
Chapter 1

On a cold night on the side of a mountain a faint light could be seen inside o cave. Going inside the cave a person could see that someone had turned it into a home. With scrolls and books scattered over dusty shelves, tables, and other furniture. A figure can be seen at one of the tables scratching furiously on a scroll. It is hard to discern who this person is because they are covered in old bandages, giving off the filling that they are all that is holing the person together.

"Finally I've figured it out!" Exclaimed an ancient rough voice. "While someone from this universe cannot go back in time which would cause a crack in the fabric of the world, but if I travel to a different universe I can hand pick a soul and use this jujitsu on it which will stick it into a stillborn roughly around a time or at lest era I designate."

"Huh" sadness enters the old voice " I'm not sure if it will change anything at all, but I have to try. To many mistakes were made, to many people I loved lost their lives. " Deep breath" This is my only chance to try to make things right!"


"Well fuck" I sigh as wall down the lonely empty street headed towards the light rail. I'm still not really used to this town even after a year of living in Denver. Still not sure how a small town Oklahoma boy like me ended up getting a job and moving out even happened. Ha but life's been good so far I think as I reach for my pac of cigarettes. Two quick packs to the bottom before lighting one up.

Hearing a commotion and being 5 whiskey cokes deep I check it out. A strange sight is in the alley I am walking past. Someone wearing a weird black robe and covered in bandages is being huddled by 4 men. The victim seems like one of this people that dress up for the conventions,must have been a Comic-Con or something tonight, I think.

"Hey y'all leave the poor guy alone!" I yell while immediately regretting it and wishing whiskey didn't have the habit of getting me to open my big mouth.

Laughing one of the thugs smirks while letting me know his thoughts on the matter at hand " Great a good samaritan is here. Why don't you give us your wallet and phone as well then you losers can go pleasure each other. " The other thugs laugh at their spokespersons word that clearly show the brain cells between them could create a spark of rubbed together.

That moment when you are about to do something incredibly stupid that will be regretted latter yet still planing on doing it? Yeah, I hate those moments and really wish I'd stop having them. Oh well here goes nothing.

Flicking my lit cigarette into the face of the one farthest to my right, my right fist connects with the speakers face. He takes two steps back in shock and hurt but doesn't go down. My right steel toed boot crashes into the leg of another that steps up to the plate which does cause him to go down.

Luckily I like to wear them to the clubs here. They are so crowded people are always stepping on each other's feet.

After that quick thought it's hard to keep track of who hit who with what and where. Plus with me for sure and them most likely being a bit drunk, technique was not the main focus, powerful strikes that cause pain was the only real concern. Although these city guys weren't the best when it comes to brawling enabling me to hold my own.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and a ringing in my ears and the thugs scattered while my body strangely fell to the ground. Looking at myself there is blood seeping out of me yet I'm still not feeling any pain.

The the 'victim' is standing above me. I hear him whisper " Well your not really what I was looking for but I can't let you die for me. Especially since I would have been able to protect myself if not for conserving chakra to cast the jutsu in this almost completely chakraless world. Your someone that stood up and fought for a complete stranger while out numbered because you thought it was right. Stupid but brave. Kinda like my knuckle headed self all those years ago. Good luck kid"

With that he bit down on his finger and started to weave his hand in weird ways. Lines started appearing on the ground around me a a light was shining. As I faded away I heard him say on last thing. " now all I need to do is get him to the right time in history" And then there was pain.

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