
Valentines Day

The fourteenth of February dawned, a day tinged with the sweet scent of chocolate and the unspoken yearning of youthful hearts. A buzz of excitement thrummed through the halls of Advanced Nurturing High School as Valentine's Day cast its spell.


But for Class B, the day held an even greater significance. Their beloved leader, Ichinose Honami, emerged from her self-imposed isolation, her radiant smile a beacon of hope dispelling the gloom of the past few days.


The entire class erupted in relieved cheers. Girls and boys alike gathered around her, their voices a chorus of concern and joy.


"Ichinose-san, you're back!"


"We were so worried about you!"


"It's so good to see you feeling better!"


The buzz soon spread beyond the confines of Class B.


News of Ichinose's return traveled through the school hallways, drawing curious onlookers from other classes. Even a handful of boys from Class C and D, along with some seniors, loitered outside the classroom, hoping for a glimpse of the charismatic leader back in action.


However, Valentine's Day wasn't all sunshine and chocolates. A dark cloud lingered in the form of rumors.


Rumors about twelve students, chosen from Class B, C, and D, swirled through the corridors, their details mostly true, their intentions malicious.


The sudden influx of rumors sent a tremor through the school administration. Fearful of the chaos it could unleash, they implemented swift and strict measures.


Students caught spreading rumors or instigating trouble faced harsh disciplinary action – a stark reminder of the consequences of recklessness.


News of the school's stern approach reached Ichinose's ears.


A flicker of warmth bloomed in her chest. He had said he'd handle it, and it seemed he had kept his word.


A silent gratitude swelled within her, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Her feelings for Ayanokoji, already budding with his unexpected support, blossomed further.


Her gaze drifted towards her bag, where a luxurious box of chocolates lay nestled amongst her belongings. Valentine's Day was a day for girls to express their feelings, and Ichinose knew exactly who she wanted to share her gift with. The only challenge lay in timing.


Ichinose was painfully aware of her own popularity. A public display of affection might attract unwanted attention towards Ayanokoji, something she knew he wouldn't appreciate. This wasn't a gift for the whole school to witness; it was meant for Ayanokoji alone. A confession disguised in chocolate, a secret shared only between them.


She envisioned the envious glances from her classmates, both male and female, if they witnessed the exchange. The thought sent a shiver down her spine. Ayanokoji deserved better than to be labeled "Ichinose Honami's favorite," a title that would surely invite unwanted competition.


No, she needed to be discreet. Finding the perfect, private moment to hand him the chocolate became her new mission.


The day wore on, filled with the usual routine of classes and extracurricular activities.


Finally, the school day came to an end. Students streamed out of their classrooms, eager to head back to their dorms. Ichinose lingered behind, waiting for the opportune moment. When the coast was clear, she approached Ayanokoji, her hand clutching the chocolate box tightly.


"Ayanokoji-kun," she said, her voice soft yet determined. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"


Ayanokoji's gaze remained impassive as Ichinose approached him, the expensive chocolate box clutched tightly in her hands. He wasn't surprised by her request, a keen observer like himself having picked up on the nervous glances and lingering touches she'd directed his way throughout the day. Yet, he feigned confusion, raising an eyebrow slightly.


"Is something the matter, Ichinose-san?" he asked, his voice devoid of any inflection.


Taking a deep breath, Ichinose reached into her bag and pulled out the elaborately wrapped chocolate box. Her cheeks warmed with a blush as she presented it to him. "This is… for you," she stammered, "Valentine's chocolate."


A rosy blush crept up her cheeks as she added, "It's the first time I've ever given chocolate to a boy."


Her words hung in the air, a clear declaration nestled within the sweet offering. Ayanokoji stared at the box, the expensive wrapper gleaming under the afternoon light. It was more than just a Valentine's Day chocolate; it was confirmation of the feelings she harbored for him.


He reached out and took the box from her, his touch sending a spark through Ichinose. He held it for a moment, his expression unreadable, before placing it carefully in his bag.


"Thank you, Ichinose-san," he said, his voice flat but carrying a hint of something… appreciation? It was difficult to tell.


A playful glint entered Ichinose's eyes. "Since I gave you chocolate, shouldn't you reciprocate?" she teased.


Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow, a flicker of amusement playing on his lips. He understood the game she was playing, the unspoken challenge. "Perhaps you're right," he conceded, "but wouldn't it be more interesting to make it… something else?"


The air crackled with unspoken meaning. Ichinose's heart pounded, unsure of where this delicate dance between them was leading. Ayanokoji leaned closer, his voice dropping to a whisper that sent shivers down her spine.


"Besides," he murmured, his eyes locking onto hers, "I like you too, Ichinose-san. A lot."


The confession, unexpected and audacious, hit Ichinose like a tidal wave. Her face erupted in a blush, a radiant smile breaking across her lips. In that single moment, all her worries and anxieties melted away, replaced by a joy that bubbled up within her.


Before she could respond, Ayanokoji straightened up, his composed mask back in place. He offered a curt nod and turned to walk away, leaving Ichinose speechless in his wake.


As he walked down the hallway, a familiar figure emerged from around a corner – Sakura Airi. Her expression, usually bright and cheerful, was clouded with a mix of jealousy and… something more. She clutched a box of chocolates tightly to her chest, its design mirroring the one Ayanokoji had just received.


"Kiyotaka," she said, her voice laced with disbelief. "I… I didn't expect to see Ichinose-san giving you a Valentine's chocolate."


Ayanokoji stopped and turned towards her, his gaze unwavering. "Is that a problem for you, Airi?" he inquired, his voice devoid of inflection.


Sakura puffed her cheeks in a display of mock anger. "A little," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "I was scared… scared you might… like Ichinose-san more. She's so popular, so beautiful…"


Ayanokoji studied her for a moment, his eyes seemingly analyzing her emotions. He remained silent, the composed mask remaining firmly in place. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and deliberate.


"Come to my room tonight," he said, his voice calm and measured. "I'll show you that you have nothing to worry about."


Sakura's face turned a deeper shade of red, her breath catching in her throat. She knew what his invitation implied, the promise of intimacy cloaked in darkness. A thrill of excitement shot through her, which was a stark contrast to the pang of insecurity she'd felt moments ago.



With a shy nod, she offered him the chocolate box she was holding. "Here," she mumbled, "it's for you."


Ayanokoji accepted the gift with a nod.


As he continued his walk towards his dorm, a complex mix of emotions swirled within him. He had skillfully navigated the encounters with both Ichinose and Sakura, maintaining a balance of interest.


As the evening shadows stretched long, a notification buzzed on Ayanokoji's phone. It was a message from his ragtag group of friends requesting a meetup at the park. With a sigh, Ayanokoji left his dorm, the setting sun casting a warm orange glow across the academy grounds.


He found Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken already gathered in a familiar clearing. Ike, his usual boisterous self, excitedly brandished a heart-shaped chocolate box.


"Look at this, guys!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with pride. "Kushida-san gave me chocolates!"


Yamauchi and Sudou, however, cast a skeptical look at the box. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Ike," Yamauchi scoffed. "Didn't you notice? She gave one to all the boys in class."


Ike's enthusiasm deflated slightly, though he quickly recovered. "Yeah, but it's the first time a cute girl like Kushida ever gave me chocolate! I'm gonna cherish this forever!"


Sudou, ever the blunt one, cut in. "Speaking of chocolate, Yamauchi, did you manage to score any from Sakura?"


Yamauchi's face contorted into a disgruntled scowl. "Nope," he grumbled. "I asked her, but she flat-out refused."


Ike and Sudou exchanged knowing glances. "Well, that's to be expected, right?" Ike said placatingly. "Sakura's a former idol. Her standards are probably sky-high."


"Yeah," Sudou chimed in, patting Yamauchi on the back. "You should set your sights on someone else. It's clear Sakura ain't gonna change her mind about you."


Yamauchi scowled even deeper but shrugged noncommittally. "Yeah, maybe. She just seemed like the perfect target," he mumbled, a perverted grin creeping onto his face. "Those… breasts. Imagine…"


Ike and Sudou exchanged exasperated sighs. They were well-acquainted with Yamauchi's one-track mind.


Their attention then shifted to Ayanokoji. "Hey, Ayanokoji," Ike began, "did you get any chocolates today?"


Ayanokoji knew revealing his actual haul – chocolates from both Ichinose and Sakura – would elicit a chorus of jealous groans from his friends. So, he opted for a simple, calculated lie.


"Just some from Kushida-san, like everyone else," he replied casually.


The response elicited a collective shrug from his friends. Kushida's mass chocolate distribution had rendered the gesture meaningless in their eyes.


However, Yamauchi, ever suspicious, pressed further. "Just Kushida? You sure you didn't score from anyone else?"


Ayanokoji met his gaze with a composed expression. "Positive. Unless someone else decides to give me one later, but I don't have any high hopes for that."


With that, the conversation moved on to a more volatile topic – the rumors swirling around the school. Yamauchi, unable to contain his curiosity, brought up the one concerning Shinohara, a girl in Karuizawa's friend group, supposedly having a past as a prostitute.


"What do you guys think about it? True or not?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of morbid fascination.


Ike frowned. "We shouldn't be spreading rumors, Yamauchi. Who knows if it's even true?"


Sudou followed suit, chiding Yamauchi for his morning encounter with Shinohara. "Yeah, dude, what were you thinking bringing that up in class? Especially in front of her!"


Yamauchi bristled. "Hey, I was just asking her! What's wrong with that?"


Ayanokoji interjected coldly. "The issue, Yamauchi, is your intent. It was pretty clear you were trying to humiliate her with that question. That's what rubbed everyone the wrong way, me included."


Yamauchi sputtered, trying to defend himself. "But I just wanted to know if the rumor was true!"


"And your way of asking was meant to hurt her," Ayanokoji pointed out calmly. "Now, the entire class that supports Shinohara looks at us with hostility."


Yamauchi's face flushed a shade of red. He hadn't considered the consequences of his actions. "But… but…" he stammered, unable to form a coherent defense.


Ayanokoji's words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the consequences of unchecked impulsiveness. The carefree mood of their little gathering had been replaced by a tense silence.

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