
Civilization system

Ajax, a 9 years boy who was in a army civilization camp, he was a brave boy. His only goal was to became a solder but from badluck he unfortunately was kicked out of the camp, he dint have any way for sirviving. Then something happened witch changed his life forever That thing made him a advanturer and marksman. Ajax trained a lot for becoming a good marksman and a fighter. He got weapons, armour, skills and levels to became overpowerd. But this was not enough for the hazards on the planet. This story is about ajax's journey and the troubles he faced.

Lakshmi_Sandeep · Anime et bandes dessinées
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76 Chs

The Attack

Ajax was not at all satisfied with the weapons he had got but still ajax thought it was no turning back.

Ajax was worried that Xplo will not come with ajax because of the weapons he got but aajx dicided if Xplo would not come also ajax is going to attack.

"Hey, i got the postion ajax"

"Hmm- G-Good give me" Xplo gave the postion to ajax

"Hey show the bombs"


The bombs were in the silver box from SB737 and Xplo opend the box and saw the three bombs and the granite"

"What the-! Only three BOMBS AND A GRANITE!"

Ajax got angry and said


Xplo got scared of that loud voice but still said "Bro, i am trying to put some sence in you brain that-"

"SHUT UP!" Ajax broke his words "I told YOU before! If you care about you damn fuc$#@# Life then don't join my plan and Shut the **** up and be here"

"Hey you moron- I- I- leave. I am ready to join your plan, if you want me to join then...."

Ajax dint say anything for minute and then said "Of course, i need you to join but you tho do all the hungama to attack"

"Im sorry, ok give you the MP5"

Ajax gave Xplo the MP5 And Ajax took his Uzi and the bombs.

Then they went towards the terrorists camp and after sometime they reached to camp.

There were so many bushes where they could hide so Xplo hid near a bush and Ajax hid behind a tree. Wolfie was trained and knew that how to hide in the bushes without getting spotted. In that place there was a huge building where the boss stayed and infront of the buildings there were so many camps where all of them stayed. Ajax pointed to xplo that he was ready and Ajax took one of the bomb and lit that and threw it near a tent and shouted "Shoot!" Xplo started shooting on the tents and the blood started coming out slowly by a tent.


The explosion destroyed 5 tents of that place. Hearing that explosion all the terrorists started rushing out to kill the person who did this.

"Look out! they must be hiding in the bushes!"

Some of them started shooting in the bushes was xplo was not at the place where they were shooting.

Ajax saw Wolfie and said

"Hey, Wolfie, now I am igniting another one and after the explosion you go to the building and kill the boss. It's really risky but I know you can do this" Ajax threw the postion on wolfie and he got invisible. Ajax lit another bomb and threw it on the terrorists but because of that they spotted ajax.

"Watch out!"

Before the bomb got blast, xplo shot as many bullets as he could on them and the bomb got blasted and more then 30% of them were killed in just 1 blast. More and more started rushing towards the tree where ajax was hiding. Now the thing ajax actually wanted only take place. Ajax ignited the granite and threw it on the terrorists and most of them got blasted and the remaining were injured. Xplo shot the injured ones. The terrorists were hiding behind the building and were waiting for the chance to shoot but ajax knew what he could do. Behind the camp there were many who had sword and axe exept a gun so ajax wanted to target them first so ajax slowly went near xplo without getting spotted because of the bushes. When ajax was so near that his voice could be heard by xplo, he said " Xplo, I need you to start shooting on them and I will use that time and kill those who doest have a gun, right?"

Xplo told" Fine, careful" After telling that xplo got out of the cover and started shooting the terrorists up on the building. Ajax dint waste a minute and rushed behind the building without them knowing from the bushes and trees. The swordmans spotted ajax and two of those 12 ran towards ajax. Ajax took his sword out and he swinged as hard as he could on a swordsman and his head was out of his body.


Another one tried to hit ajax but it was blocked by him and ajax stapped on another one.

All the other were scared and started backing off but ajax took his Uzi and shot all of them.

Ajax now took the last bomb he had and placed it near the wooden thing and if that breaks then most of the terrorists will fall of because that one was the floor of one of the rooms inside the building. Ajax ignited it and ajax ran far behind and saw that they shot xplo.

"What the!"

Ajax shot on them instantly and the bomb also got blast at the same time and most of them fell down from the blast and died.

"Hey, hey! boss- Boss had died" One of the terrorists shouted and all of them were panicked. Ajax dint waste time and started shooting on them but they started telling

"We surrender, We surrender"

But ajax dint have any mercy and went inside the building and shot every single one of them and they dint fight back and thier boss was already dead and now they cannot survive in this world so they choose to be killed by ajax. Ajax saw that one was still alive but ajax told

"Hey you piece of s*** I let you live. You go die by the monsters in this world."

He ran of from there and ajax ran to see xplo.