
Crash landing

In a world where magic is merely a myth and the mundane rules all, there was little hope for those who dared to dream. The skies were grey, the land barren, and the people resigned to their bleak existence. It seemed as though the very fabric of reality was against them, mocking their every attempt at happiness. But little did they know, a darkness was brewing, one that would threaten to consume them all.

Charley_Siwale · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 12

Julius slowly crawled out of the rubble to witness Rebecca bearly surviving against a seven foot Hell Troll. 'Becca. I need to help her, I need to help her.. think Julius, think!', the noble thought to himself before an Idea popped into he's head.

He searched he's pockets and pulled out a hollow cube similar to the one Rebecca owned. The Hell Troll exhaled a blast of hot flames towards Rebecca as XziXzi laughed and the female Ange's miss fortune.

"Becca! Catch!", Julius yelled as he tossed the cube towards her.. XziXzi with lightning speed, snatched the item before it could get to Rebecca. She opened up palm in order to take a look at it. She noticed that her manner was slowly getting sucked up by the cube.

Rebecca with her quick thinking managed to notice that small detail and it sparked an idea in her head. She spread out her injured wings, before sending a powerful gust of wind in the Queen's direction! The manner infused wind rushed through the cube and it began to enclose XziXzi in a dome before vanishing.

"Yes! I can't believe that worked! Let's see how you like Freeing Mountains, you she beast!!", Julius yelled. The Hell turned towards the celebrating princess, before charging after him. Julius panicked as the large creature jump after him, but it was sent flying powerful right hook from Rebecca.

"The Freezing Mountains, huh. So you did remember.", Rebecca softly said as she stood Infront of Julius and smiled a little. All of her attention was now forced onto the Troll that got back to it's feet.

It realist an explosive roar, that immediately got overshadowed by the ceiling caving in! Due to a giant ball of white slithering necks. Sedaris fell from the hole and landed on Ashley. Rebecca then noticed the massive Hydra had a total of eighteen heads!