
Her Long Lost Brothers Ch.2

When they found out that Princess Chloe brothers were prince's lady Yuki contacted them to my them to see how they are and stuff. While she is on the phone Princess Chloe was trying to get back home but she found her way into the kitchen. At the mansion their is no servants or maids it was just the Night Class that is also living at the house.later on they need to find maids and butler's since the night class can't handle her all by themselves. So they went out to go to her long lost brothers, Prince Mathew Westeron the oldest, Prince Zen Westeron the youngest.

Oh my !! look how cute you are " said Prince Mathew" ( talking to the little princess) , how about you'll come in to my lovely castle, umm sorry Prince Mathew but we have business to go to so pls keep a eye on our princess said Yuki, oh it's fine really, I understand but why are you leaving me with a baby and we just met ? We did our research on you and I have very sharp hearing so I can hear in the back ground of the phone and the background sounds like a very nice place even the people in the background. Oh ok btw I'm gonna have to keep her hidden ok because she would be the first black princess here and a must not let my other brother know it till she a little older said Prince matthew.

Prince Mathew took Princess Chloe in the castle. Prince Mathew had this room it has nothing in it. *Prince Mathew phone rings* (who is this) he answered the phone (and it was lady Yuki's voice in the phone ) hey is this Yuki ? yes this is Yuki, I forgot to tell u to keep her away from the kitchen ok bye now have fun * hangs up * ( did she just hang up on me and why can't she be in the kitchen?). WAIT WARE IS CHLOE!!! She was just here a minute ago...

to be continued...

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