
Classroom of the Elite: Liquid Inspiration

(A re-telling of Classroom of the Elite sparked by a certain conversation between Masterpiece and Professor.) One day, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka receives a surprising invitation from his father, Ayanokouji Atsuomi, to join him for a drink. It was unusual for Kiyotaka, who normally wouldn't be summoned by his father without a hidden agenda. That's why even the emotionless Kiyotaka was surprised when his father began to open up about his own experiences with love and relationships. For the emotionally distant "masterpiece," this conversation is a rare moment of connection with his father, and it sparked a curiosity within him to explore the world of human relationships, to be more specific: romance and intimacy. It was that spark that pushed Kiyotaka to demand something from his father: "Father, teach me everything about human relationships." This then begins a ripple that changes how Ayanokouji Kiyotaka would approach the world in the foreseeable future.

StrongStyle777 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Vol 0. Chapter 3 - Kiyotaka's First Christmas (Final Part)

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka

While the trip to the gala wasn't particularly long, the tense atmosphere between my father and I, made the trip feel thrice as long as it actually was.

Luckily, I was now saved from the suffocating atmosphere as the limousine finally made a stop.

As I approached the grand entrance of the gala, I felt a mix of excitement and anticipation of what was to come.

The sound of chatter and laughter spilled out into the crisp December air as I walked through the ornate doors. The ballroom was adorned with glittering lights and festive decorations, giving it a warm and inviting ambiance.

"It's rather Western of the organizers," I pointed out as I took in the sights inside the venue.

"That's simply how the Kōenji Conglomerate operates," my father replied.

"I see."

"Now then, before I leave you to your own devices, allow me to introduce you to some of my acquaintances," he said, gesturing for me to walk behind him.

As we made our way further into the room, I couldn't help but come to a realization as I took in the thinly-veiled insults these people hurled at one another... words heavily laced with false bravado... words designed to exploit weaknesses in the defenses of the person they're talking to.

How... dull.

Compared to the ants that comprise most of society, the only difference is that these morons are drowning in money.

But upon observation of who these people were and mentally cross-referencing them with the list my father had provided, their attitudes began making sense to me.

There are no greater examples of humans with an inferiority complex than those who wield power but stand at the very bottom of the totem pole of influential people. They like to portray themselves as greater than what they actually are to soothe the wound inflicted on their pride as they realize that they aren't much better than the common folk they regard as insects.

It was amusing to see it in full display.

"To think someone would even invite you to a gathering like this, Professor Ayanokōji! They must be fools or perhaps took pity on your unfortunate downfall in society."

I raised an eyebrow as I saw a dark-haired, bespectacled man walk in our direction and blatantly threw an insult at my father, who maintained his usual stoic face, unperturbed by the insults. He was carrying with him a glass of wine. From the files earlier, this man was named Yamada Mitsuharu, a man with a decent net worth of around 150 billion yen. He is incredibly wealthy, but compared to most of the attendees at the gala, he sits at the bottom half of the hierarchy.

The inebriated man then slung an arm over my father and shot him a grin.

"Ha Ha! You're always so serious, Atsuomi! You know I am just kidding, right?"

"Yamada. To think you'd be drunk this early into the party... but all things considered, it's not surprising," my father replied.

Yamada simply slapped my father on the back and let out a round of boisterous laughter as if someone had told him the greatest joke ever told.

"Ha Ha Ha! You knew of what happened? Heh! Despite being disgraced, you're as dangerous as ever, Atsuomi!"


Yamada took his hands off my father and then turned around, and his eyes immediately met mine.

A smile formed on his face.

"You have quite the good-looking son here, Atsuomi. Definitely nothing like you! Ha Ha Ha! But I suppose I have already bothered you enough. Enjoy the rest of the party, Professor Ayanokōji!"

As Yamada's form disappeared from the crowd, I let out a sigh and faced my father.

"Was that conversation supposed to do anything?" I asked.

My father simply shook his head.

"Plenty of conversations in a gala are useless, Kiyotaka. But under the right mindset, you will find a treasure cove of potential assets in a gathering like this," he replied and gestured for us to continue moving.

"My, my! Look who showed up! Professor Ayanokōji, a pleasure to see you again. How long has it been since I last saw you? Two years?"

Once again, we were interrupted. This time, by a silver-haired woman around my father's age. She had a sultry expression on her face, and with each step, the soft crunch of gravel echoed beneath her feet, and the rustling of her clothes provided a soothing backdrop to the steady rhythm of her movement. Her arms swung naturally at her sides, perfectly in sync with the sway of her hips.

From the records, this woman is called Kiryūin Chika—one of the more cunning people in this gala.

"Two years and a half, I believe, Kiryūin."

"Hoh! That's two and a half years too long, then! Come with me, Professor Ayanokōji! I believe we still have plenty to discuss," Kiryūin said.

My father turned his head to me.

"I will be preoccupied with a private meeting. Go entertain yourself and remember your objective, Kiyotaka. We shall meet again later," he said.

Kiryūin, upon seeing my father pause, finally noticed me.

"Is this your son, Professor Ayanokōji? Quite the good-looking lad! Kiyotaka, was it? I'll be taking your father away for a while. Enjoy the party, young man!"

With that, Kiryūin's form slowly vanished in the crowd alongside that of my father.

Rich people can be quite eccentric, it would seem. Yamada and Kiryūin both had a rather relaxed body language that I found unusual to see in billionaires.

Perhaps the stereotype of billionaires being apathetic, distant, and ruthless people is a stereotype that I should deem inaccurate from now on.

As I pondered upon where I should go next, the scent of decadent cuisine wafted through the air, making my mouth water. It should be no secret that since my temporary freedom from the White Room, I have garnered an interest in trying out all the food that I could eat.

I saw servers in crisp uniforms passing around trays of hors d'oeuvres and champagne, and upon seeing me looking around, they walked up to me and offered me the delicacies on their trays. Of course, I eagerly sampled some of the delectable treats.

Not too long later, the sound of live music filled the room, and the guests swayed to the rhythm of the music, their elegant dance moves filling the floor. I watched as couples twirled around the room; their movements were graceful and fluid.

But not everyone was joining in the dancing.

Aside from me, there was a boy with violet-bluish hair and purple eyes content with observing things from the bar stool he was sitting on.

Not far away was a well-built boy with straight shoulder-length blonde hair and brown eyes.

These were the two people my age that stood out in the data my father gathered: Kanzaki Ryūji and Kōenji Rokusuke.

While Kanzaki was simply a spectator, Kōenji was flocked with women that are significantly older than him.

How was a fourteen-year-old boy surrounded by women in their twenties?

Isn't that grooming? Or pedophilia? Or both?

But it seems like Kōenji himself was the one who made these women gather around him, so... I suppose no crime was committed?

Even without speaking with him, I can definitely tell that this guy has no regard for what society deems to be common sense. Not because he was unaware of it but simply because he doesn't care about it.

Ah... he seems to have noticed me staring at him. It'd be best to look away and pretend I saw nothing.

Since Kōenji is preoccupied, I think it'd be better for me to approach Kanzaki.

With that being decided, I made my way toward the violet-eyed boy, who didn't immediately notice my presence.

"You aren't much of a dancer as well, huh?" I asked as I sat on the bar stool next to Kanzaki.

The boy turned his head to me, a curious look on his face before he began examining me.

"Ah, yes. I'm just here on my father's orders anyway. I don't really need to dance," he replied.

"Ayanokōji Kiyotaka," I said, extending my right hand, with my fingers splayed and palm facing upward.

"Kanzaki Ryūji, a pleasure to meet you, Ayanokōji-san," he replied as he mirrored the gesture, his own hand reaching out to meet mine.

As our hands clasped together, my grip was firm and assertive, while Kanzaki's was slightly more tentative.

For a moment, we held the handshake, the pressure of our fingers interlaced in a brief moment of connection. Our eyes remained fixed on each other, a silent exchange passing between us.

"You have a scary strong grip, Ayanokōji-san," Kanzaki said, his eyes glued to the left hand that he used to shake my hand.

"I have to make sure that the heir of the Kanzaki Family isn't pathetic," I said in jest.

Kanzaki glared at me for a while.

Oh... it must be my tone.

"I was joking," I added.

"It's hard to tell when your tone remains the same, you know?" Kanzaki replied.

"I apologize. This is just how I sound," I replied.

"No worries. So why have you approached me, Ayanokōji-san? I doubt you're here to kiss my ass like the other people here," Kanzaki sneered not at me, but at the other people who he felt simply approached him to... in his own words, kiss his ass.

"There are barely people our age here... and the other one..." I glanced in Kōenji's direction before continuing, "is already having a lot of fun."

Kanzaki chuckled upon noticing that I was looking at Kōenji.

"It's actually the first time he tried that with women that much older than him. In previous parties, he was with people our age," Kanzaki replied.

"The beauty of puberty, I suppose."

"It must have hit him stronger than any of us then," Kanzaki dryly pointed out.

I shrugged before enjoying the next couple of minutes in relative silence. Well... silence aside from the sound of music reverberating around the room.

Before I could get lost in my thoughts, however, I felt a hand strongly gripping my shoulder, and it wasn't Kanzaki, as he went to the restroom.

I turned around and saw a dark-haired man with a sinister grin on his face, his eyes were half-lidded, and alongside the half-empty glass of champagne in his hand, it was obvious that this man was drunk.

"Boy, you're on my seat. Get off," he ordered.

"I don't see your name on it," I replied.

Although rationally speaking, it would be easier for me to just leave, I simply couldn't allow anyone to walk over me, considering my father took me here to strengthen my standing in the society of the elites.

Aside from that, this man... Suzuki Taichi is one of the pathetic cretins who believe themselves to be greater than he actually is.

It'll be fun to play with him.

"Do you know who I am, boy? You better just obey, or else I'll destroy you and your damned family!"

"How pathetic. You don't even know who I am. How will you destroy someone who you do not know?" I replied.

Suzuki seethed in anger before he threw the champagne-filled glass in my direction.

While I dodged the projectile, part of my suit was drenched by the champagne that was still in the glass.

I actually liked this suit.


"Guess you got what you deserved," Suzuki sneered and began to walk past me, but as he foolishly thought I was off-guard and open for attacks, I found myself prepared to counter the backhand blow he launched against me.

Even in his inebriated state, Suzuki's eyes widened upon realizing that my hand was gripping his wrists tightly.

I wonder just how much I could get away by punishing him...

Suzuki Taichi... inflated ego, probably had an off-night and decided to take his anger out on a kid he doesn't know, didn't get what he wanted, so he decided to react violently.


Merciless destruction.

As my eyes stared at Suzuki's own obsidian orbs, I decided it'll be an opportune time to introduce myself to the guests of this gala.

I shifted my weight as I flipped Suzuki to the ground, his back making unprotected contact with the ground.

I mounted Suzuki, and restricted his breathing by firmly placing my knees on his chest and my right hand gripping his neck. I used my free hand to grab Suzuki by his hair, and simply stared at him, before scanning the crowd, whose eyes were now glued to me.

In a rather loud voice, I spoke:

"Suzuki Taichi, the man with the least amount of influence amongst those gathered in this gala. Inflated ego, apparently to overcompensate for a three-inch erect penis," I paused as I waited for the laughter to come.

It did.

I'm pleased. It seems hanging out with Eiichiro and Tsubasa paid off in this instance.

"Attempted to assault a minor in plain sight. What should be the verdict for him?"

I then glanced over the crowd, who found themselves interested in what I was doing.




How amusing...

These people simply wanted entertainment and were apathetic toward an implied display of violence.

"The jury of Japan's most influential people has deemed you guilty, Suzuki-san. Allow me to perform your punishment."




As I dismounted from Suzuki, I raised the fist I used to strike Suzuki to eye level and curiously observed the crimson tint that adorned my knuckles.

Before I stood up, I checked Suzuki's pulse. Thankfully, he was still alive.

I would rather not kill someone to catch the attention of the person I was trying to draw out.

"Ha Ha Ha! It seemed my perfect eyes had bore witness to a beautiful display of righteous violence! The most entertaining scene I have seen tonight! Boy, what's your name?"

Emerging from the gathered crowd was my target, Kōenji Rokusuke.

Kōenji continued clapping as he walked in my direction, a massive grin adorning his face while flipping his hair.

"Ayanokōji Kiyotaka," I said.

"Ayanokōji-boy, be honored! Because for tonight, I, the Perfect Existence, deem you worthy of accompanying me. Follow me!"

Mission Accomplished.


"Well, Ayanokōji-boy? Show me what you've got!"

What a troublesome situation I found myself in.

As I followed Kōenji around the gala, we eventually found ourselves in the basement area of the mansion, where there was a boxing ring in the middle.

It doesn't take a genius to realize what Kōenji's objective for bringing me here was.

"You're letting me land the first blow? That would be unfair, Kōenji," I replied.

"Ha Ha Ha! You should just be thankful for my benevolence, Ayanokōji-boy! After all, it'll be the only shot you'll land on the Perfe—"


"I warned you," I replied as I took in the sight of Kōenji on the ground, clutching his stomach, but with a wide grin adorning his face.

"Ha Ha Ha! You are definitely worthy of recognition, Ayanokōji-boy! But it'll take more than that to even hope to match my Perfect Existence!"

What nonsense.

I dashed towards Kōenji and landed an axe kick on his back. The blonde-haired man collapsed face-first on the ground, but immediately recovered and took a good couple of steps away from me.

Kōenji then leaped towards me and spun his body clockwise in an attempt to land a spinning kick, which I allowed to land on me.

And... Kōenji definitely has power behind his feet.

I stumbled a little, and the blonde gained control of my wrists and slammed me on the canvas.

I immediately rolled over but was met by a knee from Kōenji, who did not let up and followed his attack with a palm strike.

Unfortunately for him, I caught his wrist and used his momentum to pull him towards me and hit him with a lariat, somewhat similar to the Rainmaker used by wrestler Okada Kazuchika given the wrist-control pull before I hit him with the lariat.

As Kōenji fell, I leaped off my feet and landed a double foot stomp on his chest. The blonde groaned in pain upon contact, and immediately I picked him back up on his feet and threw him in an ura nage, a Judo throw technique.

Kōenji, although in pain, got back up and, like the ferocious lion he was showing himself to be, proceeded to lunge towards me. I quickly sidestepped and landed a swift punch on his chest. He stumbled backwards, but regained his footing and charged towards me again. I dodged his punches, using my quick reflexes to stay out of harm's way.

With a burst of energy, I charged toward him and landed a series of rapid punches. He tried to block them, but it was difficult to counter punches thrown at awkward angles. After landing a spinning back fist on Kōenji's ear, he finally fell over.

But he was still not down for the count.

"Have you had enough now, Kōenji?" I asked.

Kōenji unsteadily stood back up on his feet and, to my surprise, sent me a grin.

"This is nothing for a perfect existence like myself," he cooly replied.

What repulsive self-confidence this guy has.

"One final attack?"

"I like how you think, Ayanokōji-boy!"

Kōenji and I dashed towards each other with the intent to hurt. Kōenji raised his left hand while I prepared my right hand.


Both our fists made contact with each other's bodies. That said, I'm... actually glad that somehow we had a silent agreement not to go for the face because it'll be hard to explain why Kōenji is beaten black and blue.

Kōenji's knees buckled, and he eventually, found himself down on his knees. On the other hand, I remained rooted in my feet, an indicator of which of us was able to land the cleaner punch.

"Since you've lost to me, Kōenji... does your claim of being a Perfect Existence still hold merit?" I rhetorically asked.

Of course, it doesn't.

Perfection entails an unblemished mark, and Kōenji had just lost to me in a physical scuffle.

"Of course! After all, the plebian concept of winning or losing is meaningless to an existence such as myself. Besides, I have not lost, have I? I applaud you for fighting me to a draw, Ayanokōji-boy! To think you were actually my equal!"

Kōenji's stance remained firm and unperturbed by the situation.

Does this guy even have common sense? It doesn't work that way!

"A draw? But it's clear who's in a worse state between us," I replied.

"Bah! Semantics, semantics! The fact that I'm still alive, standing, and dashing is proof enough that I have not lost. My perfection is simply judged on the standards set by I, Kōenji Rokusuke, and I still decree myself a perfect existence. Ha Ha Ha!"

"What nonsense. You've landed three gift hits on me while I dodged the rest of your assault. I also did not miss any of my strikes against you, and with the way you're holding your rib, I must have caused temporary damage with my last strike," I replied.

Kōenji's smile turned into a strained one and let out a rather shaky round of laughter.

"L-let's put that in the past, Ayanokōji-boy! All that matters is that you have been acknowledged by the perfect existence," Kōenji replied.

I sighed upon my realization that I was dealing with a very impossible person.

Kōenji Rokusuke simply spat on the face of common sense and norms and operated simply based on how he saw the world.

A draw?

Is he delusional?

"Ah... well, I suppose I'm honored to be acknowledged by you, Kōenji," I replied.

Kōenji let out a hearty, boisterous laugh before he patted me on the back.

"That's the spirit, Ayanokōji-boy! Now, allow me to guide you in this gala mostly flocked by insignificant insects whose parasitical existences led them to live a life restrained by foolish standards," he said.

"A life restrained by foolish standards, huh?"

"Indeed! They believe that money makes them powerful, but that's simply not true! While money makes the world go round, it will not save you when the eye of the storm is unleashed upon you. That pitiful Suzuki is an example of that," he replied.

As annoying as Kōenji sounds, his arguments are not fundamentally false. In fact, they are right... in a rather twisted way.

"That idiotic belief of clinging to the common sense of the world is what separates those parasites to superior beings such myself... and perhaps, even you, Ayanokōji-boy."

Clinging to the common sense of the world is limiting, huh?

I suppose this is where the idiom of thinking outside the box is rooted. It is a blatant rejection of the norms and, instead, encourages a person to think of an unorthodox method to deal with a problem.

"Do you believe in fate, Kōenji?"

Kōenji laughed in my face.

"Fate? That's nonsense! The greatness of Kōenji Rokusuke is not influenced by fate. The greatness of Kōenji Rokusuke is possible because I made it possible, because I am me, a perfect existence. Do you believe in fate, Ayanokōji-boy?"

"I believe in defying the concept of fate."

"That's a good enough answer! But now, let us cease these philosophical discussions and go back to the gala. It's about time for the main course dishes to be served," Kōenji said as he headed towards the door, not even waiting for me to follow him.

He seemed unbothered by his defeat and, instead, was giddy at finding someone that was his "equal."

He wouldn't even admit to losing.

Kōenji Rokusuke... what an impossible man!

But I can definitely learn from this experience.


After grooming ourselves, we made our way back to the gala.

Well, it was more of, Kōenji grooming himself, and then he got pissed off at my lack of care for presentation, which led to me receiving impromptu lessons on grooming.

As he said, "I cannot stand being equal with a man with no regard for how he looks. Thus, it is my duty to bring him up to my level."

Huh, you can definitely learn a lot of things from a narcissist.

Who would have thought?

Kōenji called on a service crew and ordered him to bring samples of each dishes and bring it to his table, which I was now part of.

Most likely, Kōenji made that impossible demand as a result of my admittance that I haven't eaten most of the delicacies the elites enjoy daily.

Which was a suspicion that was eventually proven to be correct.

"As a reward for entertaining me for tonight, Ayanokōji-boy, feel free to indulge yourself in the delicacies provided by the Kōenji Conglomerate. Ha Ha Ha!"

This guy... has a strange way of being nice.

On the other hand, I found myself amused at how obviously strained the blonde sounded as he was speaking. After forcing himself to laugh boisterously, I would notice him clutching his ribs.

That was definitely not a draw, Kōenji.

"Kōenji, are you familiar with Kanzaki Ryūji?" I asked as I took a bite out of the red velvet cake that was on my table.

"That gloomy boy? Yes. He is a boring existence that would rather stay in the shadows, but I do admit that he has an intelligent mind," he replied.

"Very unlike someone of his stature, don't you think?"

Kōenji chuckled.

"That's not something to be surprised about, Ayanokōji-boy. Why have you asked? Didn't you befriend him earlier?"

"Befriend? I'm not sure. But we did have a conversation," I replied.

Our conversation ended there as Kōenji found himself disinterested in discussing about Kanzaki and went back to entertaining the flock of women around him.

Now that I think about it, I'm looking like Kōenji's loner friend that he took pity on.

That's not exactly the image that I want for myself.

With that, I stood up and scanned my surroundings, trying to find a place to fit in.

Target Spotted.

"Kōenji, thank you for your generosity, but I'll have to leave for a while. I haven't properly acquainted myself with most of the people here," I said.

The boy in question simply raised an eyebrow.

"Do you have to? Your earlier display had already ensured that your face was something that these ants would remember. But suit yourself! Perhaps you'll find yourself a couple of women who'd flock to you. But of course, I already have you beat in that regard. Ha Ha Ha!"

The narcissistic blonde-haired boy flipped his hair as he said that. Then, a couple of seconds later, he took out a small card from his inner pocket and handed it to me.

It was a card with his face and his contact information.

"Be honored! It's not every day that the perfect existence willingly hands over his contact information. Reach out when you need it, Ayanokōji-boy."

"Alright. Thanks, Kōenji."

The boy did not even pay me any mind as he was more focused on leering at the large chest of the blue-haired woman who was sitting on his lap.

I may not be adept in terms of common sense, but I know this isn't a normal activity for a fourteen-year-old boy.

I shook my head in amusement and began to walk in the direction of the brown-haired girl I had spotted earlier. By the looks of it, she was simply content watching everything unfold.

Is it just me, or are galas between rich folk simply a matter of old people engaging in a dick-measuring contest while their kids are basically left in "daycare" to fend for themselves?

That is another interesting observation, I suppose.

As I got a little closer to the girl I noted, I began to recognize who she was based on the profiles my father had me read earlier.

Matsushita Chiaki.

She is the daughter of a moderately wealthy family, but amongst those gathered here, they're almost at the very bottom of the hierarchy in terms of wealth and influence.

But that hardly matters.

With how she was observing the gathering in front of her, it already is a hint that she's worth more than most of the people attending the gala.

Incredibly observant, especially with how she immediately turned her blue orbs at me upon noticing that I was looking at her

"Hello," I said and sent the brown-haired girl a wave.

She sent me a smile and, in a coquettish voice, said, "Hello. If it wasn't the star of the show earlier."

"Star of the show?" I quizzically asked.

"Indeed. While I normally turn away from the sight of violence, the way you handled Suzuki earlier was entertaining and quite unique in gatherings like these. I've heard people repeatedly talk about it over the past couple of hours, you know?" she replied.

"Should I be worried about being turned over to the police?" I joked.

"Not really. These people do not care because Suzuki isn't exactly someone important," she replied.

"Quite the brutal tongue for a teenage girl," I pointed out.

"And quite the brutal display for a teenage boy. But I suppose you are at that stage in puberty now," she joked.

"Matsushita Chiaki," she said and extended her right hand to me.

I carefully grabbed her palm and gave the back of her hand a kiss. Well, I wouldn't do this normally, but Matsuo had taught me how this is proper etiquette when handling ladies.

"Ayanokōji Kiyotaka," I replied after parting my lips from her hand.

As I looked up, I saw Matsushita's cheeks turn a bit red, indicating she was flustered. But, like a proper lady, she did not allow that to affect her that much.

"How bold," she said in an attempt to tease me.

"Is that what we're calling proper etiquette these days?"

Matsushita's laughter rang out like music, sounding melodic and refined.

I noted how it was quite different compared to Tsubasa's melody, which was more childish and bubbly.

"Not fair, Ayanokōji-kun. Your tone and facial expressions remain the same no matter what you say," she pouted, which I found cute.

"Blame my father, I guess," I replied.

Matsushita shook her head and giggled.

"So why did you come up to me? I imagine you had fun hanging around the Kōenji heir... you guys are quite the odd pair, if I'm being honest."

"How would you feel being around someone who was flocked with women at least seven years older than him? I need to keep my sanity," I replied.

"You did kind of look like his boring friend who's only there because you were childhood friends. No offense," she said.

"I'm just a little out of place since it's my first time meeting the guy. Besides, I'm not boring right now, am I?"

At least, I hope I'm not.

This day is just too much...

"I suppose you're right. You're surprisingly fun to talk to, Ayanokōji-kun, but we'll have to work on your tone. If you were going to woo women, your voice needs to convey interest," Matsushita replied.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, a faint smile tugging at my lips.

"But wooing women? Did I come across as someone who intended to do that?" I curiously asked.

Matsushita gave me a knowing smile. "I didn't mean it like that. I just think it's a good skill to have, especially in social situations like these. Being able to engage in interesting conversations and make people feel comfortable is important."

I mulled over her words for a moment. She was right, of course. In a world where connections and relationships can dictate your success, having good social skills is a valuable asset.

And that's exactly the point of why I am out here and learning more about the world outside the White Room.

"I see your point," I said. "But wooing women is not really something I'm interested in at the moment."

"And here I thought you were here to flirt with me," she said in mock disappointment.

"How unladylike of you, Matsushita," I replied.

Matsushita's blue orbs made contact with my own before she giggled and shook her head.

"Despite sounding like someone who just came back from the dead, you say incredibly amusing things, Ayanokōji-kun."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Of course, it is. I like people who can make me laugh," Matsushita said.

We fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments, watching the guests mingle and dance around us. It was a pleasant atmosphere, but it was also clear that some guests were only here for social and financial benefits, just like Yamada from earlier.

"I'm curious, Matsushita. Why did you come to this gala? You don't exactly strike me as someone who'd willingly attend these gatherings," I asked.

"Look who's talking," she replied, a sly smile making its way on her face.


She sighed, her expression turning serious. "It's my family's obligation to attend these kinds of events. My parents want to maintain their social status and connections. But honestly, I'd rather be at home reading a good book or practicing my violin."

"I see," I said, nodding in understanding. "But you seem to be handling it well."

"I suppose I have to. It's part of the life I was born into. But it doesn't mean I have to enjoy it," she replied with a small smile.

"Well, I hope you find some enjoyment in tonight, even if it's just a little bit," I said.

"Thanks, Ayanokōji-kun. I think I already found some enjoyment in talking to you," Matsushita replied, her smile widening.

I felt my own lips turn up into a smile in response.

Hmm... seems like I've been trying to smile more times tonight than I normally would. Is this the principle of "fake it till you make it" at work?

"Likewise," I said. "You have definitely helped make this Christmas fun for me."

"Oh, that's right! Merry Christmas, Ayanokōji-kun."

"Merry Christmas, Matsushita."

Phew. This conversation took a lot more out of me than the fight with Koenji did. But it's not because Matsushita wasn't fun to talk to--she really was-- rather, I am just not used to conversing with strangers, and I'm practically just phoning it in with what I've learned from Eiichiro, Matsuo, and the books I've read.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Matsushita taking out her phone from her purse, probably reading a text message from her parents.

Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was now 10:00 PM. So assuming the time and who sent out the message, her parents were probably done for the day and informed her that they would be departing from the gala.

"I'm sorry, Ayanokōji-kun, but I have to go now. My parents are calling for me," she said apologetically.

"I see," I replied.

"I had a great time talking to you," Matsushita said, smiling at me.

"Likewise," I replied, returning her smile.

She stood up from her seat and smoothed out her dress.

"I hope we can talk again soon, so if you do not mind, can we exchange contact information?" Matsushita asked, walking towards me.

"Sure thing," I replied and took out my phone.

After Matsushita and I exchanged numbers, I felt my phone vibrate. Glancing at the Caller ID, I saw that it was Matsushita herself.

"Just making sure you did not give me the wrong number," she winked at me.

"Quite crafty of you. Until next time, Matsushita-san," I said.

Matsushita gave me one last smile before turning around and walking away.

That... was something.

Perhaps if I were not raised in the White Room and grown up in a normal family life, I would have been moved by Matsushita's beauty and elegance.

But that's not a luxury that I have.

I took a deep breath and looked around the room, scanning for familiar faces. There were still a few hours left before the gala ended, and I knew I had to make the most of my time here. After all, I am here on a mission.

With that in mind, I walked towards the refreshment table and poured myself a glass of orange juice. The night was still young, and there were still plenty of people to talk to.


Since both Kōenji and Kanzaki were preoccupied, the former with his horde of women, and the latter talking to someone who looked to be his father, I decided to explore and talk to random people and exchange pleasantries.

I walked around the room, sipping my orange juice and scanning the crowd for interesting individuals. As I walked, I noticed a few people looking in my direction and whispering to each other. I couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious, but I knew that it was all part of the game.

I made my way over to a group of people who were gathered around a young woman who was giving a speech about her charity work. I listened intently as she spoke, and when she finished, I introduced myself and congratulated her on her efforts. She seemed pleased to meet me, and we chatted for a few minutes about her work before I excused myself and moved on to the next group.

I continued this pattern for the rest of the night, moving from group to group and exchanging pleasantries with the guests. It was exhausting work, but I knew that it was necessary to make a good impression.

As I was already drained after conversing with Matsushita, that's really all that I could afford. But it's not like I'm at a loss. If what Matsushita pointed out was correct, and it probably was, I have already garnered the attention of most people at the gala.

Being acquainted with both Kōenji and Kanzaki is victory enough for the night.

"You look like a lost child, Ayanokōji-boy!"

I turned around and saw Kōenji wearing his patented grin, both hands firmly placed on his side.

The signature Kōenji pose, I believe.

"How?" I asked.

"You were aimlessly walking from group to group without a sense of direction. You must still be trying to take your mind off that pretty brown-haired girl, right? Hah! Allow the perfect existence to teach you the basics about women," the blonde-haired boy slung his arm over my shoulder and began dragging me away.

A complete misunderstanding.

"I wasn't aimlessly walking, Kōenji. I was exploring and networking," I corrected him, trying to free myself from his grip.

"Making connections? With who? I didn't see you talking to anyone significant," Kōenji scoffed.

"I talked to a young woman who was doing charity work, and she seemed very interesting," I replied.

"Bah, boring! We stand heads and shoulders above these cretins, so pay them no mind. Now, listen as this Perfect Existence mentors you over things that are actually interesting," he replied, brushing away my complaint.

Kōenji began sharing his experiences in seducing women as well as the various tactics he had employed in doing so. It was... surprisingly elaborate, considering my impression of him.

"That's too elaborate for a fourteen-year-old boy, Kōenji," I replied.

"Nonsense! Says who?"

"Uh... societal norms?"

"As if I could be bothered to care about what a bunch of plebians believes to be appropriate and inappropriate. The only standard that matters is the one that I believe in," he confidently replied.

Just as expected, I guess.

"So, how many girlfriends have you had, Kōenji?"

Kōenji's face actually scrunched up in disgust at my question.

"Girlfriends? None! I find committed relationships to be far too restricting for someone as amazing as myself. Besides, as a magnanimous existence, I have decided to offer myself to as many worthy women as possible. I'm truly wonderful, aren't I? Ha Ha Ha!"

You sound... a little too proud about that fact, Kōenji.

I hope you don't come across a yandere like Yuno Gasai because I have come to enjoy your company a little.

"I couldn't imagine myself being in your situation, Kōenji," I replied.

"There is no shame in admitting inferiority to a perfect existence like myself, Ayanokōji-boy!"

Whatever suits you, Kōenji.

"So how do you find your first gala, Ayanokōji-boy? I could tell this is your first time with how you acted tonight," he asked.

"Rather informative, I must say," I replied.

Kōenji laughed upon hearing this.

"What a boring yet amusing answer."

"Ah, you better get used to it," I replied.

Kōenji shook his head before taking a glance at his watch.

"I am allowed to express dismay whenever I feel like it. That being said, I will have to return, Ayanokōji-boy, for I will have to... entertain a couple of plebians my parents wished for me to talk to," he said as he waved me goodbye.

I waved back and watched as Kōenji walked away, wondering what kind of "entertainment" he had planned for those unfortunate individuals. Shaking my head, I decided it was time for me to settle down and recover my drained social battery.

I headed to the bar stool and simply waited for my father to finish his private meeting with Kiryūin and the others.

What a way to spend Christmas.

I am well aware that this is not how people conventionally spend Christmas, but I have definitely learned a lot from the people I've encountered tonight.

As I turned my head, I was my father walking over in my direction, and upon making eye contact, he spoke:

"Kiyotaka, I'm finished with my meeting. Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yes, Father," I replied, getting up from my seat.

It took a while for us to make our way back to the limousine as we exchanged pleasantries with the remaining guests at the gala.

Once inside the limousine, I immediately slumped into my seat... and can anyone really blame me?

65 days ago, I was a lab rat confined in the white walls of the White Room, and in the 65 days since, had to speedrun a course in social interactions and now was tasked to mingle with people despite not having the skills.

My father really is an insane taskmaster.

"Kiyotaka. How did you find the event?"


"About your mission?"

"Only three people my age caught my interest, but I did manage to interact even with those who I found inferior," I replied.


I nodded my head.

"Kōenji Rokusuke, Kanzaki Ryūji, and Matsushita Chiaki."

"Good choices, but I'm rather curious about the third one. The Matsushita Family is not exactly powerful," he pointed out.

"The daughter is sharp and extremely observant. If my learnings did not betray me, she seems to exude an air similar to Kiryūin Chika, but to a lesser degree due to age," I replied.

"Interesting. If that girl could emulate at least half of Kiryūin's capabilities, she would be a good ally to have. Good work, Kiyotaka... and an interesting way of making your entrance in High Society."

"Ah, you heard about what I did to Suzuki Taichi," I replied.

"Indeed. A skillful display of violence, they say."

"How about the Kōenji and Kanzaki heirs? Were you able to befriend them?"

"Befriend? I doubt our relationship constitutes friendship at the moment, but I did have a rather interesting encounter with Kōenji Rokusuke. He'll make for a great reference material with how brazen and bold he was," I replied.

My father gave a nod.

That was probably the closest thing to a smile that I would see from that man.

"I'm glad that the gala has been fruitful to you, Kiyotaka. Use what you've learned here to mold yourself into someone who will eventually rule Japan," he said.

When I eventually rule Japan, huh?

If I rule Japan, I might just make Christmas an official holiday here.

After all, my first Christmas... has definitely made a mark on me

And I will never forget this.

End of Chapter

A/N: I hope I haven't written these fourteen-year-olds older than they actually are. But I'd assume that fourteen-year-old Koenji would be more or less the same, just more brazen, so I hope you guys also had fun with his interactions with Kiyo.

Another girl enters the race in stalker-chan, Matsushita Chiaki. She will definitely have a bigger role in this story, so watch out for her. What do you think about her interaction with Kiyo? Hopefully, it doesn't sound too forced.

But of course, Kiyo is the exception to this, as he was basically winging things to complete his mission. Luckily for him, even if he was forcing it, he had definitely learned lots from the residents of the Ayanokouji mansion and Tsubasa... so he wasn't too lost in terms of talking to people.

Oh yeah... and to those who anticipated Fuka upon the introduction of her mother, she's not coming in just yet. I doubt she'd willingly go to a gala with a bunch of people she feels aren't worth her time, and her mother isn't the type to force her daughter if she's against it... quite the chill mom, isn't she? It's different from Koenji-god, who wants to be surrounded by women.

See you in Chapter 4, where there'll be a significant jump in time. About canon COTE, perhaps we'll get there by Chapter 6? Let's see!