
chapter 11

Pete tried to get at the boy, but his girlfriend wouldn't let him.


Cindy was updated to what had been shown on TV.

She spoke, "You can't beat that monster! He will kill you if you get in the ring with him."

Pete showed the woman the replay of the promo.

Cindy spoke, "That son a bitch! How dare he did get our information and bad mouth us. I will kill myself if you don't."

Pete spoke, "We will just go to the gym and hire all the trainers that I can. I need to get in better shape since Bob and I never work out.'

The group stopped to eat a nice spaghetti and meatball dinner that Cindy had prepared.


Pete and the others couldn't help but hear a large out roar coming from outside the front door.

They rushed out to see what was going on and they saw about four hundred people in front of their stoop."

The crowd has signs already for the supposed match, between Big and himself. The slender man about pissed his pants, when he saw the crowd.

He thought, "I am dead! I am so fucking dead! What did I deserve to be put in this situation?"

All sorts of trainers were offering to train Pete Pro Bono to help get publicity for their businesses.


Pete trained for sixteen hours a day for the next four weeks, while doing all sorts of different

fighting styles and various forms of conditioning training. Pete was lucky that he had thirty-one day month, as he did only light training, mediation to get his mind ready to fight the undisputed ultimate heavyweight champion of the world. Bob had watched all of Big's matches when he wasn't helping Pete as his second. The challenger watched all the footage that he could before he passed out every night. The last three days, Pete got to watch a huge amount of the champion's matches.

The local doctor had Pete take all sorts of vitamins, supplements, and protein shakes to go along

seven planned meals a day. Cindy had done all she could to help her lover, with his ten million Rindats match. Yet, she was still nervous, but she wouldn't admit that to the would-be challenger.

Cindy was laying in bed with Pete the night before the big match when she hugs him.

He says, "Don't get me going girl, I am going to need all my stamina. Bob has gotten us the front row three tickets. When he comes out, I will challenge him. He will fight me right then and there, or he is the world's biggest pussy."

Cindy spoke, "You could get a semi trunk to land in that canyon and it would still not hit anything."

Pete pulled opened the covers and showed what was underneath.

Cindy spoke, "That will not be a problem for you, baby. That trunk is able to hit everything on the way down."

Pete spoke, "That's what she said!"


It was the day of the fight and the trio was going to give their tickets to the ticket booth when they are stopped by a tall bouncer.

Pete spoke, "Is there a problem, here?"

The bouncer spoke, "Are you here to challenge Mr. Big?"

Cindy grabs her man by his arm and says, "That's right, Pete is going to beat that gorilla!'

The large man laughed at the woman's comment when she grabs the bouncer by the balls. She forces him down to his knee.

Cindy let go of the punk, as he pointed over to the door to the back room, while still on all fours.

She spoke, "The hell with getting to a man's heart through his stomach. Instead, you grab him by the balls and he will be on all fours before you!"

Bob spoke, "I am glad that you are on our side!"

Pete spoke, "Damn skimpy!"

The trio was walking through the back when a fat man in a cheesy suit comes up to them with two large men at each side of him. The man spoke, "I am the wrestling promoter and we had heard of over the last few months. Your friends had been sending mail that you beat our big guy. Pete spoke, "Those cocksuckers! I will kill them when I get back home!"

The promoter spoke, "Is there a problem? You wanna back out now?"

Pete spoke, "Fuck no! I am going to kill that son of a dog loving whore!"

An office manager handed Pete a huge set of paperwork on a clipboard with an ink pen.

The challenger spoke, "What is this bullshit?"

The manager spoke, "It is paperwork stating that if Mr. Big kills you in the ring that you wouldn't hold us responsible. We will treat you for any immediate care, but any potential long term care is on you."

Pete was signing off highlight lines after another without even looking at what he was signing too.

Cindy and Bob tried to make him look at the fine print, but he wouldn't allow it.

Pete spoke, "Here are the damn papers! Now let me right now!"

The promoter spoke, "Then get out to the gorilla position and we will let you fight shortly.

(The gorilla position is the last place before the athlete walks out to the Ring. The staff there makes sure the wrestler comes out on cue.)

Pete was let out the challenger's entrance to the ring, as Bob led the rear, Cindy was in the middle, and Pete was in the front. The thirty thousand seat arena was full of fans, throwing trash at the trio and any other thing that they could to throw out at them.

The fans were chanting, "Big will Kill you! You're a faggot! You suck dick!" These chants were followed with many more insulting chants.

Pete went into the ring, along with Cindy and Bob.

Then Big's music started playing and all of the fans were standing and screaming. Big came out from the back and flexed his muscles, revealing his world titles around his massive waist.

Cindy spoke, "Holy Fuck! I heard that TV adds on thirty pounds, but this sucker looks bigger in real life!

Pete spoke, "Don't rub it in!"

Bob waited until Big was almost to the ring when he pulled out a net launcher from his poncho.

Big was laughing as he was covered in an electrified net.

Gunshots were fired from the circle of balconies aiming directly at the champion.

The nearby fans were beating the snipers, down to a bloody pulp.

Mr. Big was laughing uncontrollably, as he flexed the tranquilizer darts of his flesh.

Pete spoke, "You said that thirty of those would knock him out!"

Bob spoke, "How was I supposed to know that he would be able to stand thirty darts that would each kill a full-grown elephant?"

Big jumped up unto the ring after throwing off the net. He pointed directly at Bob, who

completely frozen out of fear. He picked the sniper and threw his fat ass, twelve rows into the fleeing


Pete was upset that Bob was hurt, but he knew that he had to take advantage of the champion's focus on his friend.

Pete pulled out a knife that had its blade covered in a gram of Polonium. This poison should kill Mr big instantly.

The champ was stabbed twelve or fifteen times in the back with the poisoned weapon. The blade was broken inside the giant's back. Pete threw the hilt down unto the floor outside the ring.

Big immediately fell unto the mat as his body was trying to counter the high-grade poison.

Pete grabbed the ref and said, "Start the match!"

The official did as was requested and the bell was rung. The match was on.


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