

About A Thousand Years Ago, The world was in shambles gods and humans were at odds with each other, this was a time noted in history as the great war. Humans had been fed up with the trickery and manipulation by the gods, so they brought together their greatest warriors and the war continued years after years until The ruler of the earth, Magnus, and The God of war, Ethon, decided to call a truce to the endless suffering of this war, Magnus had said to Ethon "What if we both give up something of which we hold dear to one another and make a pact not to interfere with either worlds business."

Ethon and Magnus were friends who had founded this close friendship in the midst of the war, so Ethon agreed almost instantaneously trusting his old friend The pact was made on paper and sealed with the power of the gods making it so that if broken by either party they will face heavens wrath, Ethon gave his godly rights as he had always wished to feel human and Magnus gave up his only sister, Alexandra, to Ethon and because the family was seen of high importance in the eyes of the gods.

The pact had been fulfilled, Ethon had no interest in Alexandra at least, in the beginning, he didn't, like any living creature Ethon could not help but get mesmerised by Alexandra's beauty, raven black hair, prism eyes, her eyes were like that of gems you could stare at them all day without rest but be warned if you stare for too long you just might never stop, her skin was as dark as wet sand and her smile was said to be able to make any bad mood turn good just like that Ethon fell in love with this woman from hair to her eyes to her lips to every corner, every curve and every inch of her being. He had completely fallen for her and so had she, She was able to see past the hard wall he had put around himself and find this loveable kind-hearted man, their love shone brightly that till this day songs and dramas are made after it.

But as the saying goes all good things must come to an END.

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