
Mischievous Ethan

He does not failed to annoy Ms. Kim, he visited her in the company bringing some attentions of her employees. She must not act different in the company, specially when facing clients. She must be a role model in front of them, even if she was facing her enemy. So she let him inside her office to talk sense to this person.

"What are you doing, Ethan?" She was thinking of many things this person might planning to her now. its been a long time but he still annoys her.

"I just want to have a talk to you, Ms. Kim personally. Its been a long time I haven't seen you, did you not miss me?" he said confidently, as if she would care about him. Kim just rolled her eyes in the foolishnes of this person talking.

"When is the time I ever missed you, Mr. Ethan? Seriously, I have much thing to do right now, stop wasting my time and state what your business here"

"You are too focus on your work, Kim. Just like the old times, but should you change that type of attitude of yours? You might end up unmarried when you will reach your limit age"

"Mind your own business, Ethan." She got annoyed at what he just said, it was like a slap on her face since this person have already have one.

But, it did not stop Ethan, he just smirked. He was really trying to provoke Kim, he wants to show who she really was infront of him.

"Oh, right I've heard somone will be going in a engagement proposal with J corp. , what's the name of the other company again, Gale? I forgot its name..."

"Its M corp. sir"

"Right, M. corp. the third succesfull company in the country"

Even if Kim just heard the J corp. , she can't stop listening to Ethans words. She stopped in what she was typing on her laptop, she look on Ethan's direction giving him a death glare.

"I was just announcing some news to the other company, Kim. Should we need to know the happenings on the other companies?"

"Are you done? Is that what you want to talk about? I know you Ethan, don't ever think I was blind by your actions. You've been plotting something, and you should stop it before I retaliate to you"

"Oh, come on how would I be plotting something. I'm just a business man who works for the good of the company. How would I waste my time in what things you thought of me"

"Its just a reminder, Ethan. If you have nothing else to discuss, leave my office immediately" she was seriously bothered by Ethans news to her, that even facing this person irritates her. He must know something to her, that even using some of his chess pieces to move to destroy her.

As she leave her office to go home, she never expected her employees would talk about her. She was inside the cubicle of a comfort room when some of her employees went inside the comfort room. She tried to conseal her presence when she heard they were talking about her.

"Have you saw the guy earlier? He was the president of the no. 1 company in the country right?"

"Yeah, I saw him in a magazine. He was so handsome"

"Why does he personally come see our president? I haven't known they were that close"

"He even calls her in her real name, not formaly. But, our boss still have her formality when talking to him"

"I wondered what he comes here for?"

"Yeah right, I hope its a good news"

"Well, Maybe our president was secretly seeing him"

"What really? Then that's a good news, since ever we don't saw President Kim with a guy before"

"I would be happy if they would end up to each other"

The talking continued as they walked out, Kim slowly went out from the cubicle. If only she just use her own comfort room inside her office, she wouldn't have to hear the gossips, but she already out when the nature calls her. Hearing all those things just made her throw up. What does they think they would just come up with assumptions like that?

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