
Creation: The First

Follow Frey, a typical nobody in our present world. As he experience his daily life blast away, never to return the same. Technology fades as magical skills claims its place. Being the first to ever come in contact with mana, and thereby obtain a skill, he will get a head start. To face the troubles awaiting in a changing world. He will journey to the far side of the earth, searching for his reason to live.

XmishaX · Fantasy
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43 Chs


Having regained half my health again, the tooth marks all over my right arm and chest, was still visible and bleeding. But I was no longer in danger of actually dying.

I looted the 4 wolves and checked my inventory before I went to the boss wolf.

*Wolf-fangs x47*

*Leather shirt*

The leather shirt provided +3 stamina. So I put it on. 

There was no additional information about the fangs. Maybe they were some kind of ingredients or simply just trash.

As I checked the shop in community, I noticed it had a *Buy* and *Sell* feature.

I could sell the wolf-fangs for 3C each. Adding the copper to what I had looted so far, I now had 2 silver and 13 copper.

Turning my attention to the boss, I touched it's head.

*Looted 3S 57C*

*Looted item: Black Thunder Cloak*

*Looted item: Thunder Fang x2*

*Unique Growth Skill: Looter. Have ranked up.*

I let out a loud whistle. That made my total currency increase to 5S and 70C.

The Thunder fangs had a single-word description, Ingredient. So I didn't sell them for now.

Black Thunder Cloak: Strikes on the cloak, has a small chance to paralyze. + 5 agility.

I withdrew the cloak, it was dark as night, soft and strong to the touch. It had a small bronze clamp in the upper corners, formed in the shape of a fang. I put it on right away.

Having checked the cave thoroughly, to make sure there were no chest hiding, I started to walk back to the entrance.

While walking I checked the skill upgrade.

Unique Growth Skill: Looter (Rank D) - Permanently increased currency loot. Higher chance to loot additional item.

That could certainly help me to equip my units.

And thinking about that. I might as well summon my units back.

I stopped in the cave tunnel, and started to channel. By the time I had finished the 3rd and last unit, another message prompted.

*Class-skill: Summon Unit has ranked up.*

This just keeps getting better! I quickly inspected the new rank.

Class-skill: Summon unit (E-Rank). Mana cost 100. 9sec channeling. Unit capacity 5/20.

As the mana cost now had doubled, I waited a minute before I had enough to channel again.

A short haired blond woman appeared. The first woman since the death of the red haired. She had an equally slender body, just as athletic and strong physique as the other. 

But one thing was standing out compared to the other woman. And I do mean standing out.

She had huge perky breasts! However the unit wasn't nude this time. She appeared fully equipped in cloth. Linen sandals, brown linen pants and vest. Beneath the west a linen-bra was slightly visible around her perky chest. She carried a spear with a triangular iron-head in the top, and a little round shield.

I guessed the increased mana cost, provided the clothing, as her attributes was similar to the nude units.

To my disappointment, the clothing didn't provide any bonusses.

Before I reached the buffer zone, I had summoned two additional units, so when I went trough the portal, 3 nude sword-bearing units and 3 spear-bearing, dressed units emerged outside with me. Making my unit count 8/20.

"Oh that was fast!" Rolf, Chioma carrying the child, and my 2 other units was just approaching the portal, as it crumbled behind me.

I was surprised when I found they hadn't been waiting in the buffer zone. And now I was just confused. As if I had walked back in time.

"What do you mean? I have been in there for almost an hour?" I looked at Rolf, my face clearly in a confused state.

Rolf scratched his beard again, thinking.

"It makes sense that time could be different in the portals. The girl needed to make number 2, so we made a small break before we got here. But no more than 5 minutes have passed. Which will make 1 hour in the portals, only take 5 minutes out here."

Chioma spoke slowly, as to not wake up the child that clung to her neck. "That's important information. Maybe we can use that knowledge in the future. But for now, we should keep moving."

I explained what had happened in the dungeon before we continued. Chioma had asked about the additional units and the clothing. Rolf had made a point that maybe, whatever source of experience that made us level up, might have been shared between us in the goblin cave, seeing that I had leveled up from 5 to 8 when I was alone.

I took the lead again, moving ahead of the others. This time I left the 3 clothed units with them. 

Every time my mana hit 100, I stopped and channeled for 9 seconds. And by the time I had reached the horse statue I had my first summoned unit, 4 nude units, and 8 new units in formation around me. 

All the time walking, I had only seen the somewhat magical sight of a small forest grow around me. The grass and bushes reached my knees, and 1-2 meter tall trees was appearing everywhere.

I occasionally saw dead bodies in the bushes or about the ruins of a building. A single time I even spotted some kind of weird rabbit, that seemed to have a large horn on its head. But it disappeared into the plant growth before I could be certain.

To the left of the statue I spotted the hill-road Chioma and I had descended, coming here. And to the right, I could barely glimpse the top of the blue bridge over the ruins.

There was no point in waiting here, so I continued into a street, leading towards the bridge. The camp the girl-child had spoken of, should be somewhere along this path.

I began to see more of the horned-rabbit creatures along the former city street. It wouldn't be right to call it a street anymore. Rather it looked like a pathway in a field between ruined buildings.

I had quickly used my skill on one of the rabbits.

Horned Rabbit. Level 1

Health: 35. Mana: 10. Fatigue: 85.

Class: Common creep

Skills: Dash. Horn attack.

I also spotted a huge eagle in the sky, that I was certain, didn't exist in my country before. A giant green toad, the size of a small Chiwawa dog, jumped into the path in front of us. It just sat there and looked at me for a while, before jumping into the plants and bushes on the other side.

The street, or path, bended around a corner, and I saw another portal when I came clear of the building blocking my view.

The sun was high, and the sky was clear, and more light-blue than I had ever seen before. A few orbs was still forming here and there, way up in the sky.

The rays from the sun made the area around the portal look so pretty and peaceful.

Huge butterflies in the most wonderful colors and shapes, was flying around, drinking the nectar of the new strange flowers and plants.

There were horned-rabbits everywhere I looked. But they didn't attack me. Maybe I was considered too high level for them?

I entered the portal, not wanting to risk it, as I knew the others would shortly follow me through this area.

As I went through the tunnel with my units, all the horned-rabbits ran away as we approached. So we quickly got to the end cave of the dungeon.

It was a rabbit heaven inside the cave. Huge ponds of water in either side. Grass and plants covered every part of the cave walls, covering the entire cave in a magnificent green light.

Low level rabbits was everywhere, feeding on the plants or having a 10-second mating session before jumping on.

But in the far end of the cavern I spotted a group of horned-rabbits, larger than the rest. And 1 in particular, was as large as a car, with double horns on its head.

Behind the boss rabbit, I spotted a wooden chest with a golden lock. I got excited the moment I saw it. 

The only tome, containing a skill, we had yet encountered, came from a chest like that.

The rabbits had been fast so far, so I wanted to try something new.

With my mana full, I spend the next minute to summon the last 4 units I could have at once.

Four men appeared, equipped in the same kind of linen cloth and sandals, as the sword and spear units. But these all carried small wooden bows, with a quiver and 20 arrows slung on their back.

I made my units stand in formation. The 5 nude, including my first summon, formed the front line. Then I came with 2 archers on either side of me. Behind us I made two sword-units guard our back. And to the rear on either side, 3 spear-units walked in a line.

As such, we made our way towards the boss-rabbit.