
Creatures Covenant

Lance, a reclusive individual, unexpectedly finds himself transported to a mysterious new realm, utterly captivated by the intricate art of nurturing extraordinary creatures. In this unfamiliar world, he assumes the role of an orphaned soul. However, fortune smiles upon him, gifting him with a remarkable system, a guiding light on his journey to master the intricacies of nurturing and evolving these enigmatic beasts.

PoWriter · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Healing and Learning

After the Cloudripper fell Lance rushed forward to make sure Turt was okay, it was his first friend in this new world and there was no way he would just let it be treated so poorly, reaching down to gently lift Turt up, Lance could see the countless indention's and slash marks all across his shell exemplifying the torture he had to endure.

"Are you okay Turt, I didn't think that beast would come at you so viciously, i'm sorry buddy" Lance whispered to Turt softly.

 "I didn't think that monster would be so strong, a second longer and Turt would've been a mere pile of bones" thought Lance grimly. 

Deciding to sit down with Turt so they could rest, Lance noticed that the blonde tamer had rushed toward his Venomspike Toad in tears, dropping to the ground he started applying bandages anywhere he could to stop its bleeding, luckily it had a pretty good endurance stat so it should be able to recover with a long enough resting period, it might be left with a few nasty scars after though. 

"Levi you better hold up your end of the deal and come heal my precious baby" shouted the blonde kid while staring fiercely at who Lance could only assume was Levi, the Darkfang Vipers tamer. 

Levi swiftly moved over to the blonde kid and pulled a small red vial out from his pocket, carefully unscrewing the top he poured the contents down the Venomspike Toads throat, shortly after, the various cuts and slashes that covered its course body began to heal at a rate visible to the eye. It was quite the miraculous sight to see, especially for Lance who had never witnessed such a miracle before.

"I can't believe that stuff works so effectively, I wonder if they'd be willing to give some to Turt" thought Lance. 

After healing the blonde guys Venomspike toad, Levi turned around and began to make his way over to Lance with both the toad and blonde kid following close behind. 

"Brother thank you for the help, we wouldn't have been able to bring that monster down without you and your little skeleton turtle's help, use one of these to help the little guy, I'm Levi by the way, whats your name?" spoke Levi in a friendly tone as he tossed one of the vials over to Lance

"I'm happy to be of help, I go by Lance and my partners name is Turt, if you don't mind me asking what exactly is this?" Lance said while holding out the caught red vial.

"You must've never seen one of them healing vials either ain't ya, they aren't very common in the slums due to their high cost, but they're just tier 1 common grade healing vials, also thanks for saving my Venomspike Toad, I don't know how many more hits he really could've taken, I'm Rein, its nice to meet you" Rein pitched in from behind Levi whilst shooting his hand forward for a handshake.

"Thanks for the vial then, hopefully it can fix Turt right up" said Lance in regard to Levi, while shaking Rein's hand.

Twisting the lid of the small red vial, Lance reached over and decided to pour the substance all along Turt's battered grey shell, there were numerous cracks and slash marks covering every inch of it, making it look on the brink of collapse. 

Now that Lance could get a closer look at how the healing substance worked, he paid close attention to Turt's shell an could see that as soon as it touched an injury along his shell the liquid was quickly absorbed and used to fuse any and every crack back together while also slowly filling in all the indention's on his back.

This process continued for about 30 seconds until Turt's shell had reformed completely and he looked better than ever, there was even a slight light grey sheen coming off of his shell as if had been recently polished, quickly standing up on his own he waddled over into Lance's hands as he bent down to pick the little guy back up. 

Looking into Turts white iridescent eyes he seemed to not be upset about what happened before at all, he only looked excited to be the center of attention if anything, with his tiny tail bone even wagging back an forth repeatedly. 

"That worked pretty efficiently, maybe I should check his covenant to see if it healed him completely" thought Lance while also imagining the covenant tab appearing in front of him. 


[Covenants: 1/1]

[Covenant: Name: Turt, Health: 12/12 Tier: 1 low-level, Grade: Common]


"Damn, that vial really healed him to full in 30 seconds" Lance thought while rubbing Turts head. 

"It's nice to meet you Lance, I'm glad that potion worked for you, especially since you really saved us back there, we thought we were totally done for, we had been fighting that beast for nearly 10 minutes before you arrived and it had just finished using a devastating skill on Rein's Venomspike Toad, which left it in the dire condition you saw previously" said Levi 

"Yeah we thought we could take it, and we were holding our own till it started rapidly spinning and tore my baby's flesh to shreds, it must have been a skill, how unlucky is that?" said Rein while caressing the toads light green vocal sack. 

"I'm happy I arrived in such a timely manner, I was just resting outside here when I heard a scream so I rushed inside to help, also if you don't mind me asking how'd your Darkfang Viper bite that Cloudripper's head off in a single bite" said Lance motioning to the headless body of the Cloudripper. 

"My little Darkfang Viper here is better than most, so much so that she's even comprehended a common skill, Reinforce Fangs" said Levi with a smirk present on his proud face. 

"I didn't realize skills were so powerful, but the Cloudripper was also distracted and injured so I think it fell on more than just his Darkfang Viper having a powerful skill" thought Lance while nodding in response to Levi. 

"You could recognize that beast? We had no clue what it was, but we weren't willing to back down after coming so far and the way in was pretty cramped, I doubt we could've made our way back out with our lives" said Rein. 

"Yeah, I've seen renditions of it in books before they're known for their high strength, agility and for also having a rare secondary metal typing" said Lance in response. 

"So what brought y'all here in the first place? I doubt y'all were exploring this abandoned chemical plant with danger lurking around every corner for fun" asked Lance questioningly. 

"Well since you saved us back there, I feel it's only fair to let you in on the goodies in this place. My father used to work here before the beast tide 2 years ago, he let me in on a secret about the plant and how it was used to store and research a low level toxic essence which can potentially assist in a beasts growth if their body can absorb the essence, which normally rely's on the pets typing" said Levi with a giddy grin on his face. 

"The only downside is that your pet has to withstand the intense pain from the toxic essence to absorb it and refine it completely. He also let me know that it could help in the growth of roughly 5 tier 1 beasts before the essence would be completely drained of power, so if you'd like your pet could partake as well, an undead isn't to different from a toxin typing" spoke Levi politely. 

"How come it's still here?" asked Lance questioningly, wanting to understand the backstory of this place more before coming to a decision. 

"My father told me the project was kept under tight wraps and all the other researchers believed the essence pool to have been destroyed by the higher ups but, my dad sent false info and didn't destroy it, in the off chance that it would survive and I could use it once I established my first covenant" said Levi in response.

"It can give any of our beasts a head start which is something everybody in world would kill for, but the choice is still your's, we won't force you" added in Rein. 

"I think I'll watch y'all try it first and depending on how it goes I'll decide whether or not Turt should take a dip, I don't want to put him through any more pain if I don't have to" Lance said in response. 

"I should make sure it's safe before I put Turt in something I've never heard of before and who knows how compatible Turt is with the toxic element" Lance thought to himself. 

"That's understandable, come follow us to the pool's edge so you can get a better view and watch with us then" said Levi.