
There is a problem

Jiutian suddenly appeared near Izan, she gazed around before asking. "Izan, did you awaken your Magic Force?" She had been working on figuring out the reason why people can awaken their Magical Force and how to use it. But it seemed like Izan was faster in awakening his Magical Force than she figuring it out.

"Yes, I awakened it. I observed how 'he'" Izan pointed towards Dumbledore before continuing. "used a spell. I can see the Magical Force everywhere if I focus on it, and I focused inside of his body while he used used his spell. The reason wizards are able to use Magical Force is because they have a connection between their bodies and their surroundings. But there's a difference between each wizard, for example I can see the girl has a low amount of Magical Force inside of her body, whereas the other three people has much more." Izan explained it rather shortly as he would take his time to explain in details when all of his wives were together.

"D... Did you just manage to see through the reason why wizards are able to use magic and muggles can't?" Albus Dumbledore asked in a surprised tone, because there has always been a gap between the two groups, and if by any chance magic could be awakened by everyone, then that gap wouldn't be there any longer.

A small smile appeared on Izan's face. "Something like that." He shrugged before speaking once again. "As I mentioned, I do have those two requirements. And you have only 24 hours to decide because we will be leaving this area after that, this world isn't as simple as it seems, and I am going to uncover the hidden truth."

Alastor Moody scowled as he stared into Izan's eyes. "Who do you think you are? You should be working for us, fighting against the Dark Lord!"

As Alastor Moody said this, time seemed to freeze as Izan let out his Conqueror's Haki while narrowing his eyes. "Are you ordering me?" Izan's tone was ice-cold, Alastor Moody felt his whole body being crushed.

Minerva, Hermione and Albus Dumbledore were doing much better as Izan wasn't focusing on them at all. Albus Dumbledore was about to stand up, but he felt a chill going through his whole body, he peeked a gaze towards the female that sat near Izan. Her eyes were sharp as blades, he felt his life being threatened with only her gaze.

"My husband is the Emperor, no one can order him to do anything." Jiutian's clear voice sounded out inside of the room. "We don't care for your mere struggles, we don't care for insects as you, the only reason you are being allowed in our mansion is because my husband wants the things you guys have. And you only have two options, accept the requirements and be happy about it. Or you decline the offer, at that time, you won't be living for much longer." Jiutian felt angry at their behaviours, they were barely fodders and they actually dared to think that they can order her husband – the Emperor, to do their biddings!

A gush of pressure pushed the four people out of the mansion and they fell on the ground. Alastor Moody's face was pale and he had sweat running down his whole body. Minerva could finally understand that the person they just met – Emperor Izan, was much more dangerous than Voldemort, and he was not a person to be offended at any given time. Hermione could barely register what happened after Izan awakened his Magical Force, it should have been impossible, yet he managed to do it.

Albus Dumbledore could have fought back, but he knew that it would have been pointless as he could clearly see the difference in their strength and power. He bowed slightly before speaking out. "I am sorry for my advisor's behaviour. Me and the Resistance accept the two requirements, we will give you all the books and scrolls regarding magic, and there will be someone coming here tomorrow with it and travel with your group while helping your group to learn it." After Albus Dumbledore said this, he slowly raised his body, he gave a sharp glance towards Alastor Moody before sighing. "Let's leave, we have much to do."

They didn't hear a response, but they were completely sure of that Izan had heard them. Albus Dumbledore sighed once again before raising his wand and flickering it which made them teleport back to the Resistance HQ.

-Inside of the mansion-

Izan walked towards one of the spare rooms in the mansion with Jiutian by his side. He had a serious expression on his face, he was close to making a frown, but he held himself back as he didn't want Jiutian to worry.

He kept himself quiet and Jiutian didn't bother him, the two of them arrived at the room not long after and they entered it without knocking. Izan saw Robin reading a book with a small smile on her face. Shirahoshi, Perona, Nojiko, Hancock and Defying were sitting around a table talking to each other while giggling and laughing from time to time.

All of them reacted the moment the door opened. Robin placed a bookmark inside of it before closing it, she gazed at Izan and asked. "How did it go? Did you manage to awaken your Magical Force?"

"As I mentioned last night about the two requirements, they will be accepting it. We will leave tomorrow when the wizard arrives. Yes, I did manage to awaken my Magical Force, it was quite easier than I imagined, I will tell all of you how to awaken it and use it." Izan replied in a calm tone, but his expression didn't soften a bit.

"Uhm, Izan, what is it? Is there something wrong?" Perona walked forward towards Izan with a small frown on her face. It was very rare for any of them to see such a serious expression on Izan's face. It could only mean that something serious could happen in the near future.

"..." Izan gazed at all of his wives, he could see that they were worrying because of his expression. He let out a sigh before he forced himself to calm down. "There is a problem. This world is corrupted...!" Izan's voice wasn't loud, but his words sounded out like thunder.

Owowowo. It wasn't me, I didn't write that cliffhanger. *Author tries to escape!*

*Author looks behind himself, his expression froze as he saw a dozen of angry readers roaring at him while they were catching up to him*

*It took only a few moments before the angry readers surrounded the Author...*

"Help!" *Scream!*

O.O I hope that scenario doesn't happen

iMiHcreators' thoughts
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