
Covenant of Blood

Auteur: Nabil_Maz
Actuel · 1.2K Affichage
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What is Covenant of Blood

Lisez le roman Covenant of Blood écrit par l'auteur Nabil_Maz publié sur WebNovel. Thayria, the brutal Sarasinian League dominates. Yet beneath its arrogant façade, decades of corruption, neglect and incompetence have left it weakened and vulnerable. Even as its subject peoples year...


Thayria, the brutal Sarasinian League dominates. Yet beneath its arrogant façade, decades of corruption, neglect and incompetence have left it weakened and vulnerable. Even as its subject peoples yearn for freedom, the League, preoccupied with violent expansion, shows astonishing complacency in the face of impending revolt. Against a backdrop of relentless bloody battles, a provincial governor chooses a path that could change the course of history. A group of military cadets faces an increasingly dire future. And a jaded research assistant sets out to recover an object of immense power and dreadful consequence. In the centre of this gathering storm stands an improbably long-lived and immensely powerful figure whose hatred of the League knows no bounds... A tale of diverse peoples and places, Covenant of Blood is set in a world where innocence is dead, mercy is non-existent, and authority is wielded with an iron fist.

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