
Power Up 2 (Rayna, Swift, Slipp, Torbin Interlude)

"Freedom or Death?" Rayna mumbled what she heard to herself. "I have a choice." Pausing in realization, she corrected herself. "There are no choices, either I follow orders.... or.. I... die. If I don't kill... for them I.." she started saying. Her anger started to get the better of her. Small fluctuations of biotic energy were popping around the table. "I need my switch."

System: Updating mission parameters.

Reaper Mission: Apprehend Rayna Reward: Choice. Complete option to receive either her loyalty or order her to infiltrate the Quarian flotilla.

'Let's go with loyalty. I don't need to miss with the flotilla.'

System: Reaper Mission: Apprehend Rayna Reward: Loyalty. Clone of Kai Lang has awarded Alliance recognition.

AzuI stopped and glanced at her before looking back to her chart. Raising his eyebrow at that last statement. He figured now was a good time to inform her. Interrupting her train of thought, he told her as calm as he could

"What switch do you have young lady, there isn't a switch physically? If you are talking about the device that was injecting element zero in your biosystem, that has been removed since yesterday. Detoxing has already taken place." He let that sink in a little. She looked up at like a deer caught in headlights.

"I was told I would die without that! What have you done!?" She screamed out. Spit landing on the front of the helmet. Azul just looked back at her chart as she swayed back and forth on the table.

'Dammit, she will hurt herself if I don't stop her!' He thought to myself. He reached over, laying her back done. Fluffing her pillow he gave her the rest of the news, "it was killing you slowly and keeping you togethor. Pretty bad set up actually. It did give results combat wise but for your noggin. Well...."

Rayna +25

Azul waited a few minutes and let that stew. Checking over her vitals, he came across her nutrition levels and they were horrible. It seems she was given combat pills for her body's needs, according to the information the Reaper node was sending. Updates in real-time with his own personal knowledge.

'How the hell do I break this part to her!? Galtea options? Or go the same as last time.' Azul asked a little puzzled. He looked to Swift and noticed her posture was different than he originally set her. Most likely this version of her was up or the main her was.

Galtea: I would recommend for you to just tell her. Then give her space. She is the replacement for Mia. Offer treatment, then go from there.

Azul moves to get her a glass of water. He felt her eyes on him as he moved around. Coming back he slowly reached for her. Sitting her up, he fed her the water slowly. "Small sips, your body is weak right now. Your gonna wanna save your strength to kill me for stopping you. I understand you may not believe me with what I said. But still, you need to get better..."

He let that trail off. Removing his hand from her head as she was eased back onto the pillow. Once she calmed down, he began to give her some more news.

"How long do I have now?" Rayna asked as she closed the helmet filter that allowed the water in.

"You were treated with an antimutagen to help stabilize you. Currently, your body is removing the last harmful traces of element zero. The rest of it is getting cycled into your biotics. Once everything is done you will be a powerful biotic, stronger than before mind you. But your body will need improvement. You are way too scrawny." Azul had to raise his hand up to cut her off before she started to yell. "Yes you are perfect for what you were doing before, but I would assume you may wanna change that up. Am I wrong in thinking so?"

"No, you are not wrong," Rayna said lowly. "But what.."

"If you wish to leave, to return to Cerebus that is fine. You will not be stopped. How you deal with C-Sec, well that's a different story and would be your problem. Next time we meet, things may turn out differently. I will kill you no matter what if you try to harm the crew. Sparing you before was to my personal benefit." Rayna looked at him confused.

System: Persuasion Check 24 Pass Intimidation Check 19 Pass

She gave a nod and Azul could feel the energy wrap around her slowly. He looked at her with Observe.

Observe: Rayna Maldova Class: Cerebus Infiltrator Lvl 13 Second Class: Saboteur Lvl 1

Specialty: Combat Engineer

Relations: A genetic clone of the collective elite of the Quarian Admiralty board.

Status: Mentally unstable, drugged, critically wounded

Galtea: She is joining. Unless someone convinces her not to. Lluvia is working on her credentials.

Azul gauged her reaction to all that info.

"Excuse me, I have some work to do. There are clothes right there at the base of your feet. I need to get some medicine for my personal team." With that said, he moved and went over to the box that he took his first upgrade from.

A few smaller vials inside. The contents were just a stimulant. No real adverse effects, a little immune booster. Just a disguise agent to boost abilities and provide power from the System.

Observe: Vaccine-V3

Specialty: Celluar compounder, antibody booster, mental resistance increase

Relations: Unlocks Azul's companion's abilities. Multiuse,

NonCompanions: Standard immunization shot. Decrease biotic stress at low levels, increase resistance to mind control as well as promote physical health.

'Before I forget, I should thank her and send a notification to Chari about the new recruits that are coming.' Azul sent a message off to them and checked on Bass next.

'Galtea thanks for the assist on the vaccine, good job on helping me improve it.' After sending her that mental message, he grabbed two vials made sure he was dressed and move to the door. He looked over to address Rayna, "take your time with your decision no rush. It is ok to change your mind. This place is relatively safe, press the call button if you want some food. I need to go talk to my personal crew for a bit. Try not to be to hard on yourself ok?" Stepping out Azul quickly typed up the message to Chari on his Omni-tool.

Looking around in the hallway the ship was pretty damn clean. But the color scheme of metallic gray and silver is much to be desired. But it is cool being on this ship and consciousness, not wounded, or not in control of himself. It's only a short walk to the others right across the hall from him. Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself. Usuing the comm outside device for Tifa's room.

"Ah, now or never. Tifa it's Azul, do you have a minute?"

After a few seconds, the comm responds back with a level tone "Come in boss."

Stepping inside, Azul turned back out immediately. "Jeez give a guy some warning next time!" Tifa was in there lifting weights. She was not alone. Riku was in there two. Two barely dressed martial artists sweating and working out. Considering his previous state with Chari, he knew it would bad to test his limits in there. 'She is not my Riku. Have to remember that.' His willpower could only take so much. "I will comeback later."

Inside the room, Tifa and Riku were laughing. They timed it just right after he met up with Chari. A good bit of pranks were in his future. Some good, some bad.

"Hah, told you he would leave," Riku said laughing on the floor.

"Heh, it was funny but a little mean considering. You saw that bulge?" Tifa said after she laughed. She then went back to her workout. "I mean, to think you rembered about what Mia told you already."

"Yeah, I wish she was here. But at least you are here." Riku said getting up from the floor. "Can you help me remember everything? Especially the relationship I had with him."

"You sure you want to know," Tifa said looking at her. "There is a reason that you didnt send that part of you with your soul."

"I am sure," Riku said. The two started a conversation.

Azul headed to where Torbin was set up at. Announcing himself beforehand, he went inside.

Torbin had on standard Citadel clothing, in white with grey highlights. Standard shoes and matching gloves. He had tablets all over the place open up to all different kinds of sites. Mostly self-help articles, ways to stay clean, the unity of races, mental exercises, and whatnot.

'He is definitely trying anyway.' Azul was checking the room over. He moved in pretty good and was already situated. The most noticeable thing Azul could feel was his raw power. It washed off him in droves permeating the entire room. The more he understood about himself the smarter better he became.

"Torbin, I am gonna check you over right quick, ok? Also, take this. It will allow for a better detox. Less pain but you may remember more of what you have done." Torbin just nodded and mouthed ok. He kept reading on the tablet he had after taking the injection.

Observe: Torbin Williams Class: Alliance Soldier Lvl 7 Second Class: Engineer Lvl 3

Specialty: Smuggler

Relations: Cousin of Ashley Williams, discharged marine.

Status: Depressed, Going through intense detox, Contemplative, Questioning, Calm

"Holy fuck man, you have dealt with some shit!" Azul said looking over the various medical problems. "When you get the chance, send me your medical file."

Torbin damn near jumped out his seat at Azul's statement. He stood up and saluted.

"Sir I wouldn't dare dally. There isn't much I really need. A nice cot and a meal. Just tell me what you need." Torbin said.

Azul face dropped. He then repeatedly pinched himself to try to wake up from this delusion. Before his memory could come back, he heard laughing and snickering.

Looking up, he saw Torbin snickering in his salute. The laughing was coming from Galtea. Another light laughter came from his Omni-tool.

Lluvia: Heh, had to do it with their help.

Galtea: My apologies Azul. I could not pass up the chance to pull what your people call pranks again. He needed the laugh. That and Riku told him as well to lighten up.

"Wow you two really... that's... you know what? You got me I seriously thought he was gonna be one of those brown nosers. Heh not bad I guess." Looking to Torbin he had a more serious gaze as he sat back down looking at him. "You doing alright?"

"Doing good Commander." Torbin rubbed the injection site for a bit. "Thanks for the opportunity.

" That is good," Azul said with a stoic face. He focused on Torbin with his first mind. His second spoke with Galtea. 'Tell me what happened last time at this point. I want a recap if you can.'

Galtea: Very well. Just a minute.


-Change of Pov as well as past.-


Galtea: As a User yes you could say that. In that Universe, you are born part of the major family 1st original branch. Your Blood is more potent than Ramza and or his father for that matter. Your branch was killed before Ramza graduated the Akademy and you yourself went missing. That is how history unfolds. When you arrive there history has a place for you already. When Alistair joined you a part of your soul went to fuse with you there. The transition there will barely affect you, as compared to a place that has not been prepped for your arrival. Also, there is a small mission that can take place now. For you to go there without interfering with this timeline.

"Azul, my apologies for that. I want you to know that helped me understand some things about you." Alistair said to me in a cool tone pausing before continuing. "There is something I would like you to do for me. Well several and I believe it will help your cause as well. Help save my village and loved ones. Help stop the demons from using the church and its people."

Such a strong resolve it was quite commendable. "You got it, I plan to do that anyway. With your help, I should be able to help some or at least your people. We both know A history there so we have a little advantage. After the few changes, what we do... it's gonna be a mystery. As what will happen to the world as a whole so... be prepared for that. Also your way more powerful than me. I recommend focusing on expanding your knowledge like you are doing now. But Biotics are new for you so don't neglect that. From my understanding when we travel to your world. You will be in your younger version of yourself, just like you are now so the synchro rate for your growth will skyrocket."

"Yes, that is what me and Riku were told. In mere moments with what we purchase from the store will kick in. Also, Galtea said me and Riku when we travel our bodies will go place to place gaining more power. We get to decide how much we leave with the previous." Alistair gathers his thought for a second. "You are right about the biotic's they are different. Thanks for this vial. I will start the upgrade now."

"Ah wait before that." AzuI needed to get him that implant. 'Galtea can you acquire an Implant that would suit him from the shop. Or would it be better to make one in the lab?'

Galtea: Check your pocket there is a standard one in there. It is a basic one that comes with Instructions. The components to make a better one for him are on its way.

AzuI walked over and place his hand on the back of the man's neck and start the process for the temporary implant. It attaches at the nape of his neck and a little drill sounds goes off with a little suction. He never made a peep.

System: Medical Check 17

They talked about general topics for an hour or so while the work finished up. Alistair was ok. Serious lack of fun time but he really didn't have a choice in that matter. He understood what was expected of him and knew what AzuI had to accomplish for him. It was a pretty cut and dry situation.

"I will place a good one in the coming days it will require surgery. I wanna be completely ready to do it ok." I am not about to risk his life without some back up in case something goes wrong.

Alistair just gives me a nod before moving the vial to his arm. Injecting himself with the vial he lays back down and start's to read from a tablet on the bed. I caught sight of it as I left the room. It was an article on aerobics and gymnastics.

'He is gonna be a very dangerous Dragoon in the future.' I thought to myself as I made my way down the hallway to visit Riku.

I use the intercom but no response. 'Where is she I wonder?' I turn back to go down the hall the other direction heading to the lift. Perfect time to go visit the rest of the crew if she isn't there in her room.

Galtea: End of memory.

'Thanks. I cant believe he doesn't exist either. Maybe that is a good thing considering.' Azul then got rid of the nostaglia as he finished listening to Torbin.

"Anyway, that is what I did for the last few years." Torbin said finishing. A lot of it was what Azul guessed to be true. Just one terrible incident after the other.

"We will talk another time. Just no matter how bad it gets, stay clean and you will have work." Azul said getting up.

"Thanks, Commander," Torbin said smiling. "Oh and thanks for being my sponsor." Azul just gave a nod before leaving.

"Pow," the sound of a heavy pistol went off. "Thump," then the sound of a body drop.

'That didnt come from my room?' Azul remembered what happened last time. "What the hell?! That cant be happening again!" He yells out to no one in particular as he rushed into his room. He was not expecting what greeted him.

There stood Rayna standing on top of a table. Blood dripping down her side with a scalpel embedded in it. Slipp on the ground with a pistol pointed at her head. Swift with a scorched mark by her head from a shot. Tablets were broken and the desk was flipped over. Azul's bed had some weird crap on it don't know what but it was bubbling and smoking.

Galtea: User head to the hanger your people have arrived. Usuing the Auxiliary field now. You have 3 minutes to finish up.

System: Willpower Check 21 Pass

Azul's biotics flared up. He just let it all go out at the three who should be resting and wrecked his lab. If they had it in them to do all this, that means they can take the additional pain. Reaching out with Misty Fist, he grabbed ahold of them. He wanted to hurt them, but then he remembered each of their conditions. Running his magic with his biotics the wounds were lessened as they each were separated.

"Thanks," Swift said gasping a little.

Rayna just nodded.

Slipp was way past agitated from everything. Her state of mind was erratic. To keep from making it worse AzulI pulled back his desire to hurt them and focused on trying to clear there mind a little.

'Mental Cleansing'

"Rayna lay the fuck down for I can stop that bleeding! Swift, place that gun down now! And lay yer ass back down your suppose to be resting! Slipp get off the damn floor and check over Rayna's condition, your a doctor this is not a fucking request either!" Azul bellowed at the three as he moved to help Rayna.

System: Intimidation Check 33 Pass

Swift +190

Rayna +321

Slipp +221

Swift responded first putting the gun down as she lay back down to a more relaxed position. She never took her eyes off Rayna. Rayna laid down soon as Azul touched her. She had a smile on her face despite having a scalpel in her. The helmet wasn't fogged up which was weird Azul thought. Questions for later. "This may sting a little." Rayna just nodded.

System: Medical Check 26 Pass

"Slichk" the scalpel slid out. It was deep in her side. As he removed the blade out of her focusing his biotics to keep the blood flow at a slow pace. A pass thought came to mind so he asked Galtea. 'Galtea giving her the vaccine and letting the upgrades take place will it help with the process?'

Galtea: Yes it will. With your biotics at play, it will move and even accelerated the pace.

'Gotcha, figured as much.' He then looked up to Rayna who was watching his hands at work on her wound. I reached in his pocket and moved the vial up to her wound. Before starting to explain clearly what will happen. Rayna places her hands on Azul's and stabbed the tip in her wound.

"Oh, boss it feels good for you to poke me," Rayna said huskily but teasingly. Before AzuI could respond she started to tell him, "it's ok boss your biotics are giving me a general idea of how you feel right now. We can talk later. Oh, look at that.... the wound is all closed up." Her voice was giddy.

'Galtea, is it just me or is this Quarian flirting with me?'

Galtea: Your anger pushed your biotics up. You sent what you remembered along the way. Rayna got Riku, Slipp stood the same and Swift is a User so nothing happened.

"Boss you got let me go I know I'm sexy but don't get all handsy some girls don't like that." Rayna jumped up and moved to the door. She looked back towards Swift, "we will talk later ok?"

Swift gave her a slight nod before turning away from her. Slipp continued to work on her getting her vitals back up from what Azul could see.

"Oh, Boss don't fret too much about things. We will get things handle ok." Rayna said as she walked out the door. Before closing, she looked back and winked at him.

"The helmet fog was not there... I dont know how to deal with this." Azul said wrily. The aux field had been dropped, which was great that nothing happened. "That was so weird." He moved to work on Slipp, who was working on Swift. "You know we need to have a talk about your brother." Slipp flinched before she continued working.

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