Rose is the heroine of this adventure story. starting from being a sheltered royal, to being an adventurer who makes friends that follow her, in the outside world. Together with her companions they take on challenges. But can she escape from being the princess of Larkenses?
My name is Rose. A simple name, despite being a princess. But what's strange about my name is that I don't have red hair. Instead my hair is deep brown, I have green eyes which I inherited from my father, and I have olive skin. This means it's easy to get a tan. And because of being a royal, I'm dressed in extravagant crinoline dresses. it takes at least half an hour to get dressed because of these blasted corsets and complexity of these dresses. Today the maids chose a blue one with ruffled short sleeves hanging just off my shoulder.
"You look absolutely beautiful, your majesty." Compliments one of the maids.
I can tell she's new due to her youth and her and calling me 'your majesty'.
I hope she's not going to be one of those maids who always seeks my approval with their continuous yapping. I had one, and she gave me a headaches. I forgot what happened to her.
After getting dressed my day consists of meeting with the people to assure them that the royal family has their interests at heart. Meet with a few nobles, most stuck up or just annoying. Have tea with a few of the nobles ladies who pretend to be my friends. And dinner with my family. Despite all that, I have time to walk in the garden. My favourite part of the day because it's a break from all the noise of people. Even if I'm followed by a maid or two.
Family dinners are good as well. All of us eat together in a relaxed atmosphere, where we can drop all formalities and be like a normal family.
My mother and father, the previous king and queen, passed away when I was only 9. After their passing my eldest brother, Rogan, took the throne. The people called him a tyrant after his fourth year of reign. But he was actually saving money and resources for a large army of monsters for the invasion that he got wind of. Instead of making the people panic, he treated them like pawns. Not the best way to go about it. Because of this, my older brother William (just a few years younger) created a rebellion. He made allies with the leader of the underground rebels, the people in the north who live in the frosty mountains and the military that was posted in a forest to fight monsters. Rogan, had forgotten about them and so they held a grudge. William's rebellion won, and when he confronted our brother. Rogan stepped down. He grew tired of the throne, and was glad to be rid of it. He was happy to give it to William, because he saw that William had finally grown up and was more suitable and worthy of the throne than he.
A trial was held the next day. The people cried out for his death. Rogan didn't plead for his life. Instead he told him of the approaching enemy, and that he tried to do what was best. He apologized and excepted whatever our brother chose.
But he couldn't kill him. He was family. He also knew that I would hate him forever.
Instead, after the war a year later, Rogan decided to leave the country to venture the world. Giving up the title as a royal.
It's been 3 years since. I'm now 17. William is married with a nice woman, Celia, whom he met while creating his rebellion. And they have one child. Erik, was born just after he took the crown.
"You have a meeting with Lord Randall," says the head maid.
I cringe at the name. I hate that guy.
"Then you visit the orphanage. That will take approximately an hour."
"Make it two and a half." I say.
"But that would cut into your lunch time."
"So?" This hairdo is taking a while. "I have fancy meals all the time. I can either have a plain lunch with them, or you can decide to have the royal chefs cook a nice extravagant meal for everyone there. Either way, I'm eating with them."
"Alright." The head maid can't keep her worry away.
"That means you'll have to get changed in a different attire when you get back."
I shrug. Still worth it. I don't want the children to feel unloved. William made the schooling system free and renovated half of the orphanages. So they have a chance to better themselves and rise above the ranks. The best I can do is spend time with them.
"Alright." She sighs. "After that you have afternoon tea with Lady Sarah, Veronica and Vivian. Then you have a nice, and I mean nice, evening time with Lord Howard around the castle grounds."
"So today is all about socializing." I'm already tired.
"Don't worry. Tomorrow you will be focusing of your lessons."
"That is a relief."
"Then shall we get started, Princess Rose?"