
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

Refresher course begins.

Raven watched in complete silent awe as the walls were fixed, their rooms refurbished, and the kitchen restored with brand new equipment and utensils. Zeke marvelled at the new cookware. "Holy crap! These are some of the fanciest fucking things, I've ever seen! Figured you would have just given us all the cheap shit." "I'm actually surprised, you asked for so little." Adrianna said, eyeing the kitchen getting refurbished. Zeke chuckled. "Thought I was asking for too much." "Well, glad it's all to your liking." "Can I keep these after we go?" "By all means. I was actually wanting to refurbish this place to be a new duelling arena." "Sweet! Hey Moon! We're getting free shit for our place!" "YAY!" Moon cheered rushing in. "Did we also get the clothes?....Headmaster Jaeger." She bowed politely. "Unfortunately not, Miss Kim. My arrangement only covered what Zeke requested." "I mean...How do you know he didn't request it?" Adrianna took out Zeke's list.

"Because, I doubt he asked for, and I quote. 'That super cute pink bikini with the adorable flowers on it.'" She said looking at Moon. "I mean he could have." She pouted. "The food is on the way. Although I must say you are quite...skinny for someone who eats that much food." "The food doesn't go to me." Zeke said, pointing to Moon. "Zeke, barely eats anyway. People always think his just got a fake Mark." "Don't feel the need to eat, till I hate myself." 'Interesting...he doesn't indulge either. Is this what inactive Demon's Blood does?' "Well, I'll let you all get some rest. Refresher course starts at 9. Don't miss that bus." "I've been meaning to ask. Are we getting our own private instructor? Or-" "You'll be joining the students on their mandatory classes." "Ooooh, do we get to join Raven?" "AH! That won't be necessary. You don't want to join classes with me." She giggled nervously.

"Ah don't worry! We're probably super dumb here as well." Moon chuckled. "Hope that changes Miss Kim. Otherwise you won't pass your examination." Moon's smile turned to despair instantly. "Examination...as in exam?" Adrianna nodded. "As in a test?" "Uhhh, is she okay?" Raven asked Zeke. "Depends on the answer of the next question." "Is it at least open book?" Adrianna shook her head. "The answer is-" "NOOOO!" She screamed running into her room, slamming the door behind her. "You don't seem too worried Mr Chen." He let out a tired sigh, setting up the oven clock. "It's fine, I'll help her study and pass." "While you're at it. Why don't you help Miss Frost here as well. If they both pass, I'll throw in a bonus reward for you." "I'm sure she doesn't need help..." Raven nodded eagerly for assistance. "Alright. I'll do what I can, but I'm not making any promises about both of them doing well." He said, setting the oven clock to 8:39pm "All that I can ask for. Have a good night, Mr Chen. I'll see you tomorrow." She did a small nod before disappearing in a blink.

Raven took a sigh of relief. "Ahhhh, she's finally gone. How are you not stressed around her?" "She seems nice enough. Besides with her powers, if she wanted us dead, we probably wouldn't even see or feel it." Raven grimaced, seeing Zeke casually organise ingredients. "Wait. Do you have an idea of what her power is?" "Do you guys not?" "No one does. We've all speculated what she has. We've guessed Super speed." "It's not that. It's either teleportation, or she's slowing down our perception speed." "How can you know that?" Unbeknownst to them, Adrianna continued to spy on them from around the corner. "If it was Super speed, she'd create some pretty big tail winds, regardless of how much control she had. But whenever she disappears, she doesn't crouch or ready herself to sprint. She just disappears as we blink." "So, she would be teleporting. That explains how she can be everywhere at once." "Mmm not enough proof." 'He figured that all out, in our few interactions? I'm starting to like this one Peter.' She smirked disappearing.

Morning came with the three of them boarding the bus. Raven was dressed in her uniform, with Moon dressed elegantly beside her, with Zeke slumped over his seat, gently snoring away. "He's not a morning person is he?" Raven asked. "Ah, he just can't wake up by alarms. It's his krypto-what's that thing Superman is weak to?" "Kyrptonite." Zeke muttered in his sleep. "That. Alarms just ruin him." "Is it alright to leave Red all alone like that? Shouldn't you send her back through the Rift?" "She doesn't go back through the Rifts." "WHAT!?" Zeke groaned. Raven covered her mouth. "What do you mean, she doesn't go back? How does she replenish Mana?" Moon shrugged. "Zeke, guessed that it was because she eats like a Hunter, and is small that she doesn't need to. Either way she'll be fine. If she needs anything, she'll find it herself." Raven looked over her shoulder concerned. Red sat casually on Zeke's bed eating a bag of chips, enjoying a show on the TV.

Raven kept her head down, following the two of them inside. Zeke tiredly trudged behind Moon, with everyone gasping and shocked to see her. "Zeke, check it out. I have fans." She whispered with a smile. "Great...get them to sign up to your only-" She struck him over the head, with a closed fist. Raven looked on shocked with the others, as Zeke was unfazed and continued to wearily enter. 'Did he not even feel that?' "Hey, what's our first class about?" Moon asked. "Magic." "Anything in particular?" She asked. "Nope, we learn everything about it. Not a fan either." Raven said annoyed, thinking about the class. As the three entered the class, two tables at the front were reserved for Zeke and Moon. Raven quickly took her seat in the back row. Their teacher was a middle aged man with raven locks down to his nape, and a stern expression, dressed in all black. "I am-" Zeke opened his heavy eyes. "Oh, hey. Our magic teacher is professor Snape." A collective hiss rung out of the room, as they cringed. He looked at Zeke with boiling rage. "I am not Professor Snape!" He barked. "I am Sylens Magus. The Magic instructor at this academy, and I will not be insulted, by being referred to as a fictional character!" He shouted holding his pointing stick.

"If you don't want to be called that, maybe change your look a little." "He's right, you do look like a budget cosplay of him." Moon said eyeing him up and down. A collective gasp rung out from the classroom. Veins bulged on Sylens's forehead. He gnashed his teeth together, trembling and brimming with rage. "Take your seats." He growled. Sylens composed himself and turned his back to them. Zeke began to wake up, and spotted everyone with notebooks. "Moon...are we meant to have note books?" He whispered. Moon spun around looking at the students staring at them, jotting down the notes on the board. "Shit! What do we do?" She whispered back. "You two are meant to know all of this already." Slyens said snidely. He displayed three magic circles; Red, Green, Blue. "So I'll quiz you both." Both of them rolled their eyes slouching in the seats. "What are the three types of magic called?" He asked pointing to Moon. "Smiting, Defending, Healing." Zeke answered. "Good for you. I asked her, not you." "You said, you were quizzing us both. So I answered." Raven cringed. 'He's going to get himself killed! Then I won't get to play with Red!'

"Girl, what is the difference between using a Magic Circle and Incantation?" "One makes you say things, the other you draw?" Giggles filled the room. Sylens smirked. "No. The difference is-" "Incantations require a steady stream of Mana from your body. Magic Circles create a pseudo-Rift allowing Mana to pass through." Zeke said. "That. I meant to say that." Sylens glared at Zeke. "Do not act cocky in my classroom." "Thought you said, I should know all of this. So which one is it? Am I meant to be dumb or know it all already?" "Ooooooooooh" The classroom rung out. Moon looked over to the weary Zeke, wearing a cocky smile. Her heart began to flutter and race. 'Damn it! He's doing it again! What the fuck!' She bit her lip quickly, composing herself. "I'll take your 'Sylens' as sign of you know the answer. So just teach, and don't mind us." Moon rolled her eyes. 'And he ruined it.' "You may be smart, but she has yet to demonstrate that."

As Sylens turned around. "Hey Snape. I know, I'm a guest here, but don't insult her again. Am I clear?" He growled. A chill filled the room, with Moon's heart leaping out of her chest. Sylens nodded and cleared his throat. Zeke slouched in his seat smiling at her. 'Ahhhhh, this is bad. He's being a bad boy. He was never like this. Why now? Was his virginity keeping him humble?' "We'll be continuing off our last lesson. Who here can tell me, what the highest level of Smiting Magic is called?" No one answered. Zeke laid over his table, blowing air. "Miss Frost." Raven let out a startled yelp. "Surely even you would know this answer." "I-Uh...um..." She stammered sweating, looking around nervously. "Well, stand up and answer." She hesitantly stood up, fidgeting with her hands and glanced around the room with eyes staring at her. "Um...." "I can assure you the answer is not UUUUMMMM." "Then maybe ask the question properly." Zeke said annoyed. "Asking a question with multiple answers, and expecting your version of the right one. Is some shit, I would expect from a underpaid, soulless teacher, but not someone from here."

"Mr. Chen. I would watch your tone with-" Zeke stood up in his seat, staring him down. "Omega is the title given to the highest level of Smiting Magic from the green rifts. Destroyer for Red. Monarch for Blue. Which answer, did you want her to give? Or was she gonna be wrong either way, so you can feed your small dick ego!?" He yelled. "Mr Chen. I see you're already causing a fuss." Adrianna said from the doorway. Everyone in the class collectively stood up and bowed. "Miss Jaeger. This boy-" "Is absolutely right. You asked a poorly worded question, and expected a singular answer. I hope this not how you have been teaching them the whole time. It would raise into question, why you still have a job here." "No, I-Miss Jaeger, I swear this was the only time that I have ever-" She raised a hand silencing him. "Mr Chen, I can see you are already well versed in this class. I would like to have a word with you." Moon stood up. "Not you Miss Kim. I can see you need work." "But-" Zeke patted her shoulder. Her heart was racing. 'For fuck's sake Zeke. You were never like this back home. Why now?'

Zeke followed Adrianna through the hallways. She walked with purpose, perfect posture, chin up high, with smooth strides, and her hands behind her back. "Am I trouble?" "Far from it. That was very sweet of you to stand up for Raven and Moon." "Then, why am I being pulled out of class, like I am in trouble?" "Because you're clearly very smart, in more ways than one. Edelgard and Peter's reports all speak quite highly of your mind." "But?" "You've never been physically tested. Peter has requested that you be pushed to fulfil your potential." "That's nice of him, but I don't have potential?" She giggled and snickered. "I didn't think that was a joke, but okay." "No, Peter said the same thing, only took him a few years to become head of the Australian Hunter Agency." "I'm not him, and I don't intend to be some great Hunter." "Why is that? Every other Demon Hunter in the world, has always strived for greatness. Wanting more than they have. Never satisfied with where they are in life. Yet you. You want a simple life." "Because, I won't be the monster, people think I am." "Ah, public perception. Is that why you spite your existence?" "I'm not spiting it..."

She stopped in front of her office door. "Then, tell me why you haven't applied yourself." She said opening the door to her extravagant office space. The floor a velvet ruby carpet. The walls adorned with photos of her, next to every accomplished S grade Hunter, powerful and wealthy family members. Behind her giant black wood desk, sat a long silver rapier, with the most intricate basket guard that Zeke had ever seen. It resembled a rose in bloom. "I only want to be strong enough to protect the people I care about. I don't need any more than that." "Very noble of you. However wanting to give Moon the spotlight, will only make you both weaker for it." "I...She wants the fame and attention, I never did. There's nothing wrong in letting her have it, while I help." "That's the reason, we agreed to setting the new ruling and reset. Too many Hunters had become co-dependent." "Moon can handle herself, but-" She handed him a tablet with a camera into their classroom.

She was stressed, staring at a pop quiz on her desk, glancing over to Zeke's desk, and around the room. "I'm guessing, she use to cheat off you in school?" "Uh well..." He said nervously scratching his head. "She's too reliant on your brain, and you're too reliant on her muscle." "I have a bad feeling of what you're gonna say next." "That's why I'm splitting you two up." "There it is." "You will attend two different classes at once." He slouched over in defeat. "Seeing how you have a sharp mind, you'll be attending more physical lessons." "Moon's mind is sharp as well." She glanced down at the tablet once more. "Sixty seconds." Sylens said. He watched as Moon randomly guessed every answer on the quiz. He let out a sigh. "Fine, but I'm letting you know some people just don't fit the moulds, given by schools." "Noted. Now head off to your class. You'll find your teacher at the coliseum." "Of course you have one of those." He said walking away. "Oh, before I forget." Zeke said turning around. "Do you know what, a Child of the Nine is?" Adrianna kept a straight face, but those words sent a shiver down her spine.

"Where did you hear that term?" "Oh. Well when we through the rift. This weird creepy healer, and the Drows all called me that. Never heard of it before, and there's nothing online. Do you guys have anything on that?" She disappeared in a blink, locking the door behind him. He spun around looking at her concerned. "Uhhh...did I just ask something bad?" She quickly moved into his face. Zeke stumbled back onto her desk, terrified of her expression and intensity. "Ahhh, what's happening?" "Did they specifically call you a Child of the Nine?" Zeke nodded scared and terrified. She walked away, and he took a breather clutching his chest. "Soo....are you gonna explain what that is, and what that was about?" "There are...murmurs and whispers, rumours if you will, about the red Rifts. That they are ruled by nine Monarchs. Each one essentially a God in power." "And, what? One of them somehow crossed over and did the nasty with my mum?" "Mmmm, each case is different. Please keep this knowledge and conversation to yourself. I need to make a call to help you on this one." "Wait, what? Am I dying or something?"

"No. Do not be concerned." "You know in the history of man. Every time someone says don't be something. It's normally what they should be." "Go to class Mr Chen. I assure there is nothing wrong. I will call a specialist to help you." He awkwardly slipped out of the room, rushing out shaking his head. Adrianna slumped in her seat making a phone call on her computer. "Addy! What's up? You never call!" "Al-" "Ahhh, I know what this is. You're finally wanting a piece of me." She gnashed her teeth together. "Alistair." She growled making a fist. "You know, if you want it. You're gonna have to really beg me for it. Here I'll get you started." He cleared his throat. "Eugh, daddy give me your big-" "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!?" She yelled. "I WOULD NEVER SAY THAT TO YOU!" "Seesh! I'm gonna need a healer for my ear." "I have a Child of the Nine here!" "Ooooooooh! Why didn't you lead with that?" Her eyes glazed over. "I just need to know, how you test from which Mon-" "I'll see you soon." "No wait! Don't come!" "Words, I have never or will ever listen to, from a woman. See you soon Addy!" The call disconnected. Her jaw hung down, filled with anger and disbelief. "I'm going to exorcise that idiot."

Zeke made his way to the steel coliseum. Hearing cheers mixed with jeers and boos. He cautiously ventured inside, looking around for anyone. There were no students or faculty in the hallways. Following the sound to a door, he peeked inside seeing hundreds of students watching a projector. They were watching CCTV footage of Zeke and Moon fight the Colossal Centipede. "What the..." He felt a hand grab the back of his shirt. The lights came on, the door swung open and Zeke was launched into the middle of the room. "FUCK!" He shouted landing with a thud. "AH! What the fuckl!....." He trailed off, locking eyes with a room filled with students staring back at him. Behind them stood a hulking man, with glistening ebony skin that covered his bulging muscles, with veins that ran over them like small rivers. He wore a tight black and white track suit. He approached Zeke, with his bald head reflecting each over head light. With a sly smile over his strong face.

"Look children. Our guest of honour is here. The hero and saviour of Lillia Edelgard " "Uh, wait. I'm not a guest of honour or hero. Wait Edelgard's first name is Lillia? No, not important. I'm not a hero, I'm just-" Everyone pointed to the projector behind him. Seeing the last seconds of footage of Zeke jumping over her body. "Why are you even watching this?" "Look at their faces." The hulking man said. "Worthless, inexperienced children, who have never seen any action in their lives." "I'm guessing you don't mean sex." "Oooooh a jokester!" Zeke cringed. He knew this was gonna end poorly. "I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to interrupt your class, but Miss Jaeger sent me here, and I wasn't sure were to go. I'll just take my seat and you can continue your lesson." He said trying to make his way to a free seat. He felt the man's giant hand wrap around his skull. "I teach practical Hunter training. Let's give these kids a real demonstration of how two Hunters fight each other." "Hey wai-" Zeke was thrown through the projector screen and through a solid five metre stone wall. He tumbled over a stone and sandy field.

The classroom of at least fifty poured out eagerly, followed by the Hulking man. Zeke stood up dusting himself off. His shirt clinging on by a few threads. "Damn it. Can I just have one day here, where I don't have to lose clothes?" He looked up the hole in the wall quickly being reformed. "Pay attention kids! I'm going to fight him at 50% of my strength." He boasted. "Hang on!" Zeke called out, walking over. "I want you all to write down, what he should do to try and beat me." "Can we just talk first? I mean don't even know your name yet." "You can call me coach Obsidian." "Okay, that's a cool name. My name is Ze-" He felt Obsidian's fist deform his face, and send him flying. The students all cringed wincing away. Zeke shot up, at least fifty metres from Coach Obsidian. His shirt was completely gone, and his pants ripped. "Mother fucker!" He yelled punching the ground. "Listen you piece of shit! I don't want to fight you! I'm just here to do refresher course and move on!" He shouted marching towards Obsidian.

Adrianna slumped back in her seat cringing at Alistair's arrival. "Hmmm, I wonder if Zeke made it to class okay." She flicked the camera to the coliseum seeing Obsidian sitting on top of Zeke, pummelling him into the ground. "Well he definitely could be doing better." "Come on fight back!" Obsidian ordered raining down another blow. "Hey asshole! Do you see any damage on my face? You're gonna have to hit harder than that!" Zeke goaded. Obsidian grit his teeth, punching Zeke's entire head into the ground. He quickly stood up turning around the students. "Alright, who here can tell me, what he should have done?" "Fought back, and not talked so much sir!" "Correct answer. Now someone get him a Healer and-" "OI. Asshole. You call that a punch?" Obsidian turned around, watching Zeke completely unharmed rise up slowly. Adrianna watched on with a smile across her face, kicking her feet up. "This could be fun to watch." "You know, talking is a viable strategy. Because sometimes you don't need to fight."

Obsidian lunged in the ground beneath his feet shattering. Zeke spotted Obsidian going in for a straight punch. He threw his entire weight into a bowing motion. Meeting Obsidian's punch halfway with his forehead. Zeke was sent flying into the sky. "That's why fighting back is a better strategy dumbass!" A student cheered. Shock ran through them as Obsidian fell to his knees, holding his broken hand, grunting through his laboured breathing. Blood gushed out from the jutting bones. Zeke made his way back to the students, standing over Obsidian with not a single scratch over his face. He knelt down to Obsidian's eye level, grabbing the back of his head. "Shouldn't throw all your weight into a straight like that, without set up. Leads to getting countered. Should teach them the basics first." He stood up eyeing down the other students. "Alright, one of you assholes, called me a dumbass. Which one was it?" The entire class took a step away from the student, singling him out. He gulped watching Zeke approach him and eye him up and down. They were the same frame. "Give me your shirt and pants." "Wh-wha-" "You heard me. Unless you want to end up like broken hand over there." The student quickly stripped.

Zeke got changed into the uniform, leaving the student with his blazer and tie. "You're all rich. You can afford more sets of uniform. Someone should get him Healer, before he bleeds out ,pretty sure he went into shock as well." "Yes, he has." Adrianna said appearing behind him. "Am I in trouble now?" "No. You have created a great learning experience for these students." She smiled at him. "Who here has the answer to how Zeke defeated Coach Obsidian?" They all looked at each other confused and silent. "By meeting his fist half way, he not only halved the power of his strike, but also applied Newton's third law of motion. Zeke can you explain your strategy to them?" "Uhh...sure. I'm sure you've all hit something that doesn't move, when you think it should have?" They all nodded. "Uhh well, I just made myself that immovable object for a brief second, and let physics do all the damage." He said awkwardly blushing. They all nodded amazed and impressed. "Take him to a Healer. I'll take over this class for today. Zeke you may go home and get changed." "I'm not in trouble for robbing that guy?" "He called you dumb with less experience than you. I call that a fitting punishment." "Sweet!" "You also can't visit Moon, until class is over." "Oh come on! What am I meant to do for the next..." He checked his phone that was in pieces. "Mother...fucker..." He growled.

"I'll have one issued to you." He let out a sigh. "What time is it?" "9:36." "I've been here less than an hour!? How long does classes go for here?" "The day finishes at 5pm." "What the fuck am I meant to do for the next 8 hours?" Adrianna shrugged. "You could help me teach or train-" "I'm gonna go home and take a nap." He yawned walking away. She smiled at him leaving. As the bell rang for lunch, everyone hustled out of the room except for Raven and Moon. They sat in their chairs with their heads down, staring at the quiz sheets, with mortified hollow expressions. Both had scored 16 points out of 100 questions. The two compared notes, staring at each other. "Have I always been this dumb?" Moon asked. "Not your fault. Those questions were really hard." "Yeah that...that makes sense." Two girls approached Moon. They quickly hid their quiz sheets. "How can I help you two?" Moon asked nervously. "You're friends with Zeke right?" She looked at them confused. "Ye...yeah....?" "Are you two....you know..." They blushed. "Dating?" Raven asked. They nodded shyly.

Moon went red. "Oh no! We're not dating!" "Is he seeing somebody?" Moon shook her head. "HE'S SINGLE! EVERY GIRL FOR HERSELF!" They screamed. Raven and Moon watched in complete confusion, hearing the girls scream and claw at each other, to rush out the school . "What the fuck was that?" "I have no idea." Raven said. "I should go and check. See what this idiot got himself into-" "He's the talk of the Academy already." Adrianna said appearing behind them. The two let out a startled yelp. "How do you do that!?" Moon exclaimed holding her chest. "Is that really what you want to ask me?" "No. What did Zeke do? Did he lie about being cool or something?" "He broke Coach Obsidian's hand." "WHAT!?" Raven screamed. "Am I meant to be impressed? What's he look like?" Adrianna showed her a picture. "Ahhh, yeah I can see how he did that. Idiot probably threw all his weight into a punch. Still doesn't warrant girls throwing themselves after him." Moon said unimpressed. "Are you crazy!? Coach Obsidian is an A grade Hunter. I've seen him punch his way through a mountain side." Raven said. "Yeah, mountains don't fight back. He's just an idiot. Let's get something to eat! How long is lunch anyway?" "Two hours." Raven said. "YAY!" Moon squealed sprinting outside. "Headmaster Jaeger." "Yes?" "Are all Hunters like them?" "No. Far from it."

Moon glared at all the long lines in front of every restaurant and takeout store. Her phone vibrated with a message from Zeke. 'Hey, could you come back to the dorm? There are some crazy girls outside.' She looked over the hill, with annoyance. "Man, I don't want to go all the way up there again." 'Also made some food, since I got to go home early.' Moon entered into the fastest sprint she had ever done. She shoved her way past the rabid girls standing outside the dorm. Zeke peeked outside through the curtains. "Moon. What the fuck is wrong with those girls? Why are they here?" "Uhhh...Not sure." She said making her way into the kitchen. She found an entire wok of fried rice. "Can I-" "You can have the whole thing, just get rid of them." "What's the big deal?" She said stuffing her face.

"What's the big deal? They're kids, acting like I'm hot and dateable." "Yes...what a terrible thing. Zeke, we're like a year older than them." "I'm not interested in that right now." "Is it because none of them have silver or white hair?" "Somewhat, but I'm not looking for that right now." "What if the right girl came into your life." "Well yeah obviously, but no one like that in my life right now." Her heart sank. "I'll get rid of them, just come watch me at the duel okay?" "Yeah, I have the alarm set up. Just...seriously what is wrong with these girls? I mean it's me. Who's crazy enough to be attracted to me?" He said peeking out the curtains. "Yeah...they would be crazy." She muttered walking outside. He watched as Moon shooed them away like cats and dogs in an alley. He let out a sigh of relief. "hmmm, girls here are crazy. Interested in me?" He shook his head. "Crazy ass bitches."