

Bent toward the floor, wracked by violent coughs and spitting blood—poison coursing through my veins courtesy of my own family. How could they? Even if I'm not their flesh and blood, how could they betray me like this? My gaze flickered up to meet theirs, twisted in cruel anticipation, my mother, father, and sister, watching me with chilling detachment as if waiting for a morbid spectacle to unfold. Fury surged within me, a molten tide of rage and betrayal mingled with a raw desire for vengeance. I wanted to wrap my hands around their throats, to feel the warmth drain from their bodies, to see the fear in their eyes as they realized their mistake. And then, as if in response to my silent plea, something stirred—a voice, dark and seductive, whispering promises of retribution. "Do you seek revenge?" it chuckled, a sinister edge to its tone. I didn't hesitate. "Yes," I rasped, each word laced with the metallic tang of blood. "Good," it purred. "I can help you. All you need to do is offer me their souls." I nodded, a fervent agreement fueled by pain and anger. "Take whatever you want," I spat, my voice thick with venom. "Just make them pay."

DivineAuthor · Fantaisie
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17 Chs


"You know you're the only person in this world who can command me," Tenebris reminded me, emphasizing the power I held in this world, and over him.

"I haven't forgotten about that," I replied with a soft smirk playing on my lips.

I knew I was being shameless, perhaps shameless enough to consider myself above everyone else in this world. Or perhaps it was this deceptive power that was evoking a sense of authority and arrogance within me.

All those people who accused Seraphina of crimes she didn't commit—they made her miserable, breaking her from the inside. They branded her as an evil and ruthless villainess, all for their own amusement, oblivious to the pain Seraphina endured. At this point, I wondered who the real villain truly was.

"One day, I will show these people of these mansions and the accusers what real hell feels like. I refuse to be a puppet in their hands, and I will never repeat the same mistakes," I declared with determination.

"I'll show them what an evil and ruthless villainess truly looks like."

"Now that's interesting," Tenebris remarked, his amusement evident in his voice.

I knew he would find it intriguing. After all, he was the Demon King.

"Just wait a little, my devious demon," I whispered softly. "I'll show you the most amusing things you've ever seen in your life."

"Well, that sounds tempting," Tenebris snickered deviously.

Smiling softly, I gazed through the window, eagerly envisioning the future I had set my heart on. I was determined to forge ahead, stepping over my adversaries along the way. 

Afterward, I enjoyed a leisurely tea time with my devoted maid, discussing our plans for the future in unnecessary detail, especially our impending move to Auror Estate.

The following day brought an unexpected boon: my father granted me permission to temporarily relocate to Auror Estate. Without delay, I began preparations to move as soon as possible. I was eager to leave this accursed mansion behind; too much of my time had already been wasted within its walls.

Maya entered the room, her face lit up with a smile. "My lady, The carriage is ready to take us to the Auror estate," she announced.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go," I replied with a solemn expression, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of leaving the mansion behind.

Together, we made our way through the grand hallways, the polished floors shining beneath our feet. The walls were adorned with beautiful tapestries, adding a touch of elegance to the surroundings.

Stepping outside, I was greeted by the warmth of the sun and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. The carriage stood before us, its dark wood gleaming in the sunlight.

All the inner happiness and excitement I harbored vanished abruptly as I spotted my father waiting beside the carriage, accompanied by an unfamiliar man clad in knightly attire. What an uncomfortable start to the day, I mused inwardly as I approached him.

I bowed my head slightly in greeting. "Good morning, father."

For a moment, he stared at me as if grappling with unspoken words. "Good morning," he finally responded, then turned to the man beside him. "This is Caleb, the vice commander of the Ironhart knights. He will be escorting you to the Auror estate from now on."

Glancing at my father's typically cold and solemn expression, I objected, "That would be unnecessary. You don't have to appoint someone as important as Caleb as my escort knight. I will manage fine on my own."

"Why would you consider yourself above a knight?" my father retorted. "It's only natural for a Duke's daughter to have a knight commander as her escort. He will accompany you and remain by your side until your return."

Realizing I had little choice in the matter, I acquiesced, "As you wish, father,"

I was taken aback by the knight, who was already gazing in my direction. When our eyes met, he offered a polite smile, leaving me feeling somewhat perplexed. Unsure if his smile was genuine or merely a courtesy, I shrugged inwardly. Whatever, its not like I compelled him to serve as my knight.

"I am appointing him especially because his skills are the best among Ironhart knights. With him by your side, I would be less worried," my father explained. His unexpected gesture of patting my head diverted my attention, igniting a surge of anger within me.

Why would he be worried about a daughter he has neglected for so long, or is he simply putting on a show for his esteemed knight's sake? I pondered silently. However, in that moment, I recognized the sincerity in my father's emotions. Despite my powers allowing me to sense his feelings, I detested being aware of them; ignorance would have been nicer. His mere presence stirred up feelings of frustration and dejection within me.

"Your concerns are unwarranted," I remarked, gently swatting away his hand from my head, a gesture that left him momentarily startled and bewildered. "Just continue to ignore me, as you always have."

I walked towards the fancy carriage without looking back at my father, who stood there blankly, staring at the hand I had pushed away from my head. I knew I might have upset him, but I couldn't help it. I just wanted to show him that I didn't want his unwanted attention and concern.

I climbed into the carriage, and Maya took a seat across from me. Her eyes lacked the excitement we had felt moments before; instead, they seemed dimmed and apprehensive. She must have been worried because of the earlier situation.

The carriage driver gently nudged the reins of the horses, signaling the start of our journey. I peered out of the carriage window and spotted Caleb riding a horse alongside some other knights, leading the way.

As we journeyed towards the Auror estate, I couldn't help but imagine the person I would become upon my arrival—a figure of unparalleled strength and power, unmatched by anyone else in the world.

With newfound resolve, I vowed to show Eveline just how ruthless I could be. They wanted a villainess? I would give them the villainess of the century.

Amidst all of that, I started to feel a twinge of motion sickness. I had experienced it in my previous life, but this time it was worse—perhaps because I was riding in a carriage rather than a car. This world, brought to me by Tenebris, was vastly different from the one I knew before.

It resembled Medieval Europe in its building structures, but the clothing worn by the people had a touch of modernism to it. Despite being far from the technological advancements of my previous world, there was something here that made it superior—magic.

As the carriage rattled along the cobblestone streets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and apprehension. Magic was real here, a force that could shape destinies and alter realities. It was both fascinating and daunting to think about.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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