
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

A temporary alliance.

Zeke spent the day practicing Sovereign stance one, today being unable to activate his Demon's Blood. "That's enough for today. Good work and keep practicing the motion. Only thing to work on now is-" "Activating my Demon's Blood." She nodded. He let out a sigh, sulking away. "I would give you advice, but I don't think it would apply to you." "At this point, I'd take any advice." "I normally think of how painful it is, when I get my period-" "And I immediately regret my decision." He said quickly walking away. Deep in thought during his shower, Zeke thought about everything that would trigger him. He had tried to remember the events of the Hunter Games, to no success. He reeled back letting out a long exasperated sigh, his sigh being drowned out. A knock on the door caught his attention. "Hey Zeke! You might want to come out. You have a visitor." Raven said with a shaky voice. He cocked an eyebrow. 'Who the hell is visiting us?'

Stepping out of the shower wearing shorts and shirt, his hair looking like a wet mop, and steam rising from his skin. Entering into the kitchen, Raven sat awkwardly across from Sakura holding Red in her arms. She wore a tight red strapless dress. "Sakura...What are you doing here?" Zeke asked puzzled. "I can't believe it's true. You really do have the cutest little familiar." She said nuzzling Red. Raven frowned jealous at Red enjoying the attention. "Is that why you came here?" "No, this was just a bonus. I've come to ask you out for dinner." Raven's eyes bulged. "Oh." Zeke said stunned. "Don't worry, it's not a date. It's just to talk business." "Oh!" Raven quickly pulled Zeke aside. "Dude, no one wears a dress like that to talk business." She whispered. "What if the business is sex related?" "Do you want to have sex with her?" "You see the same person as I do right?" "Yes, she's amazing and I would kill to be with that, but! Her dad is the Berserker?" "I'm sure it's fine."

Zeke took a seat across from her, pushing back his hair. "What business did you want to talk about?" "I think it would be best, if your partner was here." "She should be back any-" Moon limped in covered in injuries. "Right on cue." Moon glared Sakura. "What are you doing here?" She growled. "I came to talk business." "In that? Are you trying to fuck Zeke is that it?" "She's not here to do that. She said, she wanted you to be here." Zeke said. "I have been trying though." Zeke looked at intrigued and stunned. "Say, what you want, and get out." Moon said sliding into her seat wincing. "A little hostile, Moon." Zeke said. "Did you forget, she was a part of the ass kicking I received?" "And we still lost." "Without him breaking you." Moon growled. "Well Zeke, you heard her. She's angry that you didn't break me in. Should we fix that?" She asked winking at him. "I..." Zeke blushed. Raven quickly took a seat between them. "Ahahaha, what a great joke. Let's move on and avoid destroying this place anymore." She said nervously.

Sakura pulled a letter from between her breast sliding it to Zeke. As he went to reach for it, Moon snatched it first. "What is this?" "Can't you read?" Moon frowned, licking the back of her teeth. Zeke peeked over Moon's shoulder. "You want to work for us?" "Huh?" Raven said stunned. "It's a no for me." Moon said. "And your thoughts?" Sakura asked looking at Zeke. He jumped a little in his seat, feeling her leg stroke up and down against his. Zeke blushed, his ears going red. "Well...I...Why do you want to work for us?" "It's obvious you're both very powerful. With the notoriety you've gained, working for you would greatly benefit my future." "Oh, so you want to use us as a stepping stone? Then it's a definite no deal." "Sakura. What's the real reason you want to join us?" "I figured me rubbing your leg was enough of an indication." "What!?" Moon yelled throwing Zeke through the wall. She snickered. "Quite a flustered animal, when it comes to him. I guess it's not your fault. Hunters of your kind, always do act like bitches in heat."

"Ahahaa.....Let's not start a fight." Raven chuckled nervously. "Listen here you bitch." She growled standing up. "You don't have your little fuck buddies, backing you up this time. So you better leave, before I remind you of what happened." "You mean how you couldn't touch me?" "That's it!" Moon yelled breaking the table. "Enough!" Zeke yelled pulling himself from the rubble. "Christ! Let's stop fighting. Moon, we can't keep breaking this place. I don't think we have enough favours to get this place repaired." "But she started it." She whined. "Go, take a shower and clean up. I'll get dinner ready. Sakura, I know for a fact it's not sexual. Otherwise you would not have waited for Moon to come back. Secondly I know it's not an appearance thing, because your dad is literally the most scariest man alive. So what is it?" Sakura smiled at him. "You really are a clever one. You remind me of Constantine." "Pfft. Don't compare Zeke to that loser." Moon scoffed.

"Why not? Girls always compare boyfriends." The three of them cocked their head to the side at the new information. "Constantine figured, I was the least hated out of the three of us, and had me approach. Said I could have some fun first." "Well he's wrong, because I hate you ,and we're not dating." "Yeah because you're just fu-" Moon blasted Raven in the face, knocking her to the ground. "I was talking to him." "And your actual proposal is?" "The Hunter Games are not over. The fifth game was never done, because....of well....you." Zeke pulled on his collar, clearing his throat. "A World Ranker has been decided on. Except they've set an odd parameter." Sakura said uneasy. "And that would be?" Zeke asked. "That the five of us fight together. They excluded you." She said to Raven getting up. "Oh thank god!" She celebrated. "Who is the World Ranker?" Moon asked. "No idea. We only got the letter a few minutes ago, and were asked to deliver to news."

"Alright thanks for the message. We'll handle it from here." Moon said folding her arms. Sakura sighed. "You really want to be with this idiot?" "Zeke, permission to kill her." "Denied." "Why?" "Because Constantine, wants us to develop our team work." Sakura tapped her nose, smiling at him. "Ewww! I don't want to train with them." "Neither do we animal." Zeke snatched the back of Moon's collar holding her back. "Let me at her!" "Moon stop, or you'll find your own dinner." She calmed down pouting. "Fine." "Good girl. Now sit." Sakura said snidely. "Sakura, don't push your luck." Zeke said taking a seat. "Constantine, isn't someone who would throw his pride away easily. So I'm guessing who ever this World Ranker is, has him a little shaken. It wouldn't be Alistair, Kenji or Adrianna. You three would be able to tell, and have an advantage, something they don't want." "Right again. Which leaves us, with rank 3-8 and 10." "Weaver, just took the tenth spot and we have a grasp on him. It would most likely be rank 3-8."

"That narrows it down. If we analyse all of them-" Sakura sighed as Moon spoke. "Alright, I'm killing her." Moon snapped. "Do you really know nothing about S grade Hunters? It would take hours to analyse one of them, and weeks to train against one. You want to do all of them?" "Well when do they get here?" "End of your refresher course cycle." "That leaves us almost 5 months. That's plenty." "No point in training something if we might not even face them. It will be time wasted." Zeke said stroking his chin. "See, listen to your man. He's clearly doing the thinking for both of you." Moon ground her teeth together, snarling at Sakura. "Let's take some deep breaths, and take a few steps away from furniture." Raven said pulling Moon back. "So, will you consider his request?" "What do we get for beating this World Ranker? We've gotten our reward." Sakura shook her head. "Damn it, you two are peas in a pod." "You gotta stop comparing him to that cheating piece of shit." "Those two idiots are leeches hired by his mother!" Sakura snapped, slapping the table. "You'll be happy to know that they've been dealt with." Moon chuckled. "What did you kill them?"

"The reward is bonding ritual for the five of us." "I'm surprised daddy dearest, doesn't just give him one." "Our parents don't believe in coddling us. We're not some pampered children." Sakura snapped. "Yeah, how much that dress cost?" Sakura blushed. "A lot..." "Yeah, and I'm guessing you didn't buy it with your part time job." Zeke rocked back on his seat. "Wait, did you actually kill them?" Raven asked concerned. 'I haven't selected Moon's armour, but letting her bond with Soul-Taker, would make her life easier.' "I'll take that deep thought as a good sign." "He does that." "Sakura, did you actually kill them?" Raven asked hiding behind Moon. "We'll consider it, on a few terms." "Zeke! Are you serious?" Moon exclaimed. "Do you really want to lug around Soul-Taker or an armour set on every mission? Or do you want to be able to do this?" He said summoning Shadow. Sakura reeled back in her seat wide eyed. Moon bowed her head, sulking. "I want to do that..." "Then you're gonna have to suck it up, and train with them to get the best possible shot." "Fine." "Are we seriously not gonna talk about the possibility they had two people murdered?" "That's...that's good to hear...did you always have that weapon?" Sakura asked stunned. "Oh this? Uh relatively new. Pretty cool right?" She nodded. "Yeah, I'm hoping we find a good set of armour for Moon."

"Oh, I already picked one out." He frowned at her. "What did you pick? It better be practical, and not just look good." "I picked the one you were looking at." "Why!?" He raised his voice concerned. "Because you left the page on it! I thought you were interested in it, and I trusted you, like I always do." She blushed, sticking her chest out at him. "That's not gonna work on me. I don't even know what that thing does. I was gonna have it translated." "Then...then why did you leave it on that set?" "I was tired. I went to sleep." "Oh no...." She said mortified. "Looks like you'll be joining those two idiots." Sakura snickered. "So you did kill them!?" "I can fix this!" She sprinted inside grabbing the tablet. "I'll just say it was a mistake and..." The tablet was locked, with the screen saying choice locked in. "You think he'll take an email?" Moon said cringing. Zeke face palmed letting out a low growl. "I mean it looks cool right?" "Just...just stop. We'll deal with that later."

He let out a sigh. "Tell Constantine and Alexander, we'll accept under these terms." "And they are?" "One, the three of you apologise to Moon, and beg for her forgiveness." Moon gave a smug smile to Sakura, folding her arms. "Anything else?" "We'll only dedicate a few hours to team training, throughout the week. Try and force us to do anymore, and we go our own separate ways." "Understandable. Anything else I should report back?"

"Yes, just one last thing. Not so much a circumstance to our deal, and more of a warning." He banished Shadow, to stand up and lean over the table. The room was instantly filled with a bracing wind. Zeke's hair pulsed snow white. Sakura was frozen in complete fear. His eyes pulsed with murderous intent. She was staring at a real Demon. "You or any of those cunts insult or hurt anyone I love. I'll kill you." He growled, billowing out an icy cloud. "Am I understood?" She nodded, taking a gulp. Zeke returned to normal, shaking his head and wincing in pain. "Be nice to Moon alright?" He asked with a sincere smile. "We'll be on our best behaviour." "Good. Give us a time and date to meet." Sakura left visibly shaken and unable to stop her trembling. "Geez, what's with her? Looks like she's seen a ghost. All I said was be nice to you." He turned to Moon and Raven, seeing them look at him concerned. "What? Did I miss an actual ghost!?" He looked around frantically.

"Does he seriously not remember?" Raven whispered through the corner of her mouth. "I don't think so." "Seriously, what happened? Why do you two look so afraid?" Raven pointed to the wet dishes covered in frozen droplets. "Did...I turn on my Demon's Blood?" They nodded. "Argh damn it! I cannot grasp this fucking thing." He said scratching his head. "What did I do?" "Nothing too serious. You just admitting to loving me." Zeke went red. "You know what I mean." "I think you should elaborate further." Moon said with a sly smile. "I'm gonna start dinner now." "Oh, don't be like that. I mean we made the beast with two backs." "DUDE!" Zeke groaned. "What. She knows already." "When!?" "She was dancing in the kitchen, with post sex glow, and Sword Master Pendragon dragged you out naked. "I...it's physical, no emotional dating baggage. The love is more...familial, which just makes our new arrangement very weird to describe." Raven shrugged. "She calls you daddy, I get it." Zeke took a deep breath, quelling his frustration.

Sakura returned to Constantine and Alexander in their lavish dorm room. The entire top floor was theirs. They sat on a couch made of rich Corinthian leather, in front of a home theatre set up. The footage of their duel was playing. Both wore only shorts. "Did they accept our agreement?" "They did, with two conditions and a warning." She said taking a seat beside Constantine. "Hmm, guessing he wants an apology from us." She nodded. "And that even with such a great honour to practice with us, he's only gonna set aside a few hours for us." "Nailed it." She said leaning onto him. "Hang on, let's see if he can guess the warning." Alexander said. "Oh, probably some bullshit like, don't insult the girl or hurt her again." She nodded, getting a shiver down her spine. "Yep...that's it." "Damn it!" "Why are we watching this?" "I need to understand, how his activation works." "You should know something. He's bonded to a weapon." "That so?" Alexander said. "It was after this, but the way he summoned and banished it. It was almost as if, he had been connected to that weapon his whole life." "Well, his file says he has no experience in weaponry. He won't learn that thing over night." Constantine said pausing the footage at Zeke's awakening. He sat forward intensely staring at the Spectre looming over Zeke, clashing with Alistair. "We need to figure out, how to beat that thing."