
Connected To The Celestial Forge : DC YJ

This is a celestial forge story. The Celestial Forge is the greatest combination of crafting powers in Jumpchain, meaning it is the greatest combination of crafting abilities in all of fiction. MC will have to survive the DC Universe with it. Discussion in the comment is encouraged. There will be topics in which readers can make suggestions. Crafting suggestions taking into account acquired perks are particularly encouraged. Celestial Forge V2 : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OjULmlyFTeTkwa4PLbBZ5_wjmKaGe-1ymhYeMI8yZYI/edit

GarudaTranslation · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Ch 11

After the movie, Arthur and Barbara are heading to dinner to celebrate their new relationship. Then suddenly, a body crashes from the store windows beside them.

Arthur manages to shield Barbara from the glass shard. The man that came crashing from the store began to stand up. The man wore a red suit with a green scally mask from the memories Arthur got. He might be a villain named King Cobra.

Following him from the store is a kid wearing a uniform comprised of a red vest held closed by three yellow rectangular fasteners on the front, black leggings, boots, and gloves, all of which seemed to be made of a sort of protective body armor that still allowed him great mobility. On the left side of his chest, he had a yellow stylized "R" symbol in a black circle, and around his waist, he wore a yellow utility belt with pouches for his various equipment. He wore a cape over his shoulders that was black on the outside and pale yellow on the inside.

The kid is robin and Arthur's friend Richard Greyson. The only thing that protects Dick's identity is his domino mask he wears.

Seeing Robing coming to him, King Cobra moves toward the closest civilian. Unfortunately, this civilian is Barbara. But, before he manages to take Barbara hostage, Arthur manages to push her out of the way. Seeing this, King Cobra didn't chase after Barbara but instead tried to take Arthur as his hostage.

As King Cobra tries to take Arthur, Arthur manages to take his knife from his back, change it to a gun, and shoot the incoming King Cobra.

King Cobra, Barbara, and even Robin are shocked to see Arthur shoot King Cobra.

"Dude, you kill him," Robin yells at Arthur.

Arthur just ignored Robin and went to Barbara. He saw that Barbara was still shocked seeing him shoot King Cobra. "Don't worry i didn't kill him, i just shoot a rubber bullet" Arthur says, trying to ease Barbara.

Hearing Arthur's word, Robin came closer to King Cobra, still moaning in pain from being shot from a close distance, but he didn't see any blood coming out from King Cobra.

Robin took a pair of handcuffs from his utility belt and slapped them on King Cobra's hand, Disarming him.

Arthur stayed with Barbara helping her cope with the situation. Robin saw it and left the scene.

Not long after GCPD arrives at the scene, with Commissioner James Gordon, James runs straight to Barbara and orders the police to take King Cobra away. Arthur explains everything that happens to James. After giving his thanks to Arthur, James takes Barbara away from the scene.

Arthur doesn't know what to do, the date ended badly, and now Dick might know about their relationship before he can explain it to Dick.

Arriving at home, Arthur is now being surrounded by Jacob and Katy.

"Are you OK?"Katy asks, "We heard what happen, is Barbara OK?"

"What happen ?" Jacob asks in a monotone voice.

Once again, Arthur explained to them what happened after the movie: King Cobra's situation, King Cobra, trying to take Arthur, and Arthur responded by shooting King Cobra.

"Did you kill him? "Jacob asks Arthur, looking straight into his eyes?

"No Dad, i use a rubber bullet. The worst that can happen is that he gets a broken bone or a really bad bruise," Arthur explains to Jacob.

"This would not have happen if those vigilante never appear here in Gotham, ever since Batman appear most crime happen in the day, because he only appear at night, and now he even got a kid to help his vigilante work in the day" Jacob began ranting his feeling.

Arthur went back to his room after finishing listening to Jacob rant for 15 minutes. He takes off his shirt before falling to his bed.

Suddenly his phone rang, and it was Barbara calling him. "Hey Barb,Are you OK?" Arthur says as soon as he accepts the call.

"Why did you bring a gun to our date?"Barbara shouts at Arthur. "You know my father Barb, he doesnt like me going to the city unprotected after the incident with his wife, so he have been teaching me how to fight, how to defend my self, thats why i always keep the gun near me if im going to the city, so that i can protect myself, i can protect you Barb," Arthur says to her.

After an awkward silence, Barbara finally responds, "Thank you for protecting me Arthur, You keep me safe from those glass shard and protected me when that guy is trying to take me. I was just shock after i saw you shoot at him."

Arthur and Barbara keep talking about what happened earlier, and Barbara is finally able to cheer up.

After the call ended, Arthur finally let a sigh of relief since Barbara was now OK. But he still needs to confront Dick and tell him about his relationship tomorrow.


In a cave outside of Gotham city located under a big manor, Batman is now sitting at his computer looking at the camera surveillance of Arthur shooting King Cobra. Robin debriefed Batman about what happened earlier in the day. What happened was that Robin able to find out about King Cobra trying to steal jewelry from that shop, so he went in from the back and tried to take Cobra down in the middle of the fight. Robin throws a Batarang on the floor near Cobra. When it exploded, Cobra came crashing into the windows going outside of the shop. Robin then saw Cobra trying to take Barbara hostage, but before Robin could move to save her, he saw Arthur push Barbara away. After Cobra tries to take Arthur, Arthur then takes out his gun, shooting Cobra, but fortunately, Arthur shoots a gun with a rubber bullet, it takes down King Cobra with a small fracture.

Batman was shocked after hearing Arthur shoot King Cobra. He knows who Arthur is, the adopted son of Jacob Kane, a retired Marine Colonel, and owner of Kane Industries. It's not a mystery where Arthur gets his gun from, but he sigh of relief hearing that the boy uses a rubber bullet.

But now, after reviewing the footage of the shooting, Batman found something odd. From the footage, it looks like Arthur takes out a knife from his back, but he was holding a gun a frame later.

I know i copy the same thing when Robin debrief the situation to Batman, honestly i just wanted to make my target of min 1k word per chapter.

Barbara and Arthur will not break up after this ok

My reasoning behind barbara being shock at with the shooting is because she have a trauma with gun, its connected with her backstory.

i make a different backstory for barbara that will came out in a plot of a future story. no spoiler.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

GarudaTranslationcreators' thoughts