
Chapter 4

"Well Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!"

How the hell do all the MCs now everything about the Fucking world they are in! It was years ago when I watched the show, and it wasn't like a was a super fan or anything!

Kakashi is now down one eye and two friends. I thought that maybe my actions so far would have changed things to a larger degree, but it seems fate isn't as easy to change as I had imagined.

Now there is a part of Kakashi that is broken and I'm not sure how to fix it. I know in the show it took him years, but there is no way in hell I am going to let that happen. Fuck! I wish I had watched more of the latter episodes I know there was something in them about all this. Though for the life of me I can't recall. Just that the big battle was in pet because of the events that Kakashi just experienced.

The only thing to do right now is to try to help him work through his grief somehow. Which the only thing I've got is just hugging him until my arms are sore.


Well I "wrote" Kakashi a song to help him fell better, and by that I stole behind blue eyes and changed some of the words. I know it's not the best and it might not fit but it's what I can up with so sue me.

He cried while I played it and then we cried together afterwards so maybe it did some good. The next day we trained with him using the sharinigan and it took quite a lot out of him. The stamina And chakra costs to get were very large. Probably do to it being a transplant and not natural. The next few weeks were used for us to train together until he became somewhat used to it. Then he started he's missions as an Anbu. Part of which was to guard the 4th.

In other news the Minato agreed to try and teach him the Flying Thunder God Technique. While he didn't master it completely and the chakra costs for it were to much for him to use more then once and the distance wasn't very far it added another ace up his sleeve if he ever needed. Making him have more fighting potential then in the original time line.

With all that has happened to Kakashi I've decide that it's time to stop hiding some of what I am capable of. That way I can get better training and be better prepared to help him in the future. The timing actually works out since I will be starting at the academy soon.

Now all I have to do is be the the number one in the class. Although I've decide that I will show more of my capabilities I'm not going to graduate early. The only ones I know of that did are Kakashi and in the future Itachi and both had to join Anbu. I would rather not be apart of the creepy mask wearing secret police thank you. Plus I still want to keep myself out of Danzos radar if at all possible. That guy has a few screws loose if you know what I mean.

With the time of the storyline I'm familiar with starting to draw closer it's time to decide how much I am willing to change. My future knowledge gives me a edge but how selfish is it to stand by and do nothing when I know so much bad things are going to happen.

Hmmm Itachi is only one year old right now. So that gives me about 5 years before the events of Naruto's birth. Also it gives me about 12 years before the Itachi kills his clan. If I start to try and change the relationship of of the Uchiha now there may be enough time to fix the damage. After all I don't think they were forced into the outskirts of the village until the 9 takes attack. If the foundation of trust is stronger before that happens maybe and it's a big maybe it will be enough to counter that. The only problem is I have no idea how to go about it.


So now I am in the academy and it's incredibly boring. Plus I have to hang out with all these little kids. With Kakashi being older and a genius it was easy to hangout and spend time with him. Now though my patience which had never been a strong point of my is close to breaking. I know I said I wouldn't graduate early, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm graduating right now but I did bump myself up a few age groups and am now with the the 9 year old group. That means I still have 2 years before I graduate. With the war over graduations are at 11 right now although just became that. If anything were to happen they will lower it again, and I guess will raise it to 12 by the time Naruto comes along.

With my jump of age groups I did get a bit of attention. Luckily with Kakashi being my older brother I am while gifted but the the most gifted Hatake. Leaving it as almost something to be expected for me to be ahead of my age group.

While having ramen one day with Kakashi Minato joins us. Seeing this as a chance I ask him why no one from the Uchiha clan has taught my brother anything about his eye. Saying that it seems a little strange. Hopefully this will cause Minato to notice to gap that has been growing between that clan and the village. Maybe enough so that he will try to bridge the gap and pull everyone closer together. Minato is a hero and a driving force in the village. With him trying to correct things there is more hope for the future. Plus if he can get a Uchiha to train Kakashi he will then be even stronger.

Seeing the look on Minato's face I can tell that he is thinking about what I just asked him. Now it's time for question number two.

"So Uncle 4th since you are big bros teacher will you teach me too? That flying space move is awesome!" Sneak attack of puppy dog eyes and cute innocent face with the added move of using the title Uncle is a Go!