

shinuzaki2002 · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

chapter 26

on the last chapter, when the demons are attacking the cloud city to cloud kingdom, wu tian have some of his own thoughts that after seeing that guy, he wondered himself and wanted to know who's that guy, so..... let's continue the story MA reyders 😍😍😍


screams and shouting through wu tian's sensitive ear said to himself that he would help people as he can do. (explosion) -> (panicking) -> (running) "ahh! help! somebody he...!" the guy was calling for help he was suddenly eaten by the demon wolf. "ahh!" -> "we should help those people." wu tian said while frowning and win Huang tap the shoulder of wu tian. "young wu, you don't need to worry of those people, rank-S fighters are already here we cannot interfere them." huang said while looking down at the same time closing his eyes and wu tian said. "but.... (sigh) OK fine but atleast we can help." wu tian said while looking at Huang worried. "master wu, why don't you act as the guardian you always do?" and suddenly guardian spirit said while talking each other at wu tian's spirit sea. "(smirk) why not?" wu tian said while smirking ang win Huang ask.." are you okay, young wu?" huang ask wu tian and he said. "of course I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, okay?" wu tian said while looking at Huang. "so.... what's your next move?" Huang ask wu tian and he said. "isn't it obvious? fight them, of course." wu tian said while changing himself as the guardian of his world. (transformed) "wu tian transformed himself and fleet with his spirit guardian.


(on wu tian's thought) "(frowns) who could that guy be?" wu tian ask himself while glaring. "master wu, are you okay?" his spirit ask him while his at wu tian's spirit realm and wu tian said. "ah..? um... I'm fine." he said like he was startle and little.



"ah! run!" -> "Meng meng!" the mother said while lying on the ground having a hard time to get up, at the same time widened her eyes while her daughter was on the demon's hands. "Meng meng! someone help! please help my daughter!" the mother said while crying and suddenly wu tian appeared while disguising himself as a guardian. (appear) (sliced in half) "Tsk! I really hate demons." wu tian said while standing at the back and at the same time wu tian helped the mother of meng meng to get up while she was trapped by the big wall. "mother! (crying) (sobbing) mother!!" -> "meng meng!" the mother and daughter hugged each other while shedding tears. "thank.... y...." meng meng looked back at the same time and she sees no one but her mother. (on meng meng's thought) "eh!? where could that mister gone to?"

this girl is meng meng and a 7 year old girl who was saved by wu tian and when the year pass by, when she turns 15 she will have her own will to find the person who saved her that day.



"(panting) how many are these monsters?" the guys ask himself and menglu lin said. "there are more coming." she said while frowning.

this is menglu lin, the third rank general of the rank-S fighters and also part of the F-organization, her one and only goal is to serve the kingdom with all of her heart.

"general lin?" the low ranking fighter saluted in front of her and she said. "no need for your salutes right now, go out there and help the other civilians who were stranded." she said while frowning at them. "yes, general lin!" the low ranking fighter said at the same time going to their own area's that they were assigned to help.

"general lin!" her secretary saluted to her and menglu said. "what's your report?" menglu asked her secretary and she said. "low ranking fighters are falling down each one of them." she frowns while looking at her at the same time standing straight in front of her general. "(frowns) then there's no choice." menglu said while frowning after seconds she activated her enormous power and fleet. "wait..... general!" she said while looking at menglu while fleeing.



"ah! monsters!" -> "get away from me!" while letting those words at the same time got killed by the demon. "ahhh....?!" (stabbed) (looks aside) "this is horrible, demons really don't have hearts." (shed tears) she said while looking down at the same time she wiped her eyes while frowning.


"young master wu, we're should search go first?" his spirit ask him and wu tian said. "well.... why don't we start anywhere? what do you think?" wu tian asked his spirit and the spirit said. "(falls down) (making such a weird face) "eh...?! are you serious?" the spirit said while looking down. "ahhh! someone help!" (runs away) "why don't we help her." wu tian said while looking at her. (trapped) "please... someone help." (looked worried) (shed tears) the demon raised it's arm and ready to harmed a human and suddenly wu tian save the girl. "(blocks) Tsk! this demon is strong than I anticipated." wu tian said while frowning, glaring at the demon and at the same time blocking the attack to protect the human, as a fighter he need to protect human. (on the girl's thought) "ehh? who is he? this is the first time someone saved me." she said while looking at wu tian at the same time scared. (backs off) (frowns) "you demon! I won't let you harm humans." wu tian said while standing and the demon suddenly shouted. (loud shout) the demon suddenly open it's mouth and repelling it's power. (on wu tian's thought) "what is that?" wu tian ask himself and the demon said. "are you ready to die human?" the demon said while glaring at him and wu tian said. (looks around) "who said that?" wu tian ask himself and he frowns at the demon. "there is no way that a demons can talk." wu tian while glaring at the demon. (ready to fire) ...

but before that my reader, we will continue this story on the next chapter, I'll see you next time, I am your newly writer shinuzaki2002