
Classroom of the Elite: Liquid Inspiration

(A re-telling of Classroom of the Elite sparked by a certain conversation between Masterpiece and Professor.) One day, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka receives a surprising invitation from his father, Ayanokouji Atsuomi, to join him for a drink. It was unusual for Kiyotaka, who normally wouldn't be summoned by his father without a hidden agenda. That's why even the emotionless Kiyotaka was surprised when his father began to open up about his own experiences with love and relationships. For the emotionally distant "masterpiece," this conversation is a rare moment of connection with his father, and it sparked a curiosity within him to explore the world of human relationships, to be more specific: romance and intimacy. It was that spark that pushed Kiyotaka to demand something from his father: "Father, teach me everything about human relationships." This then begins a ripple that changes how Ayanokouji Kiyotaka would approach the world in the foreseeable future.

StrongStyle777 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Vol 0. Chapter 1 - Baby Steps

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

When I asked my father about allowing me to integrate into society, I expected a resounding no. That's why I was stunned when he actually agreed to what I proposed.

Was the world perhaps changing?

Has hell frozen over?

Probably not.

But Ayanokouji Atsuomi was never one to do things on a whim. There is an agenda behind his every move... it's how he became a threat so dangerous that powerful figures had to bond together just to suppress his influence.

This leads me to the question...

How does humoring the request of his 'masterpiece' prove to be beneficial to him?

I do not believe that our small talk about human relationships moved him. All I did was present observable facts that he had known even before I was born. There was nothing groundbreaking in our discussion.

Did he perhaps develop some semblance of positive affection toward me?


He is a man that is incapable of love... just like me, perhaps. The only thing that drives him is his incredible willpower to propel him to reach his unimaginable ambitions.

Or perhaps...

Did my early graduation from the White Room curriculum lead him to decide it was time to allow me to gradually be integrated into human society?

If so... that's simply unfortunate because that means that I would be the only one who would be able to experience something like this.

It would have been... what those books call fun if I had someone else with me.

Aristotle, in his work, Nicomachean Ethics, did say: Without friends, no one would want to live, even if he had all the other goods.

Perhaps finding people who would be able to understand me would give me reasons to live beyond the life that I am leading.

To live listlessly, simply waiting for another person's command... is a way of life that I have grown to dislike.

I wanted to be able to make decisions on my own.

I do not know when these thoughts began plaguing my mind, but now, especially when a carrot has been offered to me, this desire throbbed harder by the moment.


My first desire... was freedom.

Perhaps that's to be expected, given the environment in which I was raised. Humans, without exception, crave the most for the one thing they could never have.

For a chained bird such as myself, that would be freedom.

But that would have to wait.

Acting in haste would simply lead to me losing the privileges that I earned last night. For now, I will play by my father's rules, to be his instrument in the vision he wishes to actualize.

And when the time comes... I will unbind the chains myself.



Getting off my bed, I walked toward the door and twisted the handle. As the door was opened, I was once again met with the figure of Hamada.

"It's time for breakfast, Kiyotaka-sama," he said.

"Thank you, Hamada. I will head downstairs in a couple of moments," I replied before I went back inside the room to arrange my luggage as well as the books I wished to bring outside.

With that done, I immediately exited my room, with Hamada following not that far behind.

After exactly one minute and fifteen seconds, we found ourselves in the dining room.

From what I have read from certain books, this is not an ideal set-up for breakfast.

The dining table only had one occupied chair, the one being occupied by my father, with a horde of staff standing still across the table, ready to fulfill whatever command requested of them.

"Sit down, Kiyotaka," he said.

"Good morning, father," I greeted before sitting down on a chair that was just across from him.

He simply grunted before raising a hand, signaling one of the kitchen staff to serve what was to be our breakfast.

A few seconds later, a staff walked toward our table and brought us our food.

I nodded at the staff before turning my attention to my food.

"Itadakimasu," I said, uttering a small prayer for the sake of etiquette.

"Have you prepared everything, Kiyotaka?" He asked in between bites.

"Yes, father. I brought all the essentials as well as books to pass the time," I replied.

"I see."

That was the end of our conversation as we simply ate our breakfast in silence.

This was for the best. I would find it a little unnerving if, somehow, this man would attempt to engage me in more small talk.

I would find that unpleasant.


After breakfast, I immediately headed back to my room to brush my teeth and take a bath. It did not take me long to finish these tasks, and so, within ten minutes, I descended downstairs with all my luggage in hand.

"As efficient as ever. Good job, Kiyotaka."

I simply turned my head to my father and nodded at him.

Two burly men, part of my father's security forces, took my bags from me, presumably loading them up on the limousine or whatever vehicle there was outside.

Before we could exit, however, my father called upon a dark-haired man who looked around the same age as my father.

He wore a dark-colored suit with a crisp white shirt, complete with a bowtie. The posture of the man exuded a sense of formality, elegance, and professionalism--the aura of a stereotypical butler.

"Kiyotaka, this is Matsuo Keiji. Throughout your stay outside the White Room, he shall serve as your butler and acting guardian while I am not around. He will be in charge of helping you integrate into society," my father said.

Matsuo bowed, his open right hand placed on his chest.

"A pleasure to meet you, Kiyotaka-sama," he said.

"A pleasure to meet you as well, Matsuo-san. I'll be in your care," I replied.

My father looked at Matsuo and then at me before he spoke.

"With that out of the way, let's now move," he said.

Matsuo, my father, and I, alongside the security forces, moved out of the facility.

It fascinates me how the security forces moved synchronously. Each step matched, even the most subtle of body language matched.

As expected of men who were once part of the military's elite, I suppose.

Soon, we were seated inside the limousine. As I expected, it was colored white.

I wonder... what is the reason for my father's fixation with the color white.

My father sat in front alongside the driver while Matsuo and I were seated at the back, sitting across one another. The security forces served as a convoy as they occupied the second limousine that drove just behind us.

"Kiyotaka-sama, is this your first time outside the facility?" Matsuo asked, sending a smile my way.

"Hm... the second time, I believe. My first time outside... was not fun. I hope this time will be better than that experience."

Matsuo simply nodded and said nothing. He simply sent me a look that I was unfamiliar with.

When I was seven years old, my father first brought me to the outside world. In fact, he even took me overseas, straight to the heart of the Empire State: New York City.

It was a traumatic experience for me as I imagined that I would be able to see the world through my curious eyes, but what ended up happening was myself being treated like a circus spectacle, witnessed by an audience consisting of the world's richest and most powerful people.

Their eyes were those of people examining a product, not eyes of people in awe at the feats a seven-year-old child can do.

I hated it.

Now, I suppose one could ask... how can someone who was trained in a facility like the White Room experience feelings such as hate?

Even without the environment that would foster certain emotions in humans, feelings such as joy and hate are innate feelings that humans would discover at certain points in their lives. It is unrealistic to say that it is impossible for a human to feel joy or hate. All it needed was a specific trigger to burst open those emotions.

For me, it was the realization that people were not treating me like a human. It took me some time to realize it, but the uncomfortable feeling I harbored that day... was that of hate.

That being said, we weren't forbidden to have emotions in the White Room. But the environment is simply controlled to the extent that children trained in the White Room simply do not find a trigger to exhibit normal human emotions.

For example: how can you feel love when all your life you do not know what constitutes love? How can you feel joy when all your life you do not know what constitutes joy? How can you feel fear when experiences that are supposed to induce fear end up being everyday activities, thus removing their meaning?

That's the environment of the White Room.

This is why, I said, that as efficient as the White Room was in nurturing humans, there needs to be a second phase to it that would allow us to seamlessly integrate into society.

There is no meaning in humanity if you do not have the capacity to feel anything or understand why you do the things that you do.

I know that myself, but the problem is... I do not know how these feelings actually work.

To put it simply: I have theoretical knowledge, but my lack of practical knowledge negates my understanding of the concept.

This is what I desire to know in this little excursion: to discover the missing piece of the puzzle that would, indeed, make me realize the meaning of my existence... the significance of what I would eventually become.

"Matsuo," I called out to the butler sitting across me.

"Yes, Kiyotaka-sama?"

"Do you have a family?"

An odd question, but something I raised due to sheer curiosity. I am not educated in family dynamics because I have never been in one. My own father... is more or less just another person that wishes to exploit me.

"Yes, Kiyotaka-sama. I have a wife and a son. My wife died three years ago, but we still managed to live a happy family life. My son is named Eiichiro. He's a year younger than you. He seems to be quite the sociable and likable kid if all the other kids around him were any indicator," Matsuo replied, a smile gracing his face upon describing his son.

I do not know what to take away from what Matsuo said, but somehow, I feel like it would be nice if someone talked about me in the same manner.

"I see."

"I think Eiichiro would be interested in befriending you, Kiyotaka-sama," he added.

"Befriend?" I asked.

"Yes, and I believe it would be a good thing for both of you. Eiichiro would benefit from befriending someone as brilliant as you, and you would benefit by learning how the basic dynamics of human relationships work. It would take some time, but I believe you can adapt to it, Kiyotaka-sama."

A mutually beneficial relationship with no strings attached?

Was that even a possibility?

"I see. I hope that would be the case, Matsuo," I replied.

"I will make sure of it, Kiyotaka-sama," he replied.

I simply nodded before taking out a book entitled Crime and Punishment. After taking out the bookmark, my eyes were glued to a specific line in the book. My eyes lingered on the words for a few seconds before I moved on.

The words?

"The whole question here is: am I a monster, or a victim myself?"

Coincidences can be freaky...


About an hour into the ride, the limousine stopped in its tracks, indicating that we had arrived at our destination-- my father's mansion in Tokyo.

As the limousine emitted a beeping sound, the gates slowly opened not long after, revealing a long driveway lined with trees and a grand fountain in the center of the courtyard.

As I stepped out of the limousine, I immediately took in the colorful scenery in front of me. The shades of blue, green, and brown, amongst other colors, filled my eyes. I could see the grandeur of the mansion in full view. The towering turrets, intricate stonework, and grand entrance all spoke of a bygone era of elegance and refinement.

Of course, it wasn't much, but considering that I endured an environment where all I could see was white, this was an incredible change of scenery.

Most importantly, the view from above was no longer the empty, white ceilings of the White Room.

"It's been a while since I saw clouds with my own eyes," I muttered under my breath.

I noticed Matsuo sending me a glance from the side, his eyes showing an emotion akin to sadness.

Was my words... that sad to hear?

"You will be seeing a lot of them moving forward, Kiyotaka-sama," Matsuo said as he patted me on my back.

Thank you, Matsuo.

"Kiyotaka, Matsuo, get moving!"

At my father's orders, Matsuo and I began walking alongside the entourage.

Glancing to my right, I saw the place where I would be staying in for the meantime.

A mansion.

A rather large one at that.

"Do you like the place, Kiyotaka-sama?" Matsuo asked, having noticed my focused examination of the mansion's exterior.

I nodded my head.

"It's not color white," I replied.

Matsuo chuckled at my response.

Did I make a good joke? If so, I am glad.

"You'll like it even more once we get inside, Kiyotaka-sama," he replied.

I nodded before following Matsuo inside the mansion.

As I walked through the front door, I was greeted by the sight of soaring ceilings, marble floors, and grand chandeliers. The air was thick with the scent of fresh flowers, and the sound of classical music filled the halls.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

So, this is the world beyond the white walls...

After retrieving my luggage from the security forces, who were done examining the things I brought in, Matsuo led me through a grand hallway, past numerous rooms, and finally into my own suite.

The room was spacious and luxurious, with a grand four-poster bed, plush furnishings, and a sweeping view of the gardens outside.

"You are right, Matsuo. This place looks better on the inside," I replied as I continued appraising my room as well as other parts of the mansion.

"I'm glad. I took care of the interior design myself, after all."

Matsuo's an impressive man, isn't he?

To think all these impressive sights were derived from his ideas.

But I should have expected this. My father will not hire someone unless they're the very best in their field.

"Will we be the only people here, Matsuo?" I asked.

Matsuo shook his head.

"Your father, Atsuomi-sama, will be here from time to time, and there will also be some maids who will help out with housekeeping. Also, my son Eiichiro will be moving here for the time being. It has been agreed upon by myself and your father that gradual interaction with another person your age is necessary for the first couple of weeks before you start being exposed to more unfamiliar territory," Matsuo explained.

"How intriguing. Has a roadmap pertaining to my education already been made? That's too quick," I asked.

Matsuo chuckled.

"Not yet, Kiyotaka-sama, but we have already begun planning how exactly you will be integrated into society. A detailed roadmap will be produced by the end of the week at most. You should have expected this considering how your father operates," he replied.

I nodded my head in response before turning my gaze to the garden outside.

"A top-notch taskmaster," I replied.

"Indeed," was Matsuo's brief reply.

"But I assume your son has yet to be told of this, considering this trip had only been agreed upon last night."

"That's correct, Kiyotaka-sama, but he will be informed at my earliest convenience," Matsuo replied.

"I see."



As we heard a knock on my room, Matsuo immediately walked towards the door and opened it. After a couple of seconds, Matsuo closed the door once more, and upon facing me, I noticed there were about five books in his hand.

"For today, Kiyotaka-sama, you are tasked to read all of these books to give you a rough idea of what's to be expected of you now that you are slowly being integrated into society. If you need me, you may press the intercom button located there," Matsuo paused as he pointed his hand to an intercom system located in the room.

"That would be all, Kiyotaka-sama. Have a great day," Matsuo handed me the five books that were in his hand before he left my room.

I immediately grabbed each of the books, and read its synopsis, part of its first chapters as well as the last couple of pages in the book to get a rough idea of what it was all about.

Hmm... these seem to be decent books.

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Thinking, Fast and Slow

How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships


Why did father even assign this book for me to read?

I grabbed the one oddity out of the pile, simply for the sake of looking at it.

It has a different message compared to the other books.

The Art of Seduction

Manipulation and deceit...

How incredibly rotten of you, Ayanokouji Atsuomi.


It has been three days since I began living in my father's mansion in Tokyo. He made good on his promise of always keeping an eye on me, as I could feel several eyes focusing on me at every turn. Although, this does not exactly bother me as I am not acting in defiance of him.

About the five books Matsuo brought, which were apparently curated by my father, I have learned certain things that would definitely help me in my ventures moving forward. However, the fact remains that I still do not know how to apply it in a practical setting.

The closest experience that I've got was conversing with Matsuo, as well as the maids, but I doubt they count given that they are in the direct employ of our family and, as such, are obliged to humor my whims so long as it does not make them uncomfortable.

Today was supposed to change all that because today would be the day that I would meet Matsuo's son Eiichiro.

After eating my breakfast, brushing my teeth, taking a bath, and dressing up, I immediately headed downstairs to the living room to indulge myself in Television.

While televisions have existed for more or less six decades now, it is a recent luxury to me, which is why I take all the chances that I can to watch a television show.

After plugging in the wires, using the remote to turn the devices on, and putting the CD inside the CD player, I sat on the couch and leaned back against the cushy backrest of the couch.

A few seconds after tinkering with the remote, the screen reflected the show I wanted to watch, a show called Cowboy Bebop.

I do not have a particular interest in the show, but Matsuo said that Eiichiro's friend, Tsubasa, said it was a good show to watch for someone who wanted to see a show that has a somewhat realistic portrayal of human relationships.

I must admit, though, that Tsubasa has good taste in this thing they call anime.

I am learning some things every episode, which is good progress.

"Kiyotaka-sama, would you like me to get you some ice cream?" Asuka, one of the maids, asked upon noticing that I had occupied the couch.

Upon hearing the words ice cream, my head did a subconscious nod, to which Asuka giggled.


I wonder why ice cream has that kind of effect on me. Was it because of the fact that I hadn't tasted it until I got here? Or was it because I couldn't get enough of its tasty sensation?

Or maybe both?

It's probably both.

Speaking of ice cream, Asuka came into the living room carrying a tub of vanilla ice cream.

Ah, is this how it feels to live?

"Here you go, Kiyotaka-sama!" Asuka said as she put the tub on the table across the couch I was currently on.

"Thank you, Asuka," I replied.

After three more episodes of Cowboy Bebop, the door to the mansion opened, revealing Matsuo and a person who's about the same age as me, this must be his son, Eiichiro.

"Dad, this place is seriously too big! Too big, I tell you!" I heard Eiichiro exclaim as his eyes roamed all over.

"I know, Eiichiro-kun, but you better get used to it since you'll be living here for a while," Matsuo replied.

Matsuo must have noticed my eyes on them as he turned his head to me and sent me a smile.

"Let's go and greet the young master of this house, shall we?" Matsuo said to Eiichiro, who simply followed his father, who was approaching me.

"Good morning, Matsuo."

"Yo, good morning!" Eiichiro greeted me, leading me to be confused.

Matsuo laughed.

"He was calling for me, Eiichiro-kun. But I suppose it's time I introduce you both. Eiichiro-kun, this is the son of my boss, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Kiyotaka-sama, this is my son Matsuo Eiichiro."

"Oh, that's right. You're both Matsuo. My bad," I replied.

Eiichiro chuckled, leading me to look at him strangely. The other boy immediately noticed this and waved his hands in front of me.

"Ah, I didn't mean anything by it, Ayanokouji-san! I just found your empty tone a little amusing," he bluntly clarified.

"Ah, I see."

Eiichiro said nothing and proceeded to sit on the same couch I was on before sending me a grin. Soon, his head turned to the TV screen, which played Episode 8 of Cowboy Bebop. The boy then had a look of realization on his face and turned to Matsuo.

"So that's the reason you asked me for anime recommendations!" He exclaimed.

"Indeed," Matsuo replied.

"Say, how do you like Cowboy Bebop, Ayanokouji-san? Wait... since your father also lives here, would it be fine if I called you Kiyotaka? It'd be confusing if I call you both Ayanokouji, you know? You can call m Eiichiro in exchange!"

Eiichiro's social skills are miles above mine, it would seem. It didn't take him any effort to converse with someone he had just met.

Perhaps I will learn something from this.

"The show is certainly educational. I can tell how human these characters are. Also, yes, you can call me Kiyotaka, Eiichiro."

"Cool! So how's living in a mansion like this, Kiyotaka?"

Cool? I suppose that's a good word.

"It's a new experience, I must say."

"Dad says you still don't have friends. You want to be friends, Kiyotaka?"

Eiichiro's energy is almost limitless, doesn't it? I think he's one of the people whose social batteries are always fully charged.

"Friends? Doesn't it take plenty of memories together before people can call each other friends?" I asked.

Eiichiro laughed.

"That's silly, Kiyotaka! Friendships just happen, you know? If you feel like you like that person's vibe, you can just ask them if you want to be friends. It's that easy!" Eiichiro said as he patted me on my back.

"Hm... I have indeed read about that. But I guess it is different when we talk about the real world. I'm still not used to it," I replied.

Eiichiro raised his left hand and pointed at himself using his thumb.

"Don't worry, Kiyotaka! Eiichiro-sama will teach you about the wonders of friendship!"

"I'll be in your care."

I returned to eating my ice cream as Eiichiro joined me in watching Cowboy Bebop. Turning my head to my right, I saw Matsuo looking at us with a smile.

I suppose this feeling is not all that bad.

Eiichiro's assertiveness about being friends... was a new sensation, but it wasn't unpleasant.

"By the way... are you seriously going to eat an entire tub of ice cream, Kiyotaka?" Eiichiro asked.

I turned my head to the boy and simply nodded.

Eating a tub of ice cream is normal, right?



It's been three weeks since Matsuo's son, Eiichiro, moved into the mansion.

I must say... I have learned a lot simply from observing how Eiichiro acts. While I wouldn't be able to replicate his social skills, I believe I have developed a sense of discerning how people think in more mundane situations.

For example, if Eiichiro is sleepy, he keeps stomping his feet on the ground. Another example would be if Eiichiro wanted to talk, he would have a big grin on his face before doing so.

It's not just him.

I have also noticed that if Asuka wanted something, she'd give me ice cream.

Basically, what I'm getting at, is the fact that I am improving in terms of reading people and reacting to their actions.

While still at what Eiichiro calls "baby steps," it is still good progress.

Aside from Eiichiro, I have also been picking up things from his father, Matsuo Keiji, and the friendly maid, Asuka.

A positive living environment had indeed provided me with substantial realizations that I would still need to understand intimately.

The Learning from Doing principle.

"Kiyotaka! Just touch grass and stop taking notes, man!"

Eiichiro's boisterous voice made itself known outside my door.

"What do you want, Eiichiro?" I asked.

"Dad told me you can go outside now! Since it's Saturday, I'll be introducing you to Tsubasa-chan. It'll do you good to have a female friend, you know?"

Ah, right. A day after we met, his father, Matsuo Keiji, informed him of his 'mission,' and the younger Matsuo immediately agreed and made it a mission to ensure that I, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, wouldn't be seen as a defective robot.

I take offense to that, Eiichiro.

I am a normal teenage boy.

Also, a female friend? I guess Eiichiro has a point there. Books have taught me that having a female friend would improve your reputation. Let's see if that holds true in the real world.

"Fine fine, I'll be going out in a while. I still have to write down my observations from yesterday," I replied.

"Bah! What a robot," Eiichiro replied.

I shook my head and continued journaling. The book I've read said that journaling is a good habit, so I don't see what's wrong with it.

After five minutes, I was done with my journal. I placed the notebook on top of my shelf before putting on some shoes and exiting the room.

"I've waited forever, Kiyotaka!" Eiichiro joked.

"I've only kept you waiting for exactly six minutes and nine seconds," I replied.

Eiichiro grinned at the number I'd mentioned for some reason.

What a weird boy.

"Hehe, sixty-nine," I heard Eiichiro mutter to himself before coughing.

Interesting. It seems like there's some significance to the number 69. I might look it up later on the internet.

"So where are we supposed to meet this Tsubasa, Eiichiro?" I asked.

"Oh, we'll just meet her at the park. It's just about a ten-minute walk, so we don't have to use a limousine," Eiichiro replied.


Eiichiro and I headed downstairs, and before we exited the mansion, we asked permission from Matsuo, to which he allowed us to go and gave us an envelope containing a wad of cash. However, we would still be watched from a distance.

"I'm so proud! It's like watching a baby walk for the first time!"

I turned my head to my left and sent Eiichiro a dry look, although I am pretty sure my face remained the same for him. But the point still stands: I sent him a dry look.

"I'm older than you, Eiichiro," I replied.

"But you got the social skills of a toddler, so I am your senpai, Kiyotaka."

Hm. No arguments there, but I learned that sometimes, friendly banter is good for improving friendships, so I will respond.

"And you got the dick of a toddler," I replied.

"Y-You! Where did you even learn how to use that word, Kiyotaka?"

"I looked it up on the internet when you said I was being a dick. I do not see how I was a penis when all I did was keep winning our board games," I replied.

"On the internet? Kiyotaka... let me have your phone for a while," Eiichiro requested.

"Why?" I asked.

"I need to clarify some things, okay?" He countered.

I shrugged and handed over my phone.

Eiichiro and I stopped walking for a while as Eiichiro was doing something with my phone, and I was looking at what he was doing.

I saw Eiichiro open the Google Chrome application and tap on browser history.

Oh... that's a little embarrassing.

"What the hell is this, Kiyotaka?!" Eiichiro exclaimed as he showed me my browser history.

I simply raised an eyebrow. What is so strange about that?

"You literally googled everything you hear, man! I can't... how is a fourteen-year-old searching for 'what is a dick,' 'average dick size for Japanese men,' and 'what is hentai' on their browser. At least use incognito mode! And what the hell is with the second one, Kiyotaka?!"

"It's not my fault you keep saying degeneracy, Eiichiro," I replied.

Eiichiro sighed.

"Just... don't tell Tsubasa-chan I said those things to you, alright? She might kick my ass," Eiichiro said in a whisper.


Eiichiro and I continued walking, and about seven minutes later, we arrived at the park. There were plenty of kids playing, and they all seemed to have big smiles on their faces.

One thing that I've noticed, however, is that... Eiichiro and I, alongside the blonde-haired girl sitting on the bench, are the oldest-looking people around.

Oh, I was wrong. I was simply looking at the playground.

There were adults on the other side.

"Is that blonde-haired girl... Tsubasa?" I asked.

"Oh, you've spotted her already? You got really keen eyes, Kiyotaka!"

"Of course," I replied.

Eiichiro waved his arms around to the blonde-haired girl, who immediately noticed it. Now that she's facing us properly... I couldn't help but think that she looks like a puppy... a very adorable one.

Eiichiro laughed hard, so I tilted my head in confusion.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"You said Tsubasa-chan looked like a puppy," he replied.

"Did I say that out loud?"

Eiichiro coughed and said in a voice that was supposed to imitate my own, "She looks like a puppy... a very adorable one."

I remained silent as I saw the blonde-haired girl approach us. She had a cute pout on her face... probably a result of overhearing what Eiichiro said.

"Who's a puppy, Eiichiro no baka?!"

"Ehhh? He said it, not me!" Eiichiro pointed his index finger at me, and I simply raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Just this once, I am thankful for having a nigh-permanent blank look on my face because I believe I have escaped from stepping on a dangerous landmine.

"Stop lying, Eiichiro! You probably told him about me and then passed on your words as his when you realized that I heard about it."

"Hello. I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka," I introduced myself to save Eiichiro from further interrogation.

"Oh! You're the Kiyotaka that Eiichiro was talking about. I'm Nanase Tsubasa. Nice you meet you, senpai! Senpai is fine, right? I mean, Eiichiro did say you're a year older than us," she said, rubbing the back of her head as she did.

"Hm? Call me however you want," I replied.

"Okay~! I'll call you Kiyotaka-senpai, then! And as for me, you should call me Tsubasa!"

"Tell me, Kiyotaka-senpai, how did you like Cowboy Bebop? It was awesome, right?" Tsubasa asked excitedly.

I nodded my head.

"I learned a lot from it," I replied.

"I knew you'd like it! Anyways, Eiichiro, where are we going?"

Like Tsubasa, I turned my head toward Eiichiro, who organized this trip.

"Since Kiyotaka hasn't really been exposed to large crowds yet, I don't think we should force it right away. I was thinking about going to the newest restaurant near the downtown area so we can eat and talk. It's about lunchtime now, you know?"

"You haven't been in large crowds? So you haven't attended school at all, Kiyotaka-senpai?" Tsubasa asked.

I shook my head.

"I have been homeschooled my entire life," I replied.

It was the cover story made for me by Matsuo, and in a way, it was true. The White Room had been my home for the past fourteen years, so technically, I have been homeschooled.

"But get this, Tsubasa! Kiyotaka here had already gotten the accreditation to go to high school!" Eiichiro said.

"Woah! That's amazing, Kiyotaka-senpai! You must be a special type of genius," Tsubasa said in praise.

"I suppose. But I'm stopping school for a year. I plan on entering high school with people my age as my classmates," I replied.

This time, it was the truth.

In the roadmap engineered by my father and other White Room instructors, I will be spending the next year and a half developing the necessary emotions, communication, and social skills. Afterward, I am going to be enrolled in a school where I would be protected from the prying eyes of my father's opposition for the next three years, as well as apply what I have learned in my time both inside and outside the White Room.

The school was named Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, an academic institution that clashes with the educational philosophy of the White Room. It is a government-backed institution that had isolated itself from the rest of Japan. Despite this, however, its state-curated curriculum and teaching methods allowed it to be given the distinction of being Japan's finest high school.

"Which school are you planning to get into, Kiyotaka-senpai?" Tsubasa asked.

"Advanced Nurturing High School," I replied.

Tsubasa's eyes widened at my words before she excitedly said,

"I've been planning to go there for high school too! Wait for me, eh, Kiyotaka-senpai?"


The conversation stopped there as I simply took in the sights of downtown Tokyo while we were walking. I could notice Eiichiro staring at me from time to time with a proud smile on his face.

I suppose it is indeed a wonderful feeling that I have been allowed to be free... even if I'm constantly under surveillance.

Every day that I have spent outside the White Room has given me experiences that I would never be able to feel if I had stayed there.

And it's only been three weeks.

One small step for me, one giant leap for products of human experimentation.


It did not take long for Tsubasa, Eiichiro, and myself to arrive at the newly opened restaurant. I have to admit... that I am in awe upon seeing the menu.

There simply are too many foods to choose from.

"The food is too expensive here, Eiichiro!" Tsubasa complained.

I turned my head to her and attempted to give her a reassuring look, but I don't know if I actually looked reassuring.

"Don't worry about the money, Tsubasa. It's my treat today to commemorate our... friendship," I said.

It was a phrase that I learned from the internet-- truly a helpful tool in allowing me to communicate.

That being said, I could have sworn Tsubasa's eyes sparkled upon hearing my words.

"Really, Kiyotaka-senpai?! You're the best!" The blonde-haired girl exclaimed as she sent me a smile.

She's really cute.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Eiichiro looking at me with a grin plastered on his face.

"You're learning, Kiyotaka! That's all there is to friendships, you know? If there's a vibe, you vibe!"

If it works that way, then I am in no position to complain. I'll just have to make sense of that logic, however.

Eiichiro, as annoying as he can be, has proven himself to be extremely valuable as a resource to learn from. Also, if he wasn't teasing me, he is rather earnest in helping me see how normal humans operate.

I'd be glad to have someone like him by my side.

"Eiichiro's right, Kiyotaka-senpai! I'm glad you're considering me as a friend!"

Tsubasa... I have a nice feeling about her, so if she wants to be my friend, then she can be my friend... in due time.

That's what you taught me, right, Eiichiro?

To not overthink things... and to sometimes, just go with the flow.

But I must admit, I still do not have a profound understanding of how friendships actually work, so I do not know if I am actually taking the right approach.

At the moment, however, I am simply calling Tsubasa a friend for the sake of calling her a friend. Hopefully, I will be able to find my own answer as to what actually constitutes friendships.

Does this entail a certain level of trust? A certain level of comfort? Simply feeling the vibe? Or a combination of all those factors?

For now, I'd only consider Eiichiro as a 'friend,' but at the same time, he is a useful tool that is helping me realize how human relationships work.

Now... that's a little complicated. Can you be friends with someone you consider a tool? Can a tool eventually become a friend?

Or perhaps they can both go hand-in-hand?

Hm... I will soon find out.

"Kiyotaka, what are you spacing out for?" Eiichiro asked in worry.

I shook my head before facing the staff and telling her what my order was.

"That's... a lot of ice cream, Kiyotaka-senpai," Tsubasa pointed out upon hearing what I ordered.

I couldn't resist trying out new flavors of ice cream.

"Is it weird?" I asked.

"Not in particular, if it's your first time trying it out," Tsubasa replied.

"I see. Thanks, Tsubasa."

"It's definitely weird, Tsubasa-chan! The guy eats an entire tub of ice cream on his own. An entire tub!"


"Oh, that was weird? I'll restrain myself the next time," I replied.

Tsubasa giggled at my response while Eiichiro snickered.

Why do people get a kick out of the things I say?

Were they actually funny?

"There's that look again, Kiyotaka! No, you weren't funny. It was... so pathetic that it's funny," Eiichiro replied.

I see.

"Not as pathetic as your-"

Eiichiro immediately covered up my mouth before I could drop a bomb that would have ruined his reputation.

"SHHH! That's between men!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Tsubasa asked.

"Eiichiro's luck in board games. He always loses," I replied.

Eiichiro shot me a grateful look for not revealing the fact that he had a rather... modest pet. Don't worry, Eiichiro. I will protect your dignity.

"That's right! I think he has never won a round before... not even when we were playing with classmates!"

"Even cool guys like me have their flaws, you know?" Eiichiro said in an attempt to defend himself.

Tsubasa simply looked at Eiichiro like he was the biggest idiot in the world before laughing in his face.

Even the cute puppy can be mean, huh?

A few moments later, the server arrived with the meals that we had ordered.


After we offered up our thanks, we began eating our food... but considering we bought a lot of them, I think it would take us some time to finish everything off.

There were three plates on Eiichiro's side, four on Tsubasa, and... while I only had one plate, there were seven smaller plates containing ice cream on my side.

I first tasted the cookies and cream flavor, then tasted the strawberry flavor next.

It's really delicious.

It would seem that no matter the flavor, ice cream would always be delicious... or if there are any deplorable flavors, I hope I never get to taste them.

As I was 'happily' eating my ice cream, I could notice Tsubasa shooting me a look that was not offensive in any way, but rather, a look that somehow said, 'He looks like a little kid.'

"Is something on my face, Tsubasa?" I asked before eating another scoop of ice cream.

"You look like a little kid when eating ice cream, Kiyotaka-senpai," she replied, affirming my intuition.

"I see. That's normal, I guess. One of the books I've read said that sometimes, food brings out our inner child," I replied, using a made-up quote just to prove a point.

Tsubasa giggled before turning her attention back to the food in front of her.

"Did someone actually say that?" Eiichiro whispered to me.

"No. I made that up," I replied.

"That really could have come from a self-help book, though. Maybe you should write one in the future," Eiichiro said.

"Hmm... might be a good idea," I replied absentmindedly as my attention was still on the food and desserts in front of me.

Eiichiro then got closer to me and whispered,

"You are right... Tsubasa-chan does look like a puppy," he said as he observed Tsubasa's messy eating habits.

"Shh... she'll hear you," I whispered back before grabbing some tissue papers that I handed to Tsubasa.

Tsubasa's cheeks reddened a little upon noticing why I had to hand her those tissue papers.

"Sorry, Kiyotaka-senpai!! The food was just too good," Tsubasa said, her eyes once again looking like they were sparkling.

"That's fine. Indulge yourself, Tsubasa," I replied.

Tsubasa beamed at that and went back to eating her food.

Eiichiro and I did the same, and within twenty or so minutes, we consumed all of our food.

"Man, is this what they mean by 'eating like a king'? I haven't been able to indulge myself in food like this for quite some time, you know?" Eiichiro said.

"Me too! Thanks for the treat, Kiyotaka-senpai!"

"Eiichiro... how do you call for the bill?" I asked.

Eiichiro looked at me for a couple of seconds before his eyes widened.

"Wait... is this your first time entering a restaurant?" Eiichiro asked.

I nodded my head.

"Hm. That's fine. I'll show you how to do it, Kiyotaka," he replied before he motioned for one of the staff to come over to our table.

"Good day, sir. How may I help you?" The female staff who approached us asked.

"Hello miss, can we ask for the bill for our table? Thank you!" Eiichiro replied.

The staff simply nodded and headed back to the cashier area before returning to our table, carrying something in her hands.

"Here's the bill for your meal, sir," she replied.

Eiichiro passed over the slip to me.

15,000 Yen?

That was quite expensive. Good thing Matsuo gave us 30,000 Yen to use.

I took out the envelope from my pockets and took out the exact amount from it before I turned the slip over to the female staff.

The staff returned to the cashier before returning to our table and showing us our receipt.

"Thank you so much for your patronage," she said as she bowed.

"Thank you as well for your service," the three of us echoed.

"Now that we're done with eating, where should we go next? The movie theater or the mall?" Eiichiro asked me.

"Hmm... I want to try going to the mall. How about you, Tsubasa?" I answered before consulting with the other member of our trio.

"Eh, I'll go wherever Kiyotaka-senpai wants to go! It's his first time visiting the mall, right? Let's make it a fun experience," Tsubasa said.

"Spoken like a puppy, indeed," Eiichiro said before he froze upon noticing Tsubasa's glare.

"You're lucky we're best friends, Eiichiro!"

So this is how actual friends banter...

It's interesting to see people hurl insults at one another but feel no malice at the words they receive... such is the beauty of being connected, I suppose. This link between close friends allows them to have a degree of understanding over one another to the point that they can discern the intent within the words spoken to them.

I wonder if someday I will be able to naturally engage in a harmless banter with a friend.

It must be fun... sharing a bond like that with another person.



Those are two names that haven't crossed my mind for quite some time-- the only other people that I knew inside the White Room.

I wonder if they would be happy to see my progress.

These may simply be baby steps... but progress is still progress.

Isn't it?

"Kiyotaka, you're dozing off again, man!"

"Yeah, that's the second time you did it now, Kiyotaka-senpai. What's up?" Tsubasa asked.

I looked up at the ceiling, silently noting how the black ceiling directly contrasts with the one in the white room.

"Nothing that you guys should worry yourselves about."

"That's fine, Kiyotaka. You don't have to tell us if you're not comfortable, alright?"

"What he said! But if you want to have someone to listen to the things that are bothering you, you can definitely count on us! Right, Eiichiro?"

"That's right. You're our friend, Kiyotaka. Even if you still don't trust us yet, we have your back!"

I've read similar words in a few novels that I read in my spare time. When I read those lines, I did not feel anything at all...

But somehow, hearing them in person made me feel certain feelings.

Positive feelings, if I had to say so myself.

What's happening to me...

End of Chapter

A/N: I don't know if what I'm doing with Eiichiro and Kiyotaka makes sense from a relationship standpoint, but I thought that a guy like Kiyotaka, who has never received any sort of positive treatment from anyone, would use his first experience of such as to test out some of the theories he has had on how relationship dynamics between people work.

I've built Eiichiro to be a Hirata on steroids in terms of socialization (but without the baggage of leading someone to attempt suicide), so I thought that him being around Kiyo for almost a month would give Kiyo plenty of material to discern.

Of course, it is not possible to immediately undo the damage of the White Room on Kiyotaka's view of other people. That's why he's currently conflicted if Eiichiro is just a tool or if he is a valuable ally that he could eventually call a friend.

Now, onto puppy-chan. I don't know how 13-year-old puppy-chan would be, so I figured that since Eiichiro is still alive and is somehow this guy who's a ray of sunshine, it would also rub off on puppy-chan.

Perhaps it's a little fast for her to even declare that she wants to be friends with Kiyo, but keep in mind that they're middle schoolers. Kids simply decide that "Hey, I wanna be friends with you. You up for it?" and that's all they need.

Kiyo, who had been observing Eiichiro for almost a month and actively being taught not just by him but Matsuo as well, pertaining to human relationships, simply saw that it'd be simpler for him to call puppy-chan as his friend even if he didn't mean it... yet.