
1 - Introductions

"What an unpleasant coincidence." The Wicked Witch of the West said.

'Oh no'

Reality hit me as I realized the situation I was in. The raven-haired girl who I did not want to see was going to sit next to me for an indefinite time. Luck wasn't on my side as of recently.

I quickly assessed my choices.

'In a situation like this, you can make the decision to respond, perhaps an attempt to defuse the situation or antagonize the person to win an argument however the latter can't even be an option. The persona I want to put on may be damaged if someone else hears me arguing with her. Then again I may just make her really hate me and would rather not make enemies this early. What about silence? I've already kept quiet during our first confrontation, I could make that same decision here and now.'

Remaining silent, I didn't even bother looking her way. I could still feel her gaze on me.

"What? Have nothing to say?" She stated, with a rude demeanor.

In her voice, I could hear her getting angrier.

'You told me to not speak with you, what more do you want from me?'

"Answer me!" With a loud voice, she exclaimed.

Sighing, I simply grabbed my bag and opened it.

"What are you doing?" With a confused demeanor, she spoke with venom in her voice.

Pulling out a sticky note, I began to write.

Eventually finishing, I could see her eyes narrow as I passed it to her.

What I wrote down:

"Don't think I'm anything like you, and I'm also not looking forward to getting chummy with anyone here so don't bother speaking to me."

- Horikita Suzune, 7:08 AM

The message is clear, and I hope she would stop bothering me. Sadly out of the corner of my eyes, I could see her look surprised.

'You're going to speak once again, aren't you?'

"How do you know my name?" Horikita asked.

"Didn't you read the note? You didn't want me speaking with you."

"That's not what I asked." She stated while placing her bag next to her and sitting down on her seat.

"Your nameplate is on your desk," I stated in a monotone voice.

Horikita let out a grunt and turned her nameplate upside down, blocking her name from being seen.

"Whatever" A final statement crawled its way out of her mouth to end this ridiculous farce.

I decided to pull out the book that I hadn't yet finished.

Reading a few words, I allowed my eyes to look at my surroundings while being mindful not to look at my right side.

I could see Kushida speaking with another female with pigtails, another student with glasses speaking with someone who had dark-colored hair

I also saw the student who refused to give up his seat, his legs on the table, and a nail filer on hand. I cursed with just how bad my luck was, I could practically hear that stupid laugh Ryuk always had.

I smacked my ear in hopes to shut up the cackling of that fiend. However, the laughter only grew once my neighbor looked at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just thought I heard a fly." A lie naturally found its way out of my mouth.

Looking back to my book, I would finally have a moment of peace to read.

However, even after getting the silence that I wanted, the thought of my circumstances crept onto my mind.

'I am actually free, and yet I couldn't feel much more held back. Will this moment that I hope to savor last? Only time will tell. I have three years, I shouldn't even be thinking about the future, I'm here and that's what matters.'

Closing my eyes, I began rethinking the past. More specifically, about my old school. I was popular, sure, which is what I want to replicate here. I need an introduction first since that's what gives people an idea about what kind of person you are.

'Name, future, activities? I should state my name, but before that, I'll say a friendly "Hello". Then I'll say what I may excel at, being humble about would be the only decision I have otherwise it would appear egotistical. After that, I can state what I look forward to.'

My timing couldn't be any more impeccable as I saw the last remaining student enter class and begin to sit down, the bells rang followed shortly thereafter.

A woman with long, dark hair entered the class and closed the door behind her.

The woman had a professional demeanor to her just like the student council president.

"Good morning students, I am the instructor for Class D. My name is

Chabashira Sae and I will be acting as your homeroom teacher for the next three years. It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I will now distribute the written materials with information about this school's special rules as well as the registration guide."

Our teacher gave the first row of students a stack of booklets.

"Take one and pass it down."

Eventually, the last booklet for my row was given to me by a student with short hair.

I looked at the surprised faces of my classmates.

Reading the booklet, I could see the school's unique rules.

'Students will be given dorms, all utilities will be free. Students are not allowed to leave the campus under any circumstances unless specifically given permission by the school.'

'I see, now it's being made clear that the school won't allow you to leave. I'm assuming a majority of the students may be upset at the rules set up by the school since the connections that they used to have are now gone for the next three years however there will also be those who may be happy that they get to live a life without having to obey their parents.'

'Contact with the outside will be extremely limited, permission has to be granted to speak with anyone outside the campus this includes family, friends, specialists, etc. The school has facilities to meet the needs of everyday life of a student. This includes a hospital for regular checkups, a security station, and a mall with a variety of shops.'

'Seems like we have to get permission from the school for everything. Regardless, it's interesting how there are facilities to make this experience as "normal-like" as possible. I'm sure there are those of us who are thrilled at us having a chance to live our own lives with the control that is being handed over to us. But while this seems nice and all, there has to be something else that isn't being said.'

Flipping over the page, I continued reading.

'Restaurants, a theater, a karaoke spot, rooms specifically for partying....what is this? For an elite school, it wouldn't make sense to have all of these facilities unless there is an ulterior motive, this is practically encouraging your students to not care about class. There has to be a limitation for this, it can't all just be free.'

"I will now proceed to hand out your student ID cards. The student ID is also a device that is able to be used exactly like a phone. With your ID you can buy absolutely anything in this school. Your ID acts like a credit card therefore it can be used simply by swiping it through the scanner."

'Credit card? So there are limitations then, but how would we earn currency? If it's simply given to us every week or month then there will be those who will simply blow it all on spending sprees. For an elite school backed by the government, it would be a waste to have a system like this.'

"Points are automatically given at the start of each month. You all should have received 100,000 points already. Keep in mind, one point is equal to one yen."

The surprise among my classmates was audible as some laughed in joy while others simply couldn't believe it.

'None of you are suspicious of this? It's an elite school for Christ's sake, all of you are fools. But this can work to my advantage.'

"Surprised by the number of points you've all received? This school measures the ability of its students. Since all of you passed the entrance exam you've already shown some level of merit."

The teacher scanned the room of surprised students with a Stoic face. I wondered what she thought of this situation.

"Well, there appear to be no questions. I hope you enjoy your time here as students."

Just as our teacher was about to leave, my mind began to think rapidly, a decision had to be made quickly. The paths branched out to two different paths that I could take.

'Okay, there are two scenarios which I can go with. There is no doubt in my mind that there have to be limitations to what we can actually do, 100,000 points a month simply doesn't make sense especially since it's equivalent to yen.

There is no way that even a school funded by the government is going to set a limit of 100,000 points per month. This means that there is something being hidden from us, it's not as easy we would hope it would be.

So I could choose to either confront the issue in front of the class, gaining the favor of most of my classmates since I stopped something terrible from happening, or I could choose to abstain, leaving my classmates to the rats as I let natural selection take its course. They'll become desperate, and I can take control of them at their low point.

Is the control really worth it to possibly be affected by the stupid decisions of my classmates? But then again I can control the movements if I make my voice loud and clear since the fools will realize I am smarter than them, I'll be seen as a leader.

'Decisions, decisions. Benevolent dictator, huh. There really is a long way before I am a dictator.'

Getting up from my seat, I made sure to back up my seat while it was being pressed on the ground to make a loud screech.

The sound got the attention of my classmates just like I wanted, their talking ceased as our teacher looked over to me.

"Sensei, if I may, these circumstances simply don't make sense. 100,000 points per month? I have my doubts which is why I wanted to ask you, 'Can you give me a definite 'yes' that Class D will be given 100,000 points at the start of next month?'" I asked while physically expressing myself, acting confused and conflicted about the situation.

I could see Chabashira's expression turn into a surprised one momentarily until she showed a smirk on her face.

"Hmm...what do you mean Yagami-kun?" Kushida showed a surprised expression and at the end of her question, many others seemed to be just as confused as her.

"Are you serious? Chabashira-sensei just told us that-" Annoyingly, someone decided to insert themselves into my question which further proved the stupidity of my classmates.

"She didn't." The boy with short dark hair physically recoiled when I cut him off.

"Hey, I didn't even finish!" With an angry expression, I allowed the boy to finish this statement to avoid a full-on fight.

I wasn't looking forward to seriously arguing with my classmate, much less when the attention is all on me. Like it or not, I'm stuck with them for now.

"Our sensei just told us that the points will be allocated at the start of each month, while we received 100,000 points for passing the entrance exam, it was never confirmed that we would be given 100,000 points at the start of next month and any subsequent month after that. Only that points will be distributed, but no amount was confirmed." In a clear and loud tone, my voice resonated throughout the classroom.

The realization hit my classmates like a stray bullet, their stupidity must've been realized when they never questioned their circumstances.

"Sensei, is it true?" A boy with brown hair at the front of the class asked.

"Hmm.....while I can't answer that question directly, I will say that this. The school is meant to replicate the outside world, think of how any normal student would spend their currency, or in your case your points, and the answer will be clear." With a smirk on her face, our teacher finished her statement and began to make her way out.

The confusion was written all over the faces of my classmates.

Eventually, the door was closed after Chabashira exited the classroom.

"If I may have another moment of your time." Speaking clearly, I took direct control of the class.

"I believe we should speak about the next steps of the class, but first I would recommend introductions to allow us to get to know one another."

After finishing, Kushida and the boy from the front row gave a smile of approval.

"I agree with Yagami-kun!" Kushida decided to vocally show her opinion.

"I also agree, Yagami-kun was it? It would a good idea to introduce ourselves." The boy voiced his opinion as well.

"Yeah, I agree, I mean how else would we get to know one another?" A girl with medium-long, magenta hair stated her approval.

After the confirmation from most of my classmates, I continued.

"Well, I think it would be appropriate for me to introduce myself first, although it seems my introduction is already spoiled by a certain someone." Jokingly, I motioned over to Kushida who giggled lightly.

"So as I'm sure you're aware, my name is Yagami Light. I am well versed in history so if you need any help with the topic, don't be afraid to ask. Haha, I would really look forward to teaching anyone about the subject, if you'd like of course, and I look forward to checking out the clubs that they offer here. Please take care of me." I spoke with the smile that I was practicing from before and made sure to laugh to appear approachable.

I got a few blushes from some of the females, particularly the girl with medium, brown hair who agreed with me earlier.

"Well, who's next?" I asked, allowing the spotlight to be on someone else.

"Oh, oh, me!" Exclaiming loudly, Kushida practically jumped out of her chair.

"My name is Kushida Kikyou, none of my friends from middle came to this school, so I would like to be friends with everyone here!" Kushida proudly exclaimed.

In the back of my mind, a question lingered about Kushida. The way that she acted was suspicious to me. Regularly I might've just had dismissed her behavior to be similar to Misa's. However, after everything I went through, I started seeing a mirror in Kushida, and its reflection was of me.

"After school and during vacations, I'd like to make many memories with all of you, so please feel free to invite me to any events. I've spoken a lot, so I'll end my introduction here."

After finishing her introduction, the boy from earlier stood up.

"Hey, I'd like to go next if that's not a problem. My name is Hirata Yosuke, you're free to use my first name if you would like to. I like sports, but I mainly like to play soccer and plan to play it here. Nice to meet you!"

After he was finished, a few of the girls also blushed. Guess a pretty face really makes life easier.

'Hirata, he seems like the leader type, he can easily talk in front of the class and was the first to directly ask Chabashira to confirm my theory. He could be a good leader, but I can't have him in a position of power if he opposes my decisions, and with the vibes, he gives off, I'm certain he will.'

I could easily see Hirata becoming a central figure in the class and even possibly leading us. However, it wasn't meant to be with my presence.

"Anyone wanna go next?"

After Hirata said that, a nervous girl seemed to contemplate if she should stand up or not. Ultimately, she decided to stand up.

"M-My name is Inog-ashira K-ko-"

She seemed to be extremely nervous and kept on stuttering her words. I saw a chance, and I took it.

"Hey, it's alright. Take as much time as you need, we have all the time in the world." I stated loudly, expressing myself by stretching out my arms at the word 'world'.

I succeeded in getting a few giggles out of some of my classmates, including Inogashira.

Clearing her voice, Inogashira continued.

"My name is Inogashira Kokoro. Um, my hobby is sewing, and I am good at knitting. Please take care of m-me."

Thanks to Inogashira's introduction many students were now motivated to stand up. The guy who attempted to dismiss my skepticism earlier stood up.

"I'm Yamauchi Haruki. In elementary school, I played table tennis at the national level, then was the baseball club's ace in middle school. I had uniform number 4, but since I got an injury during Inter-High recently, I am currently in rehab. Nice to meet ya."

'The Inter-High is for high schoolers only, so middle schoolers can't do it. Not to mention, his claims of doing table tennis and baseball don't match up with his appearance, he doesn't even stand up straight.'

Seeing through Yamauchi's lies, and his earlier decision to oppose me, I just dismissed him as someone who isn't reliable.

"I'm Ike Kanji, I like beautiful girls and I hate ikemen. I'm currently looking for a girlfriend, so nice to meet you! You have to be cute or beautiful of course."

I subconsciously facepalmed, to avoid anyone seeing me physically looking down on Ike.

'Do you not know basic social skills? Your intelligence was already questionable because you were easily fooled by the school, and now you don't even know how to speak in front of the class. Are you ignorant or just stupid?'

"Oh wow, you are so amazing Ike."

A girl with blue short hair mocked Ike's introduction. I subconsciously thanked her as I heard most of the girls and even a few boys laugh.

"Really?! I-I mean, it wasn't much you know?"

Of course, Ike made himself look like a bigger idiot by thinking that the girl was being genuine.

'Our class is doomed.'

My sarcasm never failed to impress.

The next person to introduce themselves was the blonde-haired boy that wouldn't give up his seat on the bus.

He stayed seated, unlike the other students that introduced themselves who stood up.

"My name is Koenji Rokusuke. The only heir to the Koenji conglomerate, therefore I will be a man leading Japan in the near future. Pleased to meet you, ladies."

Instead of directing his introduction to the entire class, he chose to direct it to the females in our class, and it seemed to have worked, a bit.

Some of the females looked at him like he was crazy, but others looked at him with glittering eyes at the thought of all that money. I'm not surprised, money can easily influence people. I began to frown but immediately changed it to a smile.

'Ah I see, someone spoiled who thinks they own the world. As long as you stay out of my way then we'll be fine otherwise I'll have to bring you to reality.'

"Um, the next person, please introduce yourself." Hirata continued after Koenji's introduction.

"Oh shut up!"

Kicking the desk in front of him, a red-haired boy shouted his thoughts and scared the boy who sat in front of him. I would've thanked him, subconsciously of course, since Ike was the one who was sitting in front of him however I knew that the guy would become a pain to work with.

"What are we, a bunch of pre-schoolers? Get to know each other on your on time. But I'm outta here."

Standing up the red-haired boy, quickly left the room. Seeing that someone else had said what they were thinking, others began to stand up to leave.

"If I could simply get your attention for a moment."

Realizing the situation, I stood up to stop the people from leaving the class.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to introduce yourself, I just want to talk about the predicament that we are in." Allowing my words to flow smoothly, I held the classes' attention.

"I know that I ultimately can't control what you do, however, I would really suggest that all of you consider what you may spend your points on. We're completely new to this school, and it would just be better to hold off any decisions that you can't reverse.

After all, this is a prestigious school and even with the "opportunities" this school is seemingly giving us, nothing in this world is free. So, it would be worth it even if I were able to convince one of you, simply act like this is any other school. Get here before the bell rings, take notes in class, don't slack off, and most importantly, try your best.

If not for the three years that we're here, then at least for the month, be responsible." With a smile on my face, I made a small speech that even a middle schooler could understand. It shouldn't have been necessary, but stupidity can't be underestimated.

"I agree, we should really do our best here!" Hirata exclaimed.

"Yup, Yagami-kun is right. Please be mindful where you spend your points."

"Ah if Kushida-chan says it, I'll do it!" Ike exclaimed, being easily convinced by a girl.

"Yup, I can agree on that." Yamauchi agreed to it as well, but I didn't expect anything from him really.

Amongst the class, people vocally stated more agreements, and some simply nodded their heads.

It seemed that at least for today, Class D was happy. Time will only tell if they actually do what's good for them.

Some of the students who were already standing up simply gave nods or vocally showed that they were at least paying attention.

When the students left, we began introductions once again and quickly finished with the remaining students.

Some groups were quickly formed to venture into our campus and many had begun to leave.

While I could've left or spoken with some of the other students, I put my focus on something else.

Looking all over my classroom casually without appearing like a weirdo, I was surprised.

'Just how many cameras are here? This school really is going all out, at least we're ahead with my leadership here. I'll have to give orders to my classmates without appearing as some strict jerk.'

I quickly counted over 30 small cameras.

'I was completely right, there is no need for this amount unless there either extremely paranoid of a student being a danger to others or their goals are to observe us. They're seeing all our actions, they have to be.'

Exiting the classroom after everyone else, I saw Kushida waiting for me.

"Haha, well I didn't expect you to remember what I said before class."

"Hmph, I have an excellent memory Yagami-kun, it's a trait of mine that has come in handy!" Kushida pouted and proudly declared just how good her memory was.

"Life must be easy for you then, huh?" I joked with Kushida.

"It's only easy because of the help I get, after all, my memory is no good unless I actually understand the topic we're studying. " Kushida said.

Walking out of the school, I pulled out my phone to see our location and began to make my way with Kushida to the convenience store to buy some necessities.

"You really are smart, aren't you Yagami-kun? To find out the truth about how the class points work." Kushida stated.

"So you believe it as well, then? Our teacher didn't necessarily confirm it." I told Kushida.

While I did confirm it myself, I hadn't yet given out the information to everyone else.

"Yup! It made so much sense when you told it and from now on I'll be mindful with how I spend my points."

Kushida said with a determined look.

"At least someone believes me aha, I think I'm going to get along with you and Hirata."

"Hirata seems really nice, then again so are many of our other classmates."

"Sure unlike a certain someone who sits right next to me."

"Oh you mean-.....umm what's her name again?" Kushida seemed ready to say my neighbor's name but then proceeded to ask for it.

"Horikita Suzune"

"Thank you! Horikita-san may not be as friendly, but I'm ready to be friends with her." Kushida stated.

Approaching the entrance, the doors opened, and I made my way inside first.

Looking around, I immediately spotted my neighbor.

'What a coincidence.'

"What an unpleasant coincidence." A glare came from the raven-haired girl when I met her eyes.

"Are you always going to say that when we meet? There is no need to be rude Horikita."

"Oh, Horikita-san!" A voice from behind me said.

Moving forward, Kushida made her way beside me to face Horikita.

"Hello Horikita-san, I wasn't able to get your contact information since you left so soon. May I have it?" Kushida stated in a cheerful tone.

"No" In a flat tone, Horikita stated.

"Ah, wait Horikita-san, I know it's a bit rude of me to persist, but I would really like to be friends with you."

"As I told him, I'm not looking for friends." Horikita motioned over to me and in a cold demeanor, Horikita walked to the register to check out.

"Ah wait.....I just wanted to...." Kushida stopped when she saw that Horikita wasn't going to budge.

"It's alright Kushida, I'm sure she'll come around. But in the meanwhile, it'd be good to prepare." I motioned over to the available baskets.

Grabbing a basket for each of us, I handed one over to Kushida, and we began making our way down the aisles.

"Hmm...what are you getting Yagami-kun?" Kushida asked

"Simple necessities, nothing too much. Probably stockpile on ramen noodles, cereal, and ingredients to make my own meals." I shouldn't really get too much flavorful stuff otherwise I wouldn't want to stop eating that kind of stuff and I rather not spend a lot of points.

"You can cook Yagami-kun?" Kushida asked with stars in her eyes.

"Yes, basic meals of course. I'm no Chef Ramsay." I joked.

"Well, I would love to taste your cooking anyway!" Kushida said.

"Sure...." I trailed off.

"Yay!" Kushida cheered.

"....as long as you're paying, I'll make all the meals you want." I faced Kushida and said.

"Hwauh?! You're mean Yagami-kun! A host should always serve his guests!" Kushida began to make me see where I went wrong.

"Well, in this case, you're an intruder." I shook my head.

"Hmph!" Kushida pouted.

"What about you? What will you be spending your points on?" I asked.

"Well, more or less the same, but maybe not as many ingredients as you since I'm not that great of a cook, but I will get some necessities like bras and panties....."

I found it odd for a girl to speak openly about such things.

"I'm sure that the mall has a clothing store, but I don't think you should really speak about that," I said a bit confused.

".....pervert," Kushida said with a frown.

"What? I didn't even-" I was as confused as I used to be with Misa.

"Payback" Kushida said with a smirk.

'This woman is dangerous...'

Walking along another aisle, I spotted something interesting.

"Kushida" I motioned over to a cart of items with a sign at the front that said the words 'Free'.

At the bottom of the word, in small letters, it stated that we could take up to five free times per month.

"Seems like we were correct," I said.

Kushida took a look and agreed.

"It seems so, I'll tell our classmates about this," Kushida said while taking a photo.

Walking out of the aisle we heard a yell.

"Hey shut up! I'm looking for it! Just give me a damn minute!"

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a red-haired individual which I recognized to be the same classmate who yelled in class earlier that day.

Looking around him, it was clear that the long line behind him held angry people who wanted him to hurry up.

'He doesn't have his ID, I could pay for him. At the same time, I could at least get a confirmation that he will think about not spending points carelessly.'

"Sudou," I said in a voice loud enough for him to hear me.

Calling out to the red-haired male, he looked up to me.

"Huh, how do even you know-" Sudou got caught off before he could finish.

"Your nameplate, remember? The one you left on your desk." I said in a clear voice.

"Oh yeah....right, anyway what did you want? I don't have time to make small talk." Sudou finished with an annoyed manner.

"I was going to offer to pay for your stuff, it doesn't seem like you have your ID on you," I said.

"Really? That'd be great." Sudou said.

Relief set among the other students waiting in line and even the cashier. I just gave them a smile and got out my phone.

Paying for his items, Sudou walked out of the store while I walked back to Kushida.

"Well, he was a unique person." I joked.

"I was surprised when I heard you say his name, I didn't even think to look at the nameplates beforehand, I'll make sure to follow in your steps Yagami-kun!" Kushida exclaimed.

Using a self-checkout, instead of the regular one since the line was still long, we quickly finished our shopping for the day.

Walking out with Kushida, I could see Sudou just sitting down on the curb of the street.

"Oh, hello Sudo-kun, I didn't get a chance to get your contact information," Kushida said.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, right...I'll give it to you tomorrow I don't have my phone on me right now and I don't remember it." Sudou easily agreed because it was Kushida asking him.

"Okay Sudou-kun, I look forward to spending the year with you!" Kushida said in a cheerful tone.

"Yeah likewise, hey, thanks again man, I owe you one," Sudou said while turning his gaze over to me.

"It wasn't really anything. But I did want to warn you-" I couldn't finish as someone had cut me off.

"Hey, hey, look at this, the pathetic Class D." An annoying nuisance said.

Sudou immediately got ticked off.

"What did you say you jerk?!" Sudou shouted to the male student at the center of the trio that was facing us.

"You're nothing but dogs in the water. Better have your master hold your leash before you get hurt." The student's irritating faces had smirks on them, and they began to laugh.

"That's it, I'll just kick your asses!" Sudou began to approach them.

Stepping in front of Sudou, I put my hand up in a motion to stop him.

"What, are you serious?! They just insulted us!" Sudou wailed at me.

"Sudou-kun I know what they said wasn't nice, but you shouldn't resort to violence. Please?" Kushida used a weapon I hadn't seen yet, the technique called 'puppy eyes'.

"Umm...fine! Damn it." Sudou sighed as he hung his head low.

"You clearly have no idea what's coming to you. Just you wait, hell's coming to you." The student said one last thing before walking away from his entourage.

'Hell huh? I've already been through it.'

"While normally I would've allowed you to do as you wish. There's something you need to know." I said truthfully.

"Huh? What is it?" Sudou questioned.

"The school isn't as laid back as they would like you to believe. We're completely new to this environment, but we have to remember that this is still a school, so we should act accordingly. Just don't go out and about, and immediately waste your points. Try to conserve them because, at any given moment, the reality could hit us hard." Sudou appeared to be a bit confused but at least understood what I was trying to get at.

"Yeah sure, whatever, I'm not exactly someone to just blow my money on video games. I wanna focus on basketball, it's what I came here to do." Sudou replied.

"Oh? Are you really athletic Sudou-kun?" Kushida appeared curious.

"Well, you could say that, I always practiced every day, and now it's something I'm good at."

"Ah, I see, well good luck then Sudou-kun. I wish you the best!"

"Hmm...thanks, I gotta go. See you guys."

Eventually saying our goodbyes, Kushida and I were alone once again.

"Want to walk together to our new homes?" I motioned over to the dorms.

I had looked at my phone and saw that we're already near the dorms.

"Sure," Kushida said happily.

We walked our way to the dorms in silence until Kushida spoke up.

"Even if the school is testing us, it really is lovely isn't it?"

"Agreed, the buildings on the campus are comparable to those in major cities. The government really went all out here."

Staying in silence for a few more minutes, I began to do the calculations in my head.

'While it might've been 100,000 points a month, it's simply not. The points are equivalent to yen which usually shouldn't make sense because no school actively gives money to their students. However, let's speculate that it was. 100,000 x 40. There are 40 students in the class. It's 4,000,000. There are 4 classes in the year, and now it's 16,000,000.

There are also three years in total here, and now it's ¥48,000,000 per year.

This is of course speculating that they're paying us per year. But if it were per month then 16,000,000 x 12 is 192,000,000, now multiplied by 3 to an incredible ¥576,000,000 per year. There's no way that kind of money would simply be given out to students to spend leisurely. Should I tell Kushida? Of course, it would make me look better for the role I'm playing.'

"Five hundred and seventy-six million a year," I muttered quietly.

"Oh, I'm sorry Yagami-kun, I didn't quite catch that," Kushida said.

"That's how much yen they're giving us per year if we were to be paid a hundred thousand a month. Five hundred and seventy-six million yen."

Kushida looked dumbfounded.

"That would be incredible! If the government gave the students that amount of money," Kushida said.

"Yes, yes it would be," I agreed.

'Which is why it isn't true.'

We finally had reached the dormitory.

Opening the doors, we could clearly see the reception desk.

"Hello Ms., could we get the keys to our dorms?"

"Of course, may I see your student IDs?"


Kushida and I handed over our phones, and we were given the keys to our dorms.

Walking over to the elevators, I spoke with Kushida a bit more.

"Oh I almost forgot to ask, Yagami-kun may I have your contact info?"

"Of course, here." Giving Kushida my phone, we walked into an elevator that had just opened.

Seeing that the elevator was about to reach my number I spoke.

"Well, this is where I bid you farewell. Thank you for spending the day with me Kushida."

"Likewise, today I learned a lot, and now I'm ready to take on whatever the school will throw at us!"

The elevator's doors opened.

"Haha, I'm sure you are. See you tomorrow then."

"Bye Yagami-kun, see you tomorrow."

Waving one another goodbye, the elevator finally closed.

I walked my way to my dorm.

Seeing my number, I pulled out the key which was actually a card that needed to be scanned. On the card, itself was the number to the dorm.

I entered my dorm and proceeded to look around my room.

'Looks simple, I'll keep it this way.'

I put my bags down and immediately began getting out my items. It was simply my necessities, in one bag were the items I arrived with such as clothing, a laptop, utilities for class, and a few books. In the other were the items I had just bought.

'This is my life now. Back to being a student.'

Despite preparing for what was to come, it still hadn't sunk in that for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, I could actually breathe freely. Perhaps I would've cried, but that was no longer an option.

I put my clothing in the closet, put the bathroom items in their place, put my books on the desk, ironed the clothing, and readied the items I would use for tomorrow. After finishing I simply sat on a chair.

'With all the information that I have accumulated today, I can say with a definite 'yes' that the school's way to keep us in line is to punish us by taking away our points. Maybe not all of them, but certainly lowering them to a lesser amount.'

I simply looked at my bed.

'I'll call it a night, for now, it's gonna be difficult keeping my classmates in check. They remind me of those idiots at my old school, but now there's more of them.'

I decided to call it a night since I had nothing else to do. I didn't even need an alarm since my mind would automatically wake me up because of the strict rules at that facility.


I gave a smile., knowing that a certain shinigami was always watching me.

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