1 Survival of the Fittest

Arthur lives in the realm called Beta otherwise known as the Realm of Chaos, just by the name itself you'll already know that this place is lawless and disorganised.

Arthur doesn't have a permanent place here or a house because he believes that it's not good for him to stay long is one place. After considering all the pros and cons he decided to be a nomad and roam the entire realm to get stronger.

Despite only being 18 years old he had already killed lots of people but only people that have tried to mess him up. He'll never kill someone that haven't angered or provoked him in anyway.

Arthur has a cold air around him coupled with his deep blue eyes making him look like a cold and heartless killing machine.

He has a height of 6 feet and 8 inches making him tall for a human person and has a jet black hair making him look strong and tough and the stare that his deep blue eyes gave sends shivers to one's spine like it will break in two.

As he is making his way to a spot to do his daily activity he noticed that there's a group silently following him in the dark. "Why don't you just reveal yourself, stop making this look like hide and seek" he said with a cold and domineering voice making the group felt shocked.

Then one of the group decided to stepped forward and said directly at his face, "you've just killed someone you can't afford to that'll hunt you till you die a gruesome death" but Arthur mocked them by saying "blablabla stop with the girlish talk and let's fight" as he equipped his spiked knuckles that exudes thick killing intent.

"Youuuu.....!!!!" the man is infuriated making him order the two buffed men to surround him and take his head off.

"Why can't people understand that it's as easy as breathing to kill someone, truly sad truly truly sad" Arthur pitied them aa they walked towards their own demise.

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