
Prologue: End of an Era

"A 5 man-chain kill, with Capochord being the last to fall! What a beautiful finish by DarkTemplar - he definitely deserves his title of Most Promising Newcomer for the 2030 Spring season! This'll be the last we'll be seeing of CN Telecom, after their loss in the relegation series; it looks like they're way past their prime, given how far this team has fallen. Let's not dwell on sad things, however. Raise your hands up to welcome our champions and new entrant into the CN Coverfire Tactics League, Serpent eSports! Xiao Lin, I'll leave the rest to you at the analyst's desk*."

The celebratory din in the small gaming studio was deafening, but the only thing Yune wanted to do was pack up his belongings and get out of the studio as fast as he possibly could.

After all, who would possibly feel good after hearing that their team was being disbanded, kicked disgracefully out of the eSports league by a squad of up-and-coming rookies? Who would enjoy seeing their dream dismantling right in front of them, crumbling into nothingness?

Ignoring the piercing gazes of his teammates, Yune wrapped up his keyboard and mouse, unplugging both personal articles from the PC. He despondently scanned over the place he had considered a second home. For all Yune knew, this was his last chance to ever compete in this league; he wouldn't be seeing this place again.

All he wanted was one last glance. One final reminiscence of his short-lived career, and the job he had loved so much. The memories, the joy and sorrow, the camaraderie between his former teammates... everything came flooding over him in one torrential wave of emotion. Deftly raising his arm up to wipe away the tears forming at the corners of his eyes, Yune briskly walked out of the studio. The banners that hung above his head, showcasing the former champions of each competitive season, cast long shadows over his lonely figure.

Two banners on this wall appeared particularly striking. With an insignia composed of a ring of blades encircling three letters, CNT, the two banners' elegant design inspired a domineering air. In respective order, they displayed the words: CN Telecom, 2025 Spring Season Champions; CN Telecom, 2026 Global Cup Champions. At this point in time, these banners seemed to be mocking the present CN Telecom team, glancing down disdainfully from high above as if to say, "Is this how far our legacy has devolved? From world champions to losing in the relegation match?"

It was considered customary, a staple of good sportsmanship to shake each opponent's hand before leaving the match. However, Yune ignored this formality and headed straight out, directly rejecting the caster's* request for an interview. He didn't feel like showcasing his emotions on TV for others to scorn and mock. As for the topic about how others would criticize him for his unsportsmanlike behavior, Yune didn't care; this loss guaranteed his certain expulsion from the eSports world, and in that case, what weight would his honor as an athlete even hold anymore?

He headed to the nearest convenience store, in order to find something that could alleviate the pain and disappointment in his heart.

"Hey, boss. Could you grab me a beer from the freezer? The wheat kind, please. Thanks."

Pushing 10 RMB onto the counter, Yune grabbed the bottle, popped the cap open and downed the entire beer in one go. The fire in his stomach made him feel a bit better, but the low alcohol content wasn't enough to make Yune forget his worries.

Heading back to the parking lot directly outside the studio, Yune approached a limousine with the CN Telecom logo displayed ostentatiously via car wrap paint. Six others, dressed in the same alternating red-and-black color team uniform that Yune was sporting, seemed to have been waiting quite a while for his arrival.

"Tch. Quite a long time you took moping, captain," the burliest person in the six-man squad muttered, avoiding direct eye contact with Yune. "How're you going to explain this loss, resulting in us getting kicked out of the league, to the Team Owner?"

"Leave that responsibility to me, Wang Hao. Don't worry about it; our loss today had little to do with any one of your individual performances..."

Yune opened his mouth as if to say more, but paused suddenly, cutting off the remainder of his words. Sighing, he climed into the front passenger seat of the limo, sinking into contemplative silence. His teammates followed, everyone taking their respective seats accordingly.

The thirty minute drive back to CN Telecom's HQ was deathly silent. No one spoke a word, but everyone's eyes were focused onto the slumped back of their team captain, Yune.

Vice Captain Wang Hao knew exactly what type of punishment would be awaiting Yune once they arrived back at HQ. While he didn't particularly like this team captain, he didn't experience any schadenfreude witnessing Yune's situation, unlike some of the younger members of the team. Casually glancing backwards, he could see the sneers plastered on the faces of Xu Ling and Xiao Feng, who were obviously relishing the predicament their team captain was in.

The reason as to why Wang Hao was also in a sombre mood? He would also have to lead this dumpster-fire joke of a team after Yune's almost guaranteed "retirement" after today! He would be the one in Yune's place next time, if he couldn't lead CN Telecom to achieve any results!

Wang Hao knew that Yune tried his best for the team, pouring countless hours into improving his APM* and researching game tactics. However, Yune's gameplay over the past year shifted from the tactical, calculated acumen that he was known for into a much more rash, 1v11 type of play - where the only thing he relied on was his mechanics, forsaking his macro* entirely. Unfortunately, the reason as to why Yune shifted to this style was because of his teammates!

After playing for an entire two splits with them, Yune still didn't trust them enough to let them play a carry* position! During scrims, his teammates - Xu Ling, Xiao Feng, Huang Yutian, Cao Ying - wouldn't listen to his macro calls at all, causing Yune endless headaches! Even though Wang Hao was partial to Yune's commands, what could one person do against four in a team-based game? Although Yune was the team captain, it was only in name, since two-thirds of the team had no respect for him!

His teammates were also all relatively average in terms of their mechanics; every single match was more or less a coin flip as to whether they would be victorious or not, since all they relied on was micro*! A team with better micro would trample all over them, not to mention teams that were good at macro!

Closing his eyes, Yune sighed. Everything was over... his dreams, hopes, aspirations... the only other job that he would probably be doing in the future would be working as a cashier in some convenience store... after all, who would want to hire a 23-year old man that only knew how to play video games and nothing else?


"What the hell! Does he know how to driv ----- AAAH!"

The last thing Yune's brain registered were the car horns and the grating sound of metal-against-metal, before his consciousness blacked out.



Analyst's desk: analysts provide live commentary on strategy and the overall result of the match based on each team's tactical decisions, micro, and macro play. The analyst's desk is a term used to describe the podium from which they broadcast.

Caster: Someone who provides on the fly commentary about a match and how it's going. Their job is to "hype up" the spectators, as well as orally describing the in-game actions of each player.

APM: actions/minute

Carry: Main damage dealer of the team.

Macro: actions taken based on game knowledge and economy, as well as assessing the situation.

Micro: mechanics, including APM and knowing when to use skills/abilities most effectively.

My first work, so please don't rip me apart in the review section. Later chapters will explain the mechanics of the game and the competitive league - hope everyone sticks around until then to decide whether to continue reading or not :P

ArcticFrostcreators' thoughts
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