thought to himself.

Her room was only 2 rooms down the hallway from Akira's, Akira got up from the bed and started to walk to Miko's room.

As he opened the door he slowly entered in.

He saw Miko laying in bed

"Are you okay Miko?" Akira asked.

"I-I'm sorry...I couldn't help" Miko cried.

"No, It's okay. It's just I didn't expect everyone to die so fast in that raid. Lady Luna said It would be fine since everyone there is S rank." Akira explained

"But the truth is, are S ranks really that weak? That was only a floor 10 raid boss. I heard 1 S rank could take it down but...all those people were S but they all died like nothing..." Akira said.

"Anyways, I'm glad your okay. Let's take a break from dungeons today alright?" Akira told Miko.

"Yes...that is fine with me" Miko said with a sadden look.

Akira notice and left the room quietly...

Hour's later Akira took a walk down town to the guild hall to meet up with miss Nisha, his guild advisor.

"I see, so It looks like you managed to kill a floor 10 boss all by yourself...again" Nisha said.

"Is there something you're hiding from me miss Nisha? Do you know my true powers?" Akira asked.

"Huh? What do you mean, don't you already know your abilities, It's Lightning bolt and Personality switch." Nisha explained.

"Is there...something you know that I don't know miss Nisha?" Akira said calmly.

"Akira..." Nisha said.

"So It's true, you are hiding something about my damn ability isn't It!" Akira shouted.

"Well, It's...I-" Akira cut Nisha off.

"Why...what's wrong with my passive skill huh? Is It the only reason why I've been alive this entire time?!" Akira said.

But Nisha had enough "Akira! Stop shouting right now." Nisha demanded in a angry tone.

"Just what is my passive? It's not my personality switching to a completely different one is it?" Akira said.

Nisha sighed..."If you want the truth, then It's best we hold a meeting with lady Luna and Hermes." Nisha explained.

"Why? Do they know the truth of my passive?" Akira asked.

Nisha stood up "We can answer It when we arrange another talk, now go rest and leave this behind for now" Nisha said as she walked away.

Akira left the guild hall minutes later, he was sadden.

He looked at both his hands, trembling and shaking non stop.

"Is something...happening to me?" Akira wondered.

"Should I be happy or worried about my passive skill?" Akira thought.

"The reason why I've been alive...is because of my passive skill isn't it. But It's not like what lady Luna described to me...Could It be that someone has been secretly following me and killing the monsters, or could I have completely lost my mind and killed It without realizing?" Akira thought harder...

"Just what the hell is this passive?" Akira said...

To Be Continued...

Passive skills are skills that are always on, everyone has one...

AkiraKazecreators' thoughts