
Code Geass: Azure Prince

Claudius El Britannia, The 4th prince of Britannia, A person who wasn't supposed to exist was in fact a transmigrator. Armed with future knowledge he would control it for his benefit while not entirely changing the timeline.

9yearsoldkid · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Ashford Academy

Naoto p.o.v

He announced leaning back enjoying my stunned face, it was a prince of the empire that took over Japan that got me out of prison and escaped certain death.

While I was still shocked at his announcement he continued speaking "I'm a man who believes in second chances, and you my friend could use one. If you refuse, I would just send you back prison racked with the guilt that your actions caused the deaths of thousands until your execution for your crimes. The second is to join me and to help me bring real peace to not just Japan but this world and redeem yourself of your actions." The prince started laying out my options while looking me straight in the eye.

"You must be joking, asking me a known terrorist to join the Britannian Army to fight against my own people." Still I did feel responsible for what happened and I did want to free Japan but I can I really do that joining him.

"First, you won't be joining the army you'll be joining me and my personal forces the Ouroboros Corps an independent faction within the Britannian army that is made up of volunteers from many of the empire's area with over fifty percent being of mixed ancestry or Honorary Britannians. You would be the first Japanese member but don't worry all of the members of my personal forces follow an anti-discriminatory policy which is strictly enforced. Finally and the most important thing is I don't really care since you'll be a great help to me so why should I care?" He started sounding as he was giving me the elevator pitch recruitment speech.

"And do you really think Japan will ever be free again by the efforts of you resistance groups? Instead of helping Japan you'll only plunge it into destruction instead," Claudius said.

I was stunned by his statement but before I could even answer Claudius continued speaking.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but if you think your resistance can help Japan you're wrong, Britannia is much too invested in Japan due to its large Sakuradite reserves to ever consider giving up this land. And if you ever did succeed in defeating them how long will it take for the EU or the Chinese Federation come knocking. The dream that Japan will be free and independent is but a dream that will never come to pass. This land is cursed to be fought over until the world changes." Dismissing my dream and resolve with cold-calculative logic.

Just as I was about to refuse him, he cut me off.

"This offer does expire, you'll remain here until I take over for my brother who died in Shinjuku today which will be in two days then I must have your answer."

He got up to leave but looked at me still handcuffed and unsure what I should do.

"Don't let your past mistakes become your legacy, I hope you do agree to my offer, we'll talk more then. "

He then turned to leave as both him and his guard Mary reached the door I shouted out.

"Wait, what did you mean about bringing about real peace?"

He paused at door hand still at the handle facing forward he didn't turn to face me, but I heard him loud and clear.

"Death of my father, The Emperor and the destruction of Britannia, I would rebuild it from it's ashes after that the hate which has sustained us in this endless waltz of war will end, and the miracle we call living will be one that is cherished and not taken away again so easily." He smiled as he talk in front of me.

He then opened the door and exited as the guards outside then took me back to my room where I thought of the strange Britannian prince.

Who saved my life, saved thousands of people's lives from a purge, and asked me the presumed culprit of the events that started it all to join him and help bring about true peace to the world. Whenever I remembered his answer it gave me chills for some reason." I looked up in the ceiling and can't help but sigh "Death of the Emperor and destruction of Britannia? What a crazy prince!" thinking of this I can't help but laugh If that's really his true goal I might actually join him.

But then again why me? I'm just a small-time resistance leader who wants to free Japan.

But he did make sense and believed in his convictions as much as I did mine.

I never thought of what would happen after we beat Britannia in full because it was such a larger foe that end didn't seem anywhere in sight.

Would I even be around at the end?

I wouldn't know where to begin in changing the world.

But he looked so sure of himself, that he believed it was possible.

He said to not let my past mistakes become my legacy.

And if I actually did cause the deaths of all those people then I have to do something, I can't just let it end here.

Now my only question was, do I change sides to join a man who has given me hope for the future or a vision of it, even if it means fighting my people?

Or die the death of Martyr staying true to my decisions, which lead to the disaster that took place today.

It would be a sleepless night I could tell already, and I wished I had taken a slice of that pizza right about now.

Claudius p.o.v

"That went well I think, how bout you Mary what do you think of Naoto?" I asked as we walked to the car to take us to a hotel under false identities as diplomats on a special envoy mission from the homeland. Though I had Kewell and his men sworn to secrecy, I knew my presence here would not go unnoticed before long.

"I agree, although he started off distant he conflicted during to conversation I believe you have reached him, but only time will tell if he accepts," She said giving her detailed analysis.

"He will, he's not the kind of man who leaves something half-done when we left his words were those of a man wanting to live not preparing to die."

With that, we fell silent as the ride through the settlement with most people home during the early morning hours.

I thought back on all the years that I spent here preparing for canon and to be ready. I would just change the timeline my first day in Japan by interfering with the Shinjuku ghetto massacre. While it went was planned I expected some things to differ, saving Kallen' brother was a surprise after I had my doubts that he still would be alive after his captivity at the hands of Clovis's royal guard which were going to execute him the day after he was "transferred to the OSI."

It was a long shot that he would join me right away since I didn't know him from the show. But knowing his character and observing him there he was nearly broken thanks to Clovis's torture and knew he was going to die. So I did not have to push hard on him to make him see things my way by offering him I just had to let time run its course and wait for him to call me. I know he still has something to live for and will fight to protect it that will force him to swallow his pride to make a difference in this accursed world.

"Oh Mary, can you schedule a meeting with my brother's Camelot division, I wish to examine their new model as well as meet its pilot if possible."

"Yes sir, I'll make the arrangements, may I ask why the sudden interest in your brother's project?" She asked while making the appropriate arrangements on her phone.

"I met the Lancelot in the field and the pilot was interesting, and I want to meet him in person as well as get a good look at the data for the Lancelot," I said in an eager fashion.

"So we will be trying to steal from your brother again?" She asked in a tired voice.

"Well it wouldn't be the first time let alone the last would it. I find it in both our interests and the spirit of scientific discovery and advancement that Camelot has a worthy rival."

Magicka Corporation for years had been the primary source of competition for Camelot as my company was always ahead when it came to new innovations and software, but my brother's division always had better hardware available which I took full advantage of to build my own weapons.

"Very well, will that be all?"

"Yes, once we get to the penthouse I'll want to sleep off this jet-lag that seems to be catching up to me finally."

Smirking she just went back to her work and left me alone with my thoughts of the future and pondering my own existence which after eight years I was nowhere closer to finding the answer.

Ashford Academy

Lelouch p.o.v

After the events of yesterday involving my fighting alongside terrorists against the army and killing my older half-brother, I had managed to sneak back into the settlement and make it back to Ashford Academy.

After such an exhausting day, I had immediately retreated to my room in the student council clubhouse.

Where I got little to no sleep thanks to the stress of my new situation and waiting for the ramifications of my actions.

However, my life from before still went on as school was normal again and I was still reeling from fatigue.

"Wake up Lelouch, I know you were asleep, your hand stopped moving!" Yelled Milly Ashford as she disciplined her student council vice president Lelouch Lamperouge with a paper fan to the head.

"Ow, you don't have to beat me up over it do you? I asked nursing my head from the blows delivered by Milly's freakishly strong arms.

"Serves ya right for ditching me like that." Said Rivalz as he playfully mocked me as I was punished in front of the others of the student council.

"Yeah what was up with you yesterday?" Asked Shirley giving me a suspicious glance.

"That's enough you guys, lets not got side tracked here, if we don't come up with a fix for the club activities budget there won't be any money left for anybody," Milly said as she had her fan at the ready.

"And if it comes to that point." A quiet Nina started to say from her usual spot at the computer.

"The equestrian club will be pissed, we don't want them coming in here on horseback," Rivalz remarked jokingly in his usual carefree manner.

"Rivalz can't you be a more serious student council member?" Milly asked in concern for the only normal member of the student council.

"Well, madam president if you should've reminded us about this mess a day ago," Shirley replied.

"I would have said a day later then we would have given up," Rivalz remarked sagely.

"Good Idea we can still do that," I said eager to escape budgeting hell.

After finishing the budget after our morning meeting, we all went our ways to class.

When we got there, some other students were watching a report on, the poison gas in Shinjuku?

"Shinjuku?" Shirley asked looking at me for an explanation for asking her about it yesterday.

"I heard it from a friend in real time that's why I called you yesterday." I lied smoothly.

At the mention of the dead Japanese in the ghetto, I wondered why did they cover it up?

After settling my stomach in the bathroom, I wondered why would they keep it a secret, was it to fend off anarchy?

I could only wonder as I made my way back to class as I spotted a familiar face from Shinjuku, the girl that was in the truck with me and piloted that red knightmare.

"Kallen it's been ages where have you been." A classmate of hers asked.

How indeed, as Kallen Stadtfeld the sickly student who misses school all the time happens to be a terrorist as well.