
Contract of Love

Ana Lucia Mendez is a young recent graduate of business administration, she has just submitted an interview to work in the prestigious company Enterprise Soler Ink. And she had never felt so happy, this was like a dream come true, this job would surely open doors in any job she wanted, so she had to do well, this was her dream, she swore to her mother that she would return everything she had done for her, being a single mother was not easy, so she had to make her proud. What Ana didn't count on was that her boss would be Alvaro Soler himself, president and owner of Enterprise Soler Ink and not only that, but he was the sexiest man on the face of the earth, one look from him made her legs shake like jelly. Alvaro Soler Intimidating, arrogant, master of his world and sexy like no other, Alvaro has built an empire in only 6 years and he is proud of it, he is lucky in business and that has made him earn a fortune at only 35 years old, a fortune that will be increased in a short time, his grandfather has died leaving him an immense fortune, But there is something that prevents him from taking it, a clause in the will of his grandfather, if he does not fulfill this clause before 1 year the fortune will be inherited automatically by his cousin Sirus, he does not care about that money he has enough for this life and the next, but his cousin and he have always lived in dispute and losing against him is not an option. Alvaro is lucky in almost everything he does, but there is one thing that no matter how hard he tries he is not able to reach commitment, with women specifically, his grandfather died worried that his beloved grandson will never find love, so he has left stipulated in his will that if Alvaro does not get married before the end of the year the fortune will pass to his other grandson Sirus Soler, the old man knows that they hate each other and compete for everything and therefore hopes that Alvaro find a woman to marry soon.

yandra_curvelo · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

— Thank God everything is all right — said Ana.

— Good to know, unfortunately it was late to go to the jewelry store, I'll take you home and pick you up tomorrow — he informed, Ana didn't answer anything.

Alvaro left her at home and went to his grandmother's house, he didn't know what to do with this girl, for the first time he really felt he needed advice and surely his grandfather would have several for him.

When he arrived he found her reading in the back garden.

— Hello stranger — he greeted her and approached her to give her a hug.

— My beautiful boy, what are you doing here?

— Can't a grandson visit his beloved grandmother? — he said hurt.

—Oh this is serious, what happened? — said the woman taking off her cravings and placing all her attention on him.

— Grandma, I'm not getting married anymore.

— That's not a surprise, I knew you didn't love her.

— Did you know that?

— Of course I did.

— Well, but that's not the point, I'm not getting married because this other girl, Ana Lucia, showed up and she's pregnant by me.

His grandmother opened her eyes obviously confused.

— You have a crazy life Álvaro — she scolded him.

— I know grandma, but I want to do things right, marry her and give the baby stability, today we went to the doctor and I could hear her heart beating very fast and I was thrilled, it made me happy.

— Of course it did my love, children are pure love, you must follow your heart at all times, your grandfather wanted this for you, not this way of course, but maybe love will come later when you really know each other and live together, those things happened before why can't they happen now.

— You are right.

— The most important thing is that you must make her happy because she is carrying your child in her womb and babies feel absolutely everything from the moment they are conceived, if mom is happy, baby is happy.

That night Alvaro stayed up talking to his grandmother, talking about life and the decisions he had to make from now on.

In the morning Alvaro took his cell phone and called his fiancée, they had to cancel the wedding as soon as possible.

— Hello Sabrina, can we meet today?

They agreed on where to meet and so they did, when they arrived they greeted each other as usual.

— Love I really love that you called me, because we have several things to agree for the wedding, we are only a few months away, we must have everything ready.

— That's precisely what we need to talk about Sabrina, I think we should.

Alvaro was interrupted by Sabrina's cell phone, it was her mother, apparently her father had a serious accident, he hung up and ran to meet them.

Fuck! He thought, couldn't he get out of that trouble.

The day was over and he could finally go to see Ana, he wanted to do it.

— This is strange, isn't it," said Ana when they arrived at the restaurant that afternoon.

— It is," said Alvaro laughing, "I brought the marriage contract for you to read, in case you want to change anything,

— Contract?

— Yes, my lawyers think it's necessary, I apologize.

Ana took the document and read it in detail.

— It says that I'm only obliged to serve one year of marriage, what does this mean?

— That if after the year you want to separate from me, we can do it, there is also a blank space where you can stipulate the amount you want me to give you monthly for the baby.

— I will not sign.

— Why not?

— Because this is not a business agreement, this is my son, my family Álvaro this is an insult to me, I know we didn't plan this and much less but this is what happened and we have to do things right, this is horrible.

— This is only protocol Ana, sign this does not mean anything for real, you must understand that I have a lot of money and my lawyers are only trying to protect me.

— What about me? I don't want your money, I am only doing this for my mother, for her peace of mind, if it were up to me I would raise my son alone without any problem.

— It's okay Ana, I understand, but you must sign this, I'm sorry.

Ana sighed full of sadness, took the document and signed it without looking at it anymore.

— You must write the amount of money you want.

— I don't want your money Álvaro, understand this once and for all.

She stood up and left the restaurant, Alvaro got up and ran after her, when he caught up with her they were at the entrance and a bunch of journalists were waiting for them.

Alvaro, is this your new girlfriend, where is Sabrina, who is this girl?

Ana was stunned, Alvaro, who was already used to it, took her by the waist and guided her to the car, leaving in a hurry.

— Why did you call the reporters? — she complained.

— Did I call them?

— Who else could it have been, no one knew we'd be there.

— This is the last straw really, why on earth would I do something like that.

— To let everyone know about us.

— There is no us Álvaro — she told him in pain and taking advantage of the fact that they were in a high place, she opened the door and got out.

Ana come back here! Álvaro's shout was heard but she didn't turn around, she felt humiliated by him.

— I don't want to think that all this is a plan to trap me, but everything seems to be like that Ana, you want to pretend to be innocent, but I didn't believe it, you called those reporters, who else could have done it? — she complained aloud as she drove.

Sirus Soler his cousin drank his drink while he laughed when he saw the pictures of those two on the Internet, having his cousin's cell phone tapped had many advantages, he could listen to all his conversations and his movements, he would probably win the inheritance but he wouldn't do it so easily, Sirus would have some fun, With this news Sabrina would find out the whole truth and also the whole Soler family, Alvaro would be the mockery and this problem would give him a little more time to see the possibility of getting married and having a child before him, he had already talked to all his acquaintances, he did not think that finding a wife would be so much work, or maybe he was very selective.