
Chapter 10: The Commotion Caused By Evolution!

"According to what he said before, if there are fire monsters and families, then maybe we are not encountering the same kind?"

He recalled the scene when he encountered the fire monster.

The fire monster's temperament was extremely cruel, and its attacks were even more violent.

The terrifying flames almost turned the place where the battle was fought into a hell on earth.

After discovering that they were outmatched, even though he had already commanded his troops to evacuate, the fire monster still pursued them relentlessly for a long time.

Thinking of this, Chen Guomin became more and more sure of his guess.

But just to be on the safe side, he decided to seek verification.

As for the method of verification, naturally it is to ask the host, that is, Lin Hao.

At his signal, the person in charge of the operation immediately activated an emperor in Lin Hao's live broadcast room, and after sending out a few super fire shots, he asked his question.

"Anchor, what are the differences between the members of the Charmander family you mentioned?"

Although this operation seems a bit redundant, the actual effect is very good.

In countless barrages, the prefix "Emperor" made his problem very conspicuous. In addition, because he had just received a super rocket, Lin Hao also noticed this problem immediately.

"Charmander's family?"

He raised an eyebrow.

This question gave him the beginning of the next popular science.

After preparing some words in his mind, Lin Hao coughed lightly and said.

"That's a good question."

"It's just that before I tell you about Charmander's family, I want to tell you a concept first."


"In fact, not only Charmander, but most Warcraft can evolve."

As soon as these words came out, after a brief silence, the entire live broadcast room suddenly erupted with countless shocked voices.

"What? Will Warcraft evolve?"

"Anchor, I advise you to be kind. Spreading rumors will lead to jail time."

"These monsters are already ridiculously powerful. If they can really evolve, how can we deal with them?"

"It's over. If it's like what the anchor said, then wouldn't we have no power to resist at all?"

After hearing the word evolution, most people in the live broadcast room became a little frightened.

Under the current circumstances alone, it is already extremely difficult for humans to deal with those monsters.

With the terrifying speed and power, coupled with the special abilities of various fire-breathing discharges, even well-equipped and well-trained military troops can hardly gain much benefit.

Human beings have always been at an absolute disadvantage.

If Warcraft can still evolve, then they won't even have the need to fight.

The strengths of both sides are not at the same level at all.

Even though there are many people in the live broadcast room who don't think it's a big deal if the sky falls, they are still curious about what the evolved Warcraft will look like, but most people are considering the terrifying power that Warcraft may have after it evolves.

That means greater disaster.

Lin Hao naturally noticed this and continued immediately.

"I can understand everyone's thoughts, but there is no need to worry so much."

"Take the Charmander you see now as an example."

"Although Charmander will become more powerful after evolving, and his character will not be as gentle as it is now, but it is only for a strange existence."

"For familiar people and things, even after evolving, Charmander is still very friendly."

As he spoke, Lin Hao did not forget the question from the previous barrage and continued.

"As for the Charmander family members I mentioned earlier, they are actually its evolved form."

"When it evolves for the first time, Charmander will become a fire dinosaur. The appearance will not change much, but the size will be larger and the strength will be greatly enhanced."

"The second evolution will be Charmander's final form, Charizard."

"Regarding the popular science about Charizard, I won't waste everyone's time here. I'll talk about it later if I have a chance."

Lin Hao took advantage of the situation and made a pass.

And the result of selling things off was naturally a sound of contempt in the live broadcast room.

"You actually stopped talking about half of what you said during the live broadcast of popular science. Isn't this just an amusement to us? On behalf of everyone in the live broadcast room, I seriously condemn this behavior!"

"Charmander, Fire Dinosaur, Charizard, can they actually evolve twice?"

"Fortunately, the host only encountered the most basic Charmander. Wouldn't it be over if it were a Charizard?"

"Tsk, tsk, I really don't know how powerful the final form of the monster will be."

In addition to being spurned, many people in the live broadcast room also sighed.

After all, this was the first time they knew that Warcraft would evolve.

In fact, it's not just them.

Even the senior military officials in the military base learned this kind of information for the first time.

"Warcraft...can it actually evolve..."

As the top person in charge here, Chen Guomin gently tapped the table with his index finger, showing a thoughtful look.

After what Lin Hao said, he gradually understood.

Obviously, the larger fire monsters they encountered earlier should be the evolved form of the small fire dragon in the live broadcast.

Although their appearance is somewhat similar, they are much stronger and have a more violent and warlike personality.

Thinking of this, he recalled what Lin Hao had originally said about the fire beast's natural fear of water.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is reasonable for a monster with a flame on its tail to be afraid of water.

But before that, they had been stuck in a misunderstanding, always thinking that to deal with these powerful monsters, they must use modern powerful weapons.

I've never thought about it in such a simple way.


Chen Guomin raised his head and glanced at the other senior executives gathered in the central control room.

"How credible do you think what this anchor said before is?"


Everyone immediately looked at each other.

After a while, someone stood up and said.

"Although we don't have specific information about this person yet, judging from his previous popular science information, it is basically correct and consistent with the information we have."

"So, although we cannot blindly trust the information he disclosed, we should be able to adopt some of it."


Upon hearing this, Chen Guomin nodded immediately.

This is exactly what he is thinking right now.

I can't fully believe it, but I can try it as a breakthrough point.

Thinking of this, Chen Guomin immediately looked at an adjutant beside him.

"Notify the troops stationed in the area where the fire monsters are active and immediately prepare high-pressure water cannons and other equipment to deal with the fire monsters."

"No matter what the final effect is, the results of the operation will be reported as soon as possible."


The adjutant straightened his body and performed a military salute. Just as he was about to leave, Chen Guomin's voice came out again.

"By the way, if the effect is significant, tell them not to kill those fire monsters yet, and just focus on controlling them."

After saying this, Chen Guomin looked at the live broadcast screen in front of him again, crossing his hands with a look of contemplation.