
Code Geass: Azure Prince

Claudius El Britannia, The 4th prince of Britannia, A person who wasn't supposed to exist was in fact a transmigrator. Armed with future knowledge he would control it for his benefit while not entirely changing the timeline.

9yearsoldkid · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs


My life in Pendragon went on quietly, but after a while, I was thinking about what I would do for the future.

I had landed in nine years before the story even starts, so I had time to prepare.

The question was what do I do to prepare for a revolution, countless wars, and a conflict between superpowers to decide the fate of humanity.

I decided that my best course of action was to join the military and be at the center of things to come.

What I would do then I still didn't know.

So I went to the one person I knew who could teach me about such things, Cornelia.

To say she was surprised was an understatement but as a head of Empresses Marianne's royal guard, she told me she was too busy to train me herself.

Instead, she directed me to a man who mentored her a general Andreas Darlton.

The hulking general had just perfected new training regimen for prospective pilots that he used on his adoptive sons who would later become the Glaston Knights.

I was put through countless simulations, drills, and exercises both in knightmare simulators and outside of them.

The man was a demon drill sergeant, but I couldn't disagree with the results as I went from a total novice to being passively ok in just a few months.

This training would continue along with my studies, but Darlton made sure I was familiar with tactics, strategy, and planning.

I wasn't a genius when it came to strategy and planning, but what I did excel at was adapting to the changing circumstances of the battlefield.

I always went in and solved the problem myself, Despite not being adept at being a strategist I was an excellent fighter and I managed to finish combat simulations alone which people deemed impossible in which surprised Darlton and Cornelia as well.

The next day I learned that last night Empress Marianne was assassinated with Nunnally crippled by a terrorist attack.

However, I knew better, as no one would suspect a short blonde hair immortal midget of an uncle to come in with guns blazing.

Eventually, a week later we were all gathered together in the throne room to watch Lelouch confront the emperor over his mother's death.

It went exactly as it did in the flashback part of the anime.

It boiled down to Lelouch whining about the obvious death of his mother and renouncing his claim to the throne like you'll keep that promise. To the emperor bullying his son in front of everyone to make him seem like the strong leader he was. So all in all an afternoon wasted as both Lelouch and Nunnally were sent off to Japan without even the chance to say goodbye to their family.

After the Vi Britannia's banishment, I continued to train under Darlton and met with much of my family to keep up.

Eventually, negotiations between Japan and the Empire broke down, and war broke out.

This lead to my lessons to be suspended for a few months during and following the war as General Darlton went with Cornelia to Japan to fight and look for Lelouch and Nunnally.

However, her search proved unsuccessful as the two were presumed lost in the chaos of the war.

I was going to see Cornelia ask her advice on how to be a better pilot and commander.

But I saw she was talking to an energetic woman in white who was calling her Nellie, a nickname that my sister seemed to hate but something about this person made her hold back.

Before I could speak up the woman wine colored hair spotted me out of the corner of her eyes.

She asked Nellie who this was, and Cornelia said I was her younger brother.

I asked my sister if she could give me some pointers on being a better pilot when the woman just came up to me and seemed to size me up then hugged bringing my face to her generous bust.

To say I she caught me off guard was an understatement, I was surprised with her breast smashing my face while my shocked older sister merely looked on.

This strange woman then went on to say she'd help out such an adorable boy like me, and that she would be my older sister.

My actual older sister Cornelia seemed concerned, but she didn't argue and even said it was a great idea and opportunity to learn from a knight of the round.

I then realized the knight of nine Nonette Enneagram was hugging me to death, and just offered to mentor me.

I was grateful for the opportunity, but the look of relief and pity for me my sister was giving me had me concerned.

If the training from Darlton was hard, then Nonette's was hell.

The simulations seemed next to impossible; the physical demands were that of Special Forces, and she liked to have live Knightmare training which although utilized non-lethal weapons she still beat me handily.

Still I couldn't argue that her training was starting to show as the years went by I got better by leagues and bounds, even if I was her glorified servant.

However, it was during one of my live training sessions with Nonette that something strange happened.

I was doing ok holding my own, but I knew she was holding back considerably.

When she deployed a smoke grenade I lost sight of her, desperately trying to find her I felt that something was coming from behind me, so I spun around and parried a blow from the stun baton of her Sutherland.

I surprised the both of us as to how I could have dodged let alone parry her attack.

However, my small victory was short-lived as Nonette quickly countered a beat me yet again.

But she did compliment me afterward but said that we should increase the difficulty and intensity tomorrow.

I paled at that but thought back to what happened.

I didn't have any reason to do what I did; it was just instinct I guessed.

However, as the training went on I kept pulling off impossible maneuvers, while this meant Nonnette increased her ferocity I had to rely on my new sixth sense just to survive this women's wrath.

After a while, I theorized that my sixth sense was a type of pre-cognition that allowed me to detect and foresee enemy attacks when I fought.

Why and how this was, I didn't know as I focused on surviving the training from the Knight of nine.

Eventually, I turned 16 signaling two years since I arrived here in this world.

I was off to go to West Point for an individual officers program for knights, and prominent nobles, the same my sister went through.

My tearful mother was wailing about her little boy growing up so fast, Schneizel wished me luck; Euphemia was in tears about me leaving, Cornelia along with Darlton and Gilford gave me the advice to work hard, and finally Sebastian was the last person who saw me off.

While Nonette much to my embarrassment, gave me another death hug saying she will wait for the day we will be reunited.

When Cornelia tried to get me out of the Knights clutches she just replied she was only doing her duty as my older sister, her reasoning got mixed reactions varying from amusement to multiple sighs as this was normal for Nonette as I had learned over our time together.

West Point much like the one from my world was where the best and brightest went to join the military being from royalty I didn't need to apply; I just needed to meet the entrance requirements. Which I did thanks to the training from Darlton and Nonette.

The time there was spent between practical learning the in and outs of the military, physical fitness, combat skills, piloting skills, and how to be an officer.

It wasn't all that different from what I was learning from before so I quickly became the head of my class.

Even though I was doing well, I found that making friends wasn't as easy as almost everyone was from other noble families who just wanted to get close to a prince or didn't want to get on my bad side.

So I spent the better part of my first year alone.

Eventually, I graduated in four years. Graduation was a grand affair in which most of my family and siblings attended minus the emperor who didn't care for the lives of his children anymore.

It was a modest affair with no crowd or spectacle just close family from both sides though it lacked my father as usual and Anya who was hiding away somewhere being a slave to Marianne's soul.

After five years of training, I was going to fight. I thought I was prepared for what that meant and ready to face the upcoming challenges, but I was wrong.

Little did I know that the events to come would change me, I learned that the horrors of war spared no man, and among the chaos of the battlefield, I would find my reason for living, as well as hope for a future in a world that currently had none.